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So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

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Chase is one!

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So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

I need some happiness and cheer!Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/08 9:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 6/06

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Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

Scooting around on his butt to get to where he needs to go, b/c he is he11 bent on not crawlingChat Icon

When i tell him to wave bye bye to the daycare teacher, he grabs onto me and waves (well, that's cute to meChat Icon )

Just being a happy boy.

How's Ava doing?Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/08 9:22 PM

Changing everyday

Member since 1/08

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Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

when my husband asks my DS "where is mommy?" , he looks around the room until he finds me and then smiles and giggles when he sees me Chat Icon

Message edited 3/12/2008 9:23:09 PM.

Posted 3/12/08 9:22 PM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

8356 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

Well, DD waved to me for the first time today when I dropped her off at daycare!

Earlier this evening, I walked upstairs to find DD laughing hysterically because DH was blowing raspberries on her belly.

And, she fingerpainted at daycare today!! Almost 7 months and she's fingerpainting! I thought it was so cool!

I hope that cheered you up!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/08 9:23 PM

Mommy of 2

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Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

I'm so glad I'm on tonight and I get to share this.

Bella just discovered the phone and pretends to have a conversation. But her conversation is always the same.

"Hawaaiieee"(we think it means how are you)
"bye" ( in the lowest baby voice I ever heard)

It cracks me up everytime!!

Posted 3/12/08 9:26 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

DD has been trying to mimic the Old McDonald song.....well...the E-I-E-I-O part anyway. The letters come out of her mouth all jumbled up's adorable! I-E-E-O

She just started saying P.U. So if she notices that either DH or I have our feet near her, she says P.U. and waves her hand in the air like she is trying to waft the smell away.

Posted 3/12/08 9:28 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

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Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

DD started to clap tonight, when we say, "clap hands" & then she gets all excited.

She also LOVES her horse & its the first thing she looks for when she wakes up (we just brought it out from a my parents' house a week ago).

This is all she does...(looks at it) & then gets super excited waving her arms & screeching

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 3/12/08 9:37 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

kissing EVERYTHING! And he even does the muuuaaahhhh.

Getting "the wiggles out" to yo gabba gabba.

Carrying around his Dora blanket everywhere he goes!!!!!!!!

Saying "let's go" and "goo niii" *good night*

I find those little things soooooo cute!

Posted 3/12/08 9:47 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

Ryan has been dancing up a storm. Even a little song on a commercial- there he is- shaking his tooshy away! His new favorite thing to dance to is Yo Gabba Gabba... he can really get down with his bad self! Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/08 10:00 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

Dd is calling us mom and dad instead of mommy and daddy, which an improvement from last week when she was calling us by our first names.

Posted 3/12/08 10:02 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

he loves running around in his crocs naked. He's like a streaker. If Leo is in the living room, he runs in there screaming and laughing with nothing but crocs on.

he warns me all day long now that things are "hot"

Posted 3/12/08 10:41 PM


Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

This week matthew learned to clap his hands. Also, he put out his arms when you say "up". I'm a proud momma!

Posted 3/12/08 10:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

Andy is obsessed with Blues Clues, so if I sing the mail song he screams out "MAIL!" at the end.

And he will walk around with one of the toy phones yelling into it "HELLO!" over and over.

Sarah has been learning nursery rhymes at school so she's been singing those all the time now. She looks so proud of herself when she finishes a song.

Posted 3/12/08 10:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

Posted by SweetCin

DD started to clap tonight, when we say, "clap hands" & then she gets all excited.

She also LOVES her horse & its the first thing she looks for when she wakes up (we just brought it out from a my parents' house a week ago).

This is all she does...(looks at it) & then gets super excited waving her arms & screeching

How cute is she? And that horse is beautiful!

Posted 3/12/08 10:47 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

Gracie's sayings...

"ewyyeee-don-no" (I don't know)
"ewyyyee-wan-at" (I want that)
"ickskey NO!" (Dixie, NO! - Our dog is Dixie and she tells her no when Dixie tries to go near her toys)
"wuvvv ewwwu" (love you)

So heres a typical five minutes in our house..

Me: Grace, Where is your sippy cup?

Grace: ewyyeee-don-no (shrugging her shoulders)

Me: here it is, on the floor. (I proceed to put it into the sink to clean it)

Grace: ewyyyee-wan-at! ewyyyee-wan-at! ewyyyee-wan-at! (As she is running after me)

**insert screaming fit here** (3 minutes)

Grace: (after she calms down and starts playing with her play kitchen) ickskey NO! ickskey NO!

Me: Grace, Dixie is not even near your toys, please don't yell at her she did nothing wrong, OK?

Grace: OK Mommieee. ickskey NO! ickskey NO!

Me: Grace, please stop yelling at dixie. Give her a kiss and say sorry.

Grace: wuvvv ewwwu icksey. mmmmahw (a kiss for dixie)

Me: Can mommy have a kiss too?

Grace: ewyyeee-don-no. OK Mommieee mmmmahw

Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/08 10:53 PM


Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

Posted by dandr10199

Gracie's sayings...

"ewyyeee-don-no" (I don't know)
"ewyyyee-wan-at" (I want that)
"ickskey NO!" (Dixie, NO! - Our dog is Dixie and she tells her no when Dixie tries to go near her toys)
"wuvvv ewwwu" (love you)

So heres a typical five minutes in our house..

Me: Grace, Where is your sippy cup?

Grace: ewyyeee-don-no (shrugging her shoulders)

Me: here it is, on the floor. (I proceed to put it into the sink to clean it)

Grace: ewyyyee-wan-at! ewyyyee-wan-at! ewyyyee-wan-at! (As she is running after me)

**insert screaming fit here** (3 minutes)

Grace: (after she calms down and starts playing with her play kitchen) ickskey NO! ickskey NO!

Me: Grace, Dixie is not even near your toys, please don't yell at her she did nothing wrong, OK?

Grace: OK Mommieee. ickskey NO! ickskey NO!

Me: Grace, please stop yelling at dixie. Give her a kiss and say sorry.

Grace: wuvvv ewwwu icksey. mmmmahw (a kiss for dixie)

Me: Can mommy have a kiss too?

Grace: ewyyeee-don-no. OK Mommieee mmmmahw

Chat Icon

Chat Icon OMG, I love every minute of this. It's too funny. Can't even believe that matthew and I are going to have these conversations one day.

Posted 3/12/08 10:56 PM

lifes many lil twisted curves

Member since 10/07

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Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

i have one for you.. joseoh picke up his play pliers grabbed anthonys tongue with it and wouldnt let go!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

it funny now!!Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/08 11:00 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

Well, at my sonogram, Jared asked me if I was going to get changed (like the way I change his diaper).Chat Icon

And he told me to put my pants back on when I was sitting on the table...Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/08 11:16 PM

Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

4648 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

pooping standing up!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/08 11:33 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

I talk to Dylan in a very wacky Elmer Fudd type voice and I tell him all about how I know he loves to spit up. I go through a long list of places he has spit up. I tell him how often he spits up and all the things he has spit up on. We have a whole conversation about spit up, with me talking in this voice.

This talk makes my baby laugh out loud every time I do it. He is a tiny 5 month old and his laugh is hysterical. I need to tape this, don't I?

Posted 3/13/08 12:20 AM

Stop kissing me!

Member since 5/05

2636 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

She walks around the house saying "That's awesome!" We have no clue where she learned this.

My DH also taught her "The Rangers are good" and "The Islanders are stinky" Chat Icon. A few days ago she said" Daddy, Islanders are stinky. We need to change their diaper."

Message edited 3/13/2008 6:35:19 AM.

Posted 3/13/08 6:34 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

Applaud at the sound of pee pee on the potty. Then run around the kitchen table in full celebration Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/08 7:12 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

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Alex's teachers tell me she's talking a storm about her trip, particularly about her little boyfriend whom she danced with in the Bar every night Chat Icon

That, and she's making up songs now. Last night she made up a song about our Dog, Sparky.

"Sparky is a dog. Sparky in street. Sparky hit by car. Sparky has BIG booboo. Sparky goes timeout" It's quite humorous when it's set to the Twinkle, Twinkle little star melody Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/08 8:42 AM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

He has been laughing at a few of the puppets on his Baby Mozart DVD. It is the cutest thing ever Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/08 8:51 AM

Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05

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Re: So, what silly, funny, cute things are your kids doing this week?

Well thanks to the books we've been reading lately, when I ask them if they know how much i love them, they both put their hands up real high and say "MUCH" (from guess how much i love you) and they now read along with me to 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed - they love shaking their pointer finger and saying "no more monkeys jumping on that bed".

Posted 3/13/08 9:06 AM

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