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Smoking by office doors question/advice needed

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<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

5796 total posts


Smoking by office doors question/advice needed

We have three entrances from our building to the parking lot- smokers stand right next to the doors and smoke- and those of us that dont smoke must walk through their cloud of smoke

I asked our HR department in November if they would make one of three a non-smoking entrance- and they responded that they would look into it and nothing has become of it

so my question is what can I or should I do? I like my job so I am looking to not makes waves but it really bothers me to have to walk through smoke every day three times a day!

Posted 4/12/10 1:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Smoking by office doors question/advice needed

I would follow up with HR. I'd at least ask them to create a smoking area outside the building or put up "smokers' poles" so smokers have to be a certain distance from the doors.

Posted 4/12/10 1:30 PM

Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06

6899 total posts


Re: Smoking by office doors question/advice needed

Smokers are not supposed to be within 25 feet of a doorway (or some distance like that).
Perhaps you could ask your HR dept again about putting up signs reminding smokers of this, and moving the ashbins (if there are any) further from the entrance. I know i've seen those signs outside many buildings.

You absolutely should not have to walk through any smoke at all - that's why the law is in place.

good luck!

Posted 4/12/10 1:32 PM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

5796 total posts


Re: Smoking by office doors question/advice needed

thank you both- thats what I was wondering if there was a law that prohibited this

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Posted 4/12/10 1:38 PM

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