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So we are still sick here...a question for BFers...

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


So we are still sick here...a question for BFers... Sidney got sick LAST friday (10 days ago). She had a runny nose, cough, fever, aweful diarreah and vomitting. She is over the worst parts now but it is still hanging on. MY DH had it first. My sister and my Dad caught it from Sidney and I have it too! So my question is about the fact that I can't eat anything. For the last 48 hours all I had was a few pieces of toast and ritz crackers. I BF and I am just worried about the fact that I am not eating or barely even drinking anything. I keep trying to drink water but it just wants to come back up. Sidney doesn't seem to have Diarreah anymore but now she is crying when she poops. Maybe she is just sore? I'm gonna keep trying to eat but man it is very hard to do. How bad is this for her?

Posted 2/26/06 2:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: So we are still sick here...a question for BFers...

I BF, and Julia and I are sick too with colds, I'm eating but not as much and the same for her, shes BF with out a problem. I'm sure if you just continue to BF she will get what she needs from you, just make sure you are getting fluids in. Hope you both feel better soon! Chat Icon

Posted 2/26/06 2:33 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: So we are still sick here...a question for BFers...

She may be sore from having diaherrea. The thing you need to watch out for is dehydration. I was sick (vomiting) while bf'ing Maddie. The pediatrician told me to continue to nurse as long as I have milk but to be sure to drink water.

Posted 2/26/06 3:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: So we are still sick here...a question for BFers...

My supply actually seems pretty bad today. It's great at night now cause she has been waking 6x a night for he past week. But around noon I seem to be empty. And she refuses cereal matter how liquidy I make it. PLUS she absolutely refuses Pedialyte...plain and 2 different flavors. I actualy pumped in the midle of the night the other day when she slept for a 2 hr stretch. Thought I should take advantage.

Posted 2/26/06 3:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

633 total posts


Re: So we are still sick here...a question for BFers...


So sorry to hear you're still under the weather. Cameron is running a fever today...her cousins were over this weekend and coughing all over her. At this rate we're never going to get to see each other!

Hope you're all feeling better soon. Spring is just around the corner!

Posted 2/27/06 11:34 AM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: So we are still sick here...a question for BFers...

I think your supply should be ok because even in low nutrition you can still bf your child- (people in ethiopia still do it)the nutrients will get to the baby however you may not feel well because any calories stored are being depleted for milk production. Your supply also increases at the time of day that the baby feeds the most so if its at night they your body makes more milk then- that happened to me alot.

Posted 2/27/06 12:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: So we are still sick here...a question for BFers...

Your body gives your baby the nutrition, you are the one who will not get it. It is only for a few days. If this was a long-standing problem that would an issue.

Posted 2/27/06 3:21 PM

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