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BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06 10082 total posts
Name: Meaning a NON ttcer!
So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
...and at first I was confused. I saw the card in the box, and the return address and thought- Gee- why is this person sending me a card? It's not my birthday or anniversay- this is not someone who would send me a Thanksgiving card... hmmmm. Is it an invitation to something?
Then I opened it and saw it was a Christmas card.
Personally I feel it's a bit early to send them out BEFORE Thanksgiving. I am all for writing them out ahead of time- before the craziness of the holidays begin- but I would hold them aside and not mail them until at least Thanksgiving has passed....
But that's just me I guess!
Posted 11/26/08 10:29 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Happy Family of 4

Member since 5/08 5654 total posts
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
i agree that really early, i just started writting mine out last night,but wont be sending them until the 1st couple days in december
Posted 11/26/08 10:33 AM |
Let's Go Rangers!
Member since 1/07 14818 total posts
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
Wow!! I have mine already but I didnt write them out yet. I was thinking to myself that even December 1st is too early so I may wait until the second week of December.
Posted 11/26/08 10:33 AM |
Now Zagat Rated!

Member since 3/07 13217 total posts
Name: They call me "Tater Salad"
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
Wow, that's really early. I buy mine early and write them out a few at a time... but I don't send them out until usually the second week in December.
Posted 11/26/08 10:34 AM |

Member since 5/05 1965 total posts
Name: Leese
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
I'm usually very early but I am purposely waiting this year to see who sends to me on their own. My list is WAY too long and it needs to be cut down!
Posted 11/26/08 11:30 AM |
2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05 15287 total posts
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
That's too soon!!! What's the rush?? Let's have Thanksgiving first, then get into December, then mail Christmas cards.
Posted 11/26/08 11:34 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/06 1076 total posts
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
Too soon! I don't like to see xmas cards before December!
Posted 11/26/08 11:42 AM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
The only ones I have sent so far are the ones that had to go overseas.
Posted 11/26/08 11:44 AM |
Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06 13519 total posts
Name: Kerry
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
that is def. early!!! I still have to buy mine
Posted 11/26/08 11:49 AM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
That is really early!!! I don't even open any that come in before the beginning of the second week of December. I need a chance to get ready!
Posted 11/26/08 11:51 AM |
Member since 5/05 10425 total posts
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
I buy mine at the end of the season, so they are packed away with teh Christmas decorations. I won't even start writing them out untill around the 15th. My friends' mom used to send all of hers out the day after Thanksgiving. Sometimes it would still be Novemeber when they arrived & it would confuse me when I'd see it in her apartment.
Posted 11/26/08 11:52 AM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
I am really slacking this yr!!!!!! I need to get on the ball
Posted 11/26/08 12:23 PM |
BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06 10082 total posts
Name: Meaning a NON ttcer!
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
Posted by 5ofClubs
I am really slacking this yr!!!!!! I need to get on the ball
No you aren't! This person was TOO early. Like everyone said- getting Christmas cards before Dec 1st is a bit much! I am all for writing them out ahead of time- just don't mail them!
Posted 11/26/08 12:54 PM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
Wow!! Mine are addressed and ready to go, but I am not mailing them until around 12/5!
Posted 11/26/08 1:31 PM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: So I got my first Christmas Card in the mail yesterday
We got one last week!
I have to say, this year, I am READY...we got our pics two weeks ago and just have to address them...which I can very well possibly leave until the last minute!
But anything is better than last year...I think we sent them on 12/22!
Posted 11/26/08 1:53 PM |