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So how is the school year so far for everyone????

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New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


So how is the school year so far for everyone????

Mine is ok. The kids are getting a little out of control lately. I seriously don't know how much of NYC Pub Schools I can take...but hey I have a job!

Posted 10/13/07 9:06 PM

Love my Jules :)

Member since 1/07

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Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

This year has been off to a quick start but tiresome!

Message edited 10/13/2007 9:12:13 PM.

Posted 10/13/07 9:11 PM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

Not too crazy about this year so far. It could definitely be worse so I don't want to complain too much, but I'm feeling myself burn out way too fast already. I have some crazy kids this year too. Last year was better so maybe that's why I feel this way.

Thanks for asking! Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/07 9:23 PM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

7650 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

LOVING this year... I love my class, I love my TA and most of all, I love the general ed. teacher who's room i push into. last year, i was made feel so unwelcome and pushed to the back of the room and craved for the times when i could pull my kids out so i could teach. this year, she is so special ed. friendly, my kids (severely LD and ED) are thriving socially and academically (the best they can) in her room because she cares about them and remembers to include me in her thoughts and plans...

negative... we lost our awesome principal and school psych. to retirement, but we're doing okay...

also, it's my tenure year and i am freaking a bit... i have no reason to doubt that i will get it, but you never know....

Message edited 10/13/2007 11:52:55 PM.

Posted 10/13/07 11:51 PM

So blessed!

Member since 11/06

10348 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

My year is going very well! For the most part, I love my kids. I love the teacher I collaborate with. I have a great schedule. We have a new principal and there is a new energy in the building. My job as union building rep is going well also.

And I have already had my two observations so I am done with observations for the year!

Posted 10/14/07 7:30 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1011 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

This is my first year teaching Kindergarten and I love it. My boys give me a run for my money but my girls are really well behaved.
The faculty I cannot stand anymore!! All I hear are some teachers talking behind other teachers's disgusting.

I also cant wait to leave Catholic school and finally teach in public. The Catholic school salary is not cutting it anymore!

Posted 10/14/07 8:51 AM

New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

Posted by TeeDee09

This is my first year teaching Kindergarten and I love it. My boys give me a run for my money but my girls are really well behaved.
The faculty I cannot stand anymore!! All I hear are some teachers talking behind other teachers's disgusting.

I also cant wait to leave Catholic school and finally teach in public. The Catholic school salary is not cutting it anymore!

WOW you would think people would be nicer in a Catholic school...I hope you get a public school job this yearChat Icon

Posted 10/14/07 8:57 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1011 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

Posted by beautyq115

Posted by TeeDee09

This is my first year teaching Kindergarten and I love it. My boys give me a run for my money but my girls are really well behaved.
The faculty I cannot stand anymore!! All I hear are some teachers talking behind other teachers's disgusting.

I also cant wait to leave Catholic school and finally teach in public. The Catholic school salary is not cutting it anymore!

WOW you would think people would be nicer in a Catholic school...I hope you get a public school job this yearChat Icon

Yeah you would think that! but they're not..i think they need a life lol!
I know public school or anywhere you work can be bad too but at least public school teachers are making more money. If i was making a salary i deserve i wouldn't care what the other teachers were like! Thanks for the Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/07 9:09 AM

-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06

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Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

Posted by beautyq115

Mine is ok. The kids are getting a little out of control lately. I seriously don't know how much of NYC Pub Schools I can take...but hey I have a job!

I feel the same way except my kids are a lot out of control lately. We have no back up in NYC. There is no real punishment or consequences for actions. I have called parents, held lunch detention, given 0's for classwork grades, I am out of ideas!

Posted 10/14/07 9:24 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/07

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Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

Posted by lilqtny

Posted by beautyq115

Mine is ok. The kids are getting a little out of control lately. I seriously don't know how much of NYC Pub Schools I can take...but hey I have a job!

I feel the same way except my kids are a lot out of control lately. We have no back up in NYC. There is no real punishment or consequences for actions. I have called parents, held lunch detention, given 0's for classwork grades, I am out of ideas!

Chat Icon Chat Icon
I'm having the same problem.
NYC schools are killing me. I give myself 2 more years, then I'm changing professions. (unless i get an out of classroom position like reading)

Posted 10/14/07 9:37 AM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

Posted by mdn13

Posted by lilqtny

Posted by beautyq115

Mine is ok. The kids are getting a little out of control lately. I seriously don't know how much of NYC Pub Schools I can take...but hey I have a job!

I feel the same way except my kids are a lot out of control lately. We have no back up in NYC. There is no real punishment or consequences for actions. I have called parents, held lunch detention, given 0's for classwork grades, I am out of ideas!

Chat Icon Chat Icon
I'm having the same problem.
NYC schools are killing me. I give myself 2 more years, then I'm changing professions. (unless i get an out of classroom position like reading)

I agree!!! I'm tired of dealing with crazy kids. I guess I should have expected that though! The kids don't care about passing, their parents don't care about anything having to do with their kid... our hands are tied! It's rough Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/07 12:31 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

Its going ok...its a little crazy, we started a new classroom this year, so we are still ironing out all the kinks and dealing with the admin bs.

Posted 10/14/07 3:49 PM

Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05

9252 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

eh. the kids are alright, but the parents are really high maintenance. I've been really anxious most of the year.

Posted 10/14/07 6:43 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

so far very good...minus the commute of course!

Posted 10/14/07 7:34 PM

2 under 2...whew!!

Member since 2/07

9876 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

My kids are great, but the amount of work required to teach in an NC public school is staggering. It's really sucking the life outta me. Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/07 7:35 PM

Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05

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Properly perfect™

Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

So far so kids are great compared to what I hear from other teachers. I feel like the year is going quickly

Posted 10/15/07 6:46 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/07

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queen of the jungle

Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

Posted by MrsRivera

My kids are great, but the amount of work required to teach in an NC public school is staggering. It's really sucking the life outta me. Chat Icon

Could you expand on this? DH and I talk about moving, and I always mention working in NC. What is it like? How is it different from NYC? I read your post about the wiping down of tables, so do you have other stories or examples? What kind of work do you mean that is different from NYC?

Posted 10/15/07 4:12 PM

Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05

1229 total posts


Re: So how is the school year so far for everyone????

My year is a bit overwhelming. This is the first time I am by myself in five years. For the last five years I've done inclusion. Overall, my kids are getting better and better each day. I am getting the hang of being "single" again. This is also the first year I have students going to ESL in my class. I have nine students out of 24 who speak another language. It is a challenge, but I am learning a lot. I miss inclusion so much. I learned so much.

Posted 10/15/07 9:17 PM

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