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So what happens at a baseline mammography?

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My guys

Member since 5/06

2173 total posts


So what happens at a baseline mammography?

I just scheduled an appt.

Posted 9/4/07 8:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1280 total posts


Re: So what happens at a baseline mammography?

You just get a mammography. The doctors read it. Then at 40 they do another and compare. I don't think they hurt compared to what else we go through. Good Luck!

Posted 9/4/07 8:49 PM

My guys

Member since 5/06

2173 total posts


Re: So what happens at a baseline mammography?

Do you get the results right away?

Posted 9/4/07 8:50 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: So what happens at a baseline mammography?

I just had one. to answer yes it hurts but not so much when having it done as it will the next day-Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon They basically squash you like a pancake but they have too.
results - I got them right away, at the nassau radiologic on stewart ave. they take the pics then bring you back in if they see something which they did with me and give you results asap. I had to go and get a sonogram and see a breast surgeon- thank goodness it was nothing but have to go back in 6 months to make sure no change from the baseline.

good luck Chat Icon

edited to say I dont know if size matters with the pain. I am a DD and ouchy.

Message edited 9/4/2007 9:52:14 PM.

Posted 9/4/07 9:51 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: So what happens at a baseline mammography?

Size does matter. The tech at my mammography said that smaller breasted women have it worse becuase they may not have "enough" to actually squeeze. Im small and it hurt like hell.

Posted 9/4/07 10:08 PM

Fun in the Snow!

Member since 11/06

4512 total posts


Re: So what happens at a baseline mammography?

I had a baseline in the beginning of July, well, I actually had 2. The first one didn't hurt, but they saw what they believed to be a lymphnode near my armpit. They scheduled a sonogram, the radiologist said it looked like a lymphnode, but when my ob/gyn looked at it, she referred me to a surgeon.
The surgeon said I could either wait 6 months and go back for another mammo to see if anything changed, or I could have a needle biopsy. I elected to have the biopsy asap. The day after the biopsy, I had to have a mammo on the same breast b/c the surgeon put in a marker so the next time i have a mammo they know that spot was biopsied.

Good Luck

Posted 9/4/07 10:11 PM

Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

Member since 10/06

5913 total posts


Re: So what happens at a baseline mammography?

I had one done about a year ago. While uncomfortable to have someone handle your boobs like that, it did not hurt me.

Also, they make you put little stickers with a magnetic or metal bee bee on your nipples so that it picks up in the scan for the location.

It was very quick. And I got the results in a day or two and they also sent it in writing.

Posted 9/4/07 10:35 PM

Little Lady

Member since 5/07

5014 total posts


Re: So what happens at a baseline mammography?

Posted by Goldi0218

Size does matter. The tech at my mammography said that smaller breasted women have it worse becuase they may not have "enough" to actually squeeze. Im small and it hurt like hell.

Me too!! im a small B and it HURT. They have to try to squeeze as much of the fatty tissue under there.. and when you dont have enough, they start almost pulling your armpit fat under. Ugh so glad it's over and its 10 years until I have to get another!

Posted 9/5/07 9:29 AM

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