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Sleeping At Night Advice

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LIF Zygote

Member since 6/08

8 total posts


Sleeping At Night Advice

My son is now a little over two months old. He has been sleeping in his crib for the past 2 weeks and has been doing preety good with it. Usually waking up his normal every 4 - 4.5 hours to eat. Last night we rocked him to sleep at 8:30pm. I went in at 1am and he was out cold. (4.5 hours) I didn't know if I should try to feed him or "test the waters" and see how long he would go. For a couple of reasons we decided to try the feeding. We did so very quietly, gentially with no lights on. He pretty much slept through the entire feeding. We put him down after burping him and he slept until 6:30am (5.5 hours).

Obviously WE were thrilled to get almost 10 hours of sleep with little interuption but was that the right decision for the little guy. The "sleep feeding" at 1am worked great since he is usually a fussy eater if he's awake. By feeding him at 4.5 hrs, I just don't know if I am counteracting his normal progression to sleep through the night without a bottle.

Thanks for the advice...

Message edited 6/29/2008 7:49:40 AM.

Posted 6/29/08 7:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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life is good

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Re: Sleeping At Night Advice

I wouldn't wake him. He'll wake up if he's hungry. This is a good thing. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/08 7:53 AM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Re: Sleeping At Night Advice

I would leave him be. If he is getting enough milk during the day then he is probably content and sleeping through. GL!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/08 7:58 AM

So in Love....

Member since 3/07

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A Family of 4

Re: Sleeping At Night Advice

I was always told never to wake a sleeping baby....I just let my DD sleep but I am sure to have a bottle waiting for her when she wakes up in the morningChat Icon

Posted 6/29/08 7:58 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/08

8 total posts


Re: Sleeping At Night Advice

We thought that as well but we were torn....

A) On one hand, I could do the sleep feeding which would take about 20 minutes to complete. It would go smooth, no fuss, no mess, no crying!. We can put him right back into the crib after, etc.

B) On the other hand if we waiting for him to wake up. Then he is fussy, sometimes crying, gotta try to calm him down before feeding, takes longer to complete, etc.

For better or for worse, we went with choice A.....

Posted 6/29/08 8:04 AM

Where Does The Time Go?

Member since 11/07

4619 total posts


Re: Sleeping At Night Advice

I would "test the waters" one night and see what happens. I was so nervous the first time DS slept through the night. I kept getting up to make sure he was okay skipping his night time feeding. But once it happens- life gets so much better for you!

We also asked our pediatrician and he told us not to wake him when sleeping. If DS is really hungry, he'll cry.

Posted 6/29/08 8:23 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/08

99 total posts


Re: Sleeping At Night Advice

we used to do the "sleep" feedings as well and they were a life saver.

he would go down at about 7pm and then DH would feed him again before he went to bed at like 12am and we would get until about 6 or 7am the next morning.

We asked the Dr. and he said that was fine, up until they are about 3 months old or so.

Posted 6/29/08 8:51 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

154 total posts


Re: Sleeping At Night Advice


You go Daddy!!! That is soooo awesome!! How great would that be if Justin started sleeping and eating better??

I would test it out again tonight and see how it goes!!

Had fun last night!! Tyler woke up a few times last night for his Water Cup (Nice) and went right back to sleep. He is still sleeping now at 9:05.

Posted 6/29/08 9:06 AM

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