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LIF Infant

Member since 6/07 131 total posts
Name: Nadyne
Sleep help for DD who is 7 weeks!
For the last two weeks or so, my DD who is 7 weeks, has been fighting sleep to no end!... She doesn't nap, and when she does, it is for 20 minutes in someones arms, otherwise she will wake up when we transfer her (which we try each time!).... At night, she goes down for about three hours after an hour of soothing her, and then wide awake again at 3.... In total, she is probably getting less than 10 hours of sleep a day!.... Any suggestions on how to increase this? She apparently is so overtired... yawns all day long and is fussy.... Last night, she went down at 11, up by 1 and did not go back down until 4:30... and only for three hours! Thanks!
Posted 1/4/08 1:23 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07 16106 total posts
Name: Tina
Re: Sleep help for DD who is 7 weeks!
What do you feed her?
Posted 1/4/08 1:26 PM |
My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06 6551 total posts
Name: L
Re: Sleep help for DD who is 7 weeks!
I thankfully have a pretty good sleeper at night, but terrible napper, and he will get quite cranky. Sometimes I just have to put him down, and I time 15 minutes to see if he can get himself to sleep. MANY times he will get to sleep for a good 1/2 hour, which is a much needed break from mr. teething crankypants!
Posted 1/4/08 1:27 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 6/07 131 total posts
Name: Nadyne
Re: Sleep help for DD who is 7 weeks!
I BF... supply is good.. gained three pounds at last dr. visit... she doesn't cry... she is just awake! Only cries when I try to put her down, otherwise she wants to be walked around!
Posted 1/4/08 1:30 PM |
wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07 16106 total posts
Name: Tina
Re: Sleep help for DD who is 7 weeks!
Posted by NVC311
I BF... supply is good.. gained three pounds at last dr. visit... she doesn't cry... she is just awake! Only cries when I try to put her down, otherwise she wants to be walked around!
My dd did this, I found the 80's station on tv. did the trick for us. We would have to rock her in our arms to it, then after 10-15 mins of her sleeping then we could put her in co-sleeper. Now shes 15wks and we put her in her bounce seat or swing and she passes out, then we put in playyard for the night.
Posted 1/4/08 1:34 PM |
My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Re: Sleep help for DD who is 7 weeks!
My DD was this way too, esp. bad between 6 & 7 weeks. I found rocking/singing to her & then the white noise machine helped.
Also, it truly gets better in the not so distant future...after this type of behavior DD turned a switch & began sleeping through the night at 8 wks. She also began crying less & just was generally happier.
I hope the same holds true for you.
Posted 1/4/08 1:38 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/07 215 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Sleep help for DD who is 7 weeks!
My daughter was this way as well although she was a good sleeper at night. Unfortunately, we got her to use to the walking around and being up with her that now at 5 months we cannot put her down at all. She likes to play all day with a very small 1 hr nap a day. She doesn't mind being in her toys, excersaucer, bouncy, etc. but after 20 minutes she gets bored and starts to cry. So my advice is try to break the habit now.
Posted 1/4/08 1:45 PM |
baby boy coming spring '11
Member since 5/05 3133 total posts
Re: Sleep help for DD who is 7 weeks!
My DD is also 7 weeks. Sometimes she needs to be swaddled and she needs white noise. We'll either use a hair dryer or turn on a static channel on the TV. She refuses to sleep in her crib, so she either sleeps in her bouncy seat or the infant carrier in the snap and go. I rock her back and forth in it and put it near the TV for a nap. She's supposed to be napping right now, but she's awake. I think you just need to find what works. She's probably over tired and that's why she can't settle.
Posted 1/4/08 2:18 PM |