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Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
So what kind of driver are you?
You got a crummy record, a clean one, the traffic cops know you by name??
Message edited 6/20/2005 4:48:14 PM.
Posted 6/20/05 4:26 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05 31871 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
i am a speed demon. And the cops are familiar with me But i am lucky to not have gotten a ticket as many times i was pulled over
Message edited 6/20/2005 4:29:46 PM.
Posted 6/20/05 4:27 PM |
Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05 12023 total posts
Name: Sonia
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
DH is a great driver...his record is clean!! I don't drive.... It's true I hate it and I get panics and scarred.
Posted 6/20/05 4:29 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
Posted by LadyLainez
DH is a great driver...his record is clean!! I don't drive.... It's true I hate it and I get panics and scarred.
No driving? Do you have a licensce or is it you just don't want to?
Posted 6/20/05 4:30 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
DH says I'm a CRAZY driver.. he would know, since he's a maniac on the road
That said, I haven't EVER gotten a speeding ticket, and the last time I got a moving violation was well over 10 years ago
Now that I said this, watch I'll get pulled over tomorrow 
Posted 6/20/05 4:31 PM |
You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05 31871 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
My dad is a driving menace...I fear him driving
Posted 6/20/05 4:34 PM |
My Love!

Member since 5/05 2375 total posts
Name: Shandra
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
I drive fast sometimes and get PO'd when people are slow in front of me or can't make up their mind.
I never had a moving violation.
Posted 6/20/05 4:35 PM |
Member since 5/05 4002 total posts
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
My FH says I drive like a date, I've never been pulled over. (Watch, I'll get a ticket tonight!)
Posted 6/20/05 4:37 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
I should be on the Autobon...I am a leadfoot
Had one accident 8 years ago with a tractor trailer on my way back to college. Drove from Jersey to PA with my car falling apart
Posted 6/20/05 4:38 PM |
Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05 24460 total posts
Name: Tania
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
my record is clean since I have never driven before. that will change soon though.
Posted 6/20/05 4:38 PM |
Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05 12023 total posts
Name: Sonia
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
well, I got as far as my Learner's permit and I have driven before....but I just get panic attacks. I get so scarred and my haert starts racing and it's really bad. I choose not to drive and not get my license yet. It's pretty sad...but maybe one of these days I'll get the "cojones" to go for my road test. I've scheduled and reschuled so many times.....
Posted 6/20/05 4:40 PM |
Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05 12023 total posts
Name: Sonia
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
Posted by Aliasmom
my record is clean since I have never driven before. that will change soon though.
OMG is that why we get along so well!!!!
Posted 6/20/05 4:41 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
Posted by LadyLainez
Posted by Aliasmom
my record is clean since I have never driven before. that will change soon though.
OMG is that why we get along so well!!!!
So I guess you guys rely on public transportation and DH?
Posted 6/20/05 4:43 PM |
Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05 12023 total posts
Name: Sonia
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
yeah, I do. It's not as bad as it sounds...I'm close to everything so I'm within walking distance of most things. But I promised myself that I would get my license this summer. I have to do it...I never really felt the urge to mom wonders where she went wrong
Posted 6/20/05 4:45 PM |
Member since 5/05 18919 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
I am a decent driver, but I don't like to drive. I do it b/c I have to and it's a means of transportation. When DH and I are going somewhere together, he almost always drives.
I am a middle of the road driver...the right lane is too slow, the left lane is too fast. Kind of the way I am with most things in my life..balanced somewhere in the middle.
Posted 6/20/05 4:45 PM |
Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05 24460 total posts
Name: Tania
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
Posted by Moehick
Posted by LadyLainez
Posted by Aliasmom
my record is clean since I have never driven before. that will change soon though.
OMG is that why we get along so well!!!!
So I guess you guys rely on public transportation and DH?
pretty much, but we don't even have a car Yet but that will change soon.
Tell me about it.
Posted 6/20/05 4:48 PM |

Member since 5/05 5208 total posts
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
I am an aggressive driver... learned from my dad who is a retired cop. Most cops have a lead foot when driving- I inherited that...
Posted 6/20/05 4:48 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
NEver ever got a speeding ticket
Posted 6/20/05 4:48 PM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
I've been told I have a lead foot but I only seem to get caught when driving by schools. I try to avoid them now!
Posted 6/20/05 4:49 PM |
To a healthy 2013

Member since 5/05 21840 total posts
Name: To a brand new year to a healthier me
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
oh yea the cops all know me by name! thats what happens when you are friends with them through your sister ! ( she is a policeofficer) they think i am her half the time and i just wave at them and i dont get tickets.
Posted 6/20/05 5:59 PM |
But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
Well I like to speed but never got a ticket (in ny at least Got on in Florida for doing 92 in a 70) or an accident.
Mike on the other hand
Posted 6/20/05 6:00 PM |
22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05 13659 total posts
Name: And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
squeaky clean
Posted 6/20/05 6:02 PM |
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
I got a speeding ticket on Nicolls Rd for going 72.. which if you travel that road you know that is slow for there. But I have to say I am a very aggressive driver and I am lucky I haven't gotten pulled over more!
Posted 6/20/05 7:50 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
I've never gotten a ticket, but I just think I've been very lucky, because I do tend to drive on the fast side.
Posted 6/20/05 7:51 PM |
Me and the guys

Member since 5/05 4024 total posts
Name: Heidi
Re: So what kind of driver are you?
I have not had a car since moving to NYC. Back in TN. the parking police knew me by name. Especially the campus police. I swear they followed me around. Even across the state.
Posted 6/20/05 7:52 PM |
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