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So, apparently, nice guilt can work too sometimes...

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

1173 total posts


So, apparently, nice guilt can work too sometimes...

I have a first period class of senior boys who all need a lot of help (passing the regents second time around) and a lot of TLC.

One, in particular, is very sweet but has a REALLY crappy home life. So in the beginning of the year (i.e. three weeks ago), he was coming on time. (It's EARLY for anyone but especially these boys, I think.) Then the punctuality started to dwindle, and this past Tuesday AND Wednesday, he walked in a HALF HOUR LATE.

So I held him after class yesterday to tell him that in addition to a multitude of other reasons why he needs to be on time for class for his own grade/attendance, the class is also much better for all of us -- myself included-- when he's there.

He was there 10 minutes BEFORE I was today. I love this kid. Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/08 1:02 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: So, apparently, nice guilt can work too sometimes...

awww...what a great way to get through!! just shows you what positive reinforcement can do!

Posted 9/19/08 4:12 AM

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