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So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

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So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

DD has gas issues - she screams bloody murder about 10 minutes after each feeding. The issues are not with burping, she farts ALOT. So we already switched to Nutramigen and haven't noticed any change yet (its been a full 7 days). We currently use Dr. Brown's bottles.

The doctor suggested either trying a new type of bottle or new nipple (latex vs. silicone, size, etc). Would either of these suggestions help reduce her farts? I thought these would help with burping? Should I go to size 2 nipple on Dr Browns or try a different bottle first? DD is 6 weeks. I have some drop ins here I can try.

I also asked if he is sure that its a milk allergy, maybe we need to just try Soy or Gentlease? He said if the new bottle or nipple doesn't work then come back in and we'll talk about Colic and Acid Reflux. I really don't see what excessive farting has to do with either. Am I just clueless? What am I missing?

Anyone have any success in going from Dr. Browns to some other bottle?

Sorry for all the questions, but I find your input very helpful.

Thanks Chat Icon

Message edited 1/12/2007 6:20:39 PM.

Posted 1/12/07 6:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My babies

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Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

Have you been giving her mylicon after each feeding? DD had bad gas issues and would scream like that after each bottle and it calmed down a lot when we were giving it to her after each feeding. Now I think her system matured more and she doesn't have the same gas issues and she just whines after eating just because she is a typical girl Chat Icon

I found Dr. Brown's to be the best - I rarely hear a gas bubble pass. Is she definitely not still hungry?

ETA: I wouldn't think it was colic because it doesn't last that long now right?

Message edited 1/12/2007 6:25:18 PM.

Posted 1/12/07 6:24 PM

My Everything

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Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

Dr Browns bottles were the best ones for us. Avent or drops ins didn't help us at all.
Gentlease was a great formula for us, so that might be worth a try.

Posted 1/12/07 6:24 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

Posted by Kitkat

Have you been giving her mylicon after each feeding? DD had bad gas issues and would scream like that after each bottle and it calmed down a lot when we were giving it to her after each feeding. Now I think her system matured more and she doesn't have the same gas issues and she just whines after eating just because she is a typical girl Chat Icon

I found Dr. Brown's to be the best - I rarely hear a gas bubble pass. Is she definitely not still hungry?

ETA: I wouldn't think it was colic because it doesn't last that long now right?

We stopped the Mylicon when we switched to Nutramigen (we were doing it before each feeding.) The mylicon helped alittle when she was on the Enfamil Lipil and now the Nutrimagen is giving her the same effect as Enfamil with Mylicon. Does that make sense? ETA: my doctor doesn't think mylicon does anything.

How would a size 2 nipplie or a latex nipple help?

I don't think its Colic either. The crying is only after eating.

Message edited 1/12/2007 6:30:40 PM.

Posted 1/12/07 6:28 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

I too just got home from the Dr and he did a test on her poopy to see if their were microscopic blood particles in her poopy which would mean a milk allergy
their wasnt any so he said we can try 15 formuls and it wont hurt her sometimes it takes a bit before yiou find which s=agrees with your child

he actually said to try good start with the comfort proteins and that some newborns dobest with this and then when they are 3mths or older you may go back to regular formula

Posted 1/12/07 6:29 PM

My babies

Member since 6/05

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Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

Hmmm not sure. The size 2 nipple I believe is for when the formula isn't coming out fast enough for hungry baby. The latex...I don't know why that would make a difference.Chat Icon Chat Icon

As far as the Mylicon goes - my ped said that we can give more than the recommended dose (sometimes I'd give .6) and it is totally fine. Also as soon as she's done eating, especially since she whines at me, I immediately take her for a walk around the house. I'm not sure if that helps the gas pass or anything, but it at least distracts her.

Posted 1/12/07 6:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

LeighAnn do you think its too late to test her for a milk allergy since she's already on Nutramigen? Should she have been tested prior to changing?

Posted 1/12/07 6:32 PM

my princess

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Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

Chat Icon Chat Icon I fell your pain my son was colicky and gassy and I tried everything. We had started with the Avent bottles and then switched to Dr. Browns.
I noticed some difference.

Posted 1/12/07 6:33 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

This same thing is happening to Jacob...he farts alot also and screams everytime also. We are going to a pediatric gastro next week. The pedatrician said that the type of bottle or nipple doesnt make a difference however other people that we spoke to said the opposite...we are just as confused Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/07 6:47 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

well I tried a Playtex Drop In since I had them here and figured what the heck it can't hurt. It's been 15 - 20 minutes and not a peep out of her.

We'll see after the 2nd bottle...maybe Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/07 6:51 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

Posted by Charly

well I tried a Playtex Drop In since I had them here and figured what the heck it can't hurt. It's been 15 - 20 minutes and not a peep out of her.

We'll see after the 2nd bottle...maybe Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

thats what I thought when we switched to the Gentlease she slept and she was quiet that first day but the next day she was back to crying again right after the bottle

I am not sure about the milk allergy test if you already have her on nutramigen.
Is she crunching up her legs a lot??? How iis her poop??
I thought DD had perfect poop(a soft little log) but Dr said it should be mushy like turnips....DD has always had llogs and he said its a constipated stool so this may be her problem

Posted 1/12/07 6:57 PM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

Posted by Charly

well I tried a Playtex Drop In since I had them here and figured what the heck it can't hurt. It's been 15 - 20 minutes and not a peep out of her.

We'll see after the 2nd bottle...maybe Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/07 6:58 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

ahhhh no luck. she had her little fit!!! these poor babies! why do so many babies have these problemsChat Icon

LeighAnn she never had logs. On regular formula she had very watery bowels, now on the Nutramigen its bright yellow and icing.

Posted 1/12/07 8:18 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

We switched DD to soy formula because she would scream and cry after each feeding...also gas. Our ped agrees with yours and the mylicon was doing nothing. From the very first day of putting her on the soy, she was much happier during feedings and we haven't had a problem since. We use avent bottles.

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Posted 1/12/07 9:33 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

SHe is having formula issues..not nipple issues IMO. When Molly was on formula while my bm supply was being increased she farted, had gas problems too. What about the Gentleease or a lactose-free formula? I would want her tested for a dairy allergy.


Posted 1/12/07 9:36 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

I just got back from getting her Good Start formula ....I will let you know how this one worksChat Icon
Iwish they could tell us whats wrong

Message edited 1/12/2007 11:07:59 PM.

Posted 1/12/07 11:06 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: So I called the doctor and now I'm more confused

Posted by MamaNDaddyof3

I just got back from getting her Good Start formula ....I will let you know how this one worksChat Icon
Iwish they could tell us whats wrong

Good Luck LeighAnn!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!!

Thank you everyone for your feedback. I gave the drop ins a 2 bottle try and it didn't help at all. I'm not sure if I should give it more time, but I'm convinced it has to be something with the formula. I'm going back to the ped on Monday.

Posted 1/12/07 11:42 PM

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