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So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

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LIF Infant

Member since 9/10

163 total posts


So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

I'm sure I am not alone. Chat Icon

Who else here discovered they were pregnant when they were NOT TTC? How did you take the news? How about DH?

I'm still in utter and complete shock.

Posted 9/23/10 4:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

Mine was a surprise.. although a few days before I tested I just KNEW i was pregnant. When I got my BFP we both kind of just stared at it like "really?!" then went out to breakfast to celebrate and just kept saying "omg I cant believe it".. He was beyond thrilled, I was happy but nervous!

Posted 9/23/10 4:11 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/10

163 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

See now I was the opposite.

I thought, "I will just take this test and I bet it will be negative and my period will finally come, like all the other times I take a test when my period is late."

When the second line popped up, I thought I was seeing double.
Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/10 4:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/09

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Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

We were surprised, but mostly because we had been TTC for 9 months and every month it was negative. We just got used to them being negative after awhile. I thought I was making it up when I saw the second line. When I took the digital I nearly fainted.

Posted 9/23/10 4:23 PM

our little monkey butt

Member since 6/10

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Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

totally a surprise for us...absolute BC failure!

dh wasn't so thrilled and honestly neither was i but after the first sono we were both in love!!!! Chat Icon

funny how bad you don't realize you want something until it actually happens

Posted 9/23/10 4:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/10

163 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

Posted by babyonboard2010

funny how bad you don't realize you want something until it actually happens

You are preaching to the choir!

I thought I was going to be more freaked out and upset. But right now I'm ecstatic. So crazy!

Posted 9/23/10 4:31 PM

our little monkey butt

Member since 6/10

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Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

Posted by 5MinutesPreggy

Posted by babyonboard2010

funny how bad you don't realize you want something until it actually happens

You are preaching to the choir!

I thought I was going to be more freaked out and upset. But right now I'm ecstatic. So crazy!

just gets better!!!

Posted 9/23/10 4:35 PM

Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07

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Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

Mine was only a "surprise" in that it took 19 months and many, many rounds of IF treatments before I finally conceived my son, and then this time, we weren't trying, but didn't think it would be possible for me to just get PG on our own!! But I did! So DS and DC#2 will be 13.5 months apart Chat Icon

We are BEYOND happy because we just didn't think it would be possible Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/10 4:38 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/10

163 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

Posted by KrisT

Mine was only a "surprise" in that it took 19 months and many, many rounds of IF treatments before I finally conceived my son, and then this time, we weren't trying, but didn't think it would be possible for me to just get PG on our own!! But I did! So DS and DC#2 will be 13.5 months apart Chat Icon

We are BEYOND happy because we just didn't think it would be possible Chat Icon

Awww that is FANTASTIC!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/10 4:40 PM

Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07

5213 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

Posted by 5MinutesPreggy

Posted by KrisT

Mine was only a "surprise" in that it took 19 months and many, many rounds of IF treatments before I finally conceived my son, and then this time, we weren't trying, but didn't think it would be possible for me to just get PG on our own!! But I did! So DS and DC#2 will be 13.5 months apart Chat Icon

We are BEYOND happy because we just didn't think it would be possible Chat Icon

Awww that is FANTASTIC!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Thanks so much and congrats to you Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/10 4:45 PM

In love with my little man!!

Member since 8/10

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Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

We were trying but I guess your whole life when you get BFN - you just expect it
When I got the bfp, I ran to the store to get a couple of diff brands of tests to make sure that it was correct
I am 11w and I am still in shock and don't believe it

Posted 9/23/10 4:51 PM

you rang?

Member since 6/08

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Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

Mine was. I was actually at my annual gyn appt and just asked for a rx for new bc pills because I had just finished nursing DS (he was 15 months). She asked if I knew I wasn't pg, I said I wasn't but that it wasn't something I could bet my life on, so she said ok let's just test your urine just in case to be safe. I went up to pay my copay and the nurse came and grabbed me and said, Um- it's positive. I nearly dropped. Once it sunk in we were thrilled, but it definitely wasn't planned.

Posted 9/23/10 5:00 PM

Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

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Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

Posted by ruby

Mine was. I was actually at my annual gyn appt and just asked for a rx for new bc pills because I had just finished nursing DS (he was 15 months). She asked if I knew I wasn't pg, I said I wasn't but that it wasn't something I could bet my life on, so she said ok let's just test your urine just in case to be safe. I went up to pay my copay and the nurse came and grabbed me and said, Um- it's positive. I nearly dropped. Once it sunk in we were thrilled, but it definitely wasn't planned.

WOW what a story!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!

My BFF was on BC but she felt herself ovulate that month but didn't believe it... BC fail happens! She's due 3 1/2 weeks after me.

Posted 9/23/10 5:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3034 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

i was definitely surprised. it was our first month trying and i thought for sure we timed it wrong and didn't bd nearly enough. guess i was wrong!

Posted 9/23/10 6:17 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/10

98 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

Posted by phoenix913

i was definitely surprised. it was our first month trying and i thought for sure we timed it wrong and didn't bd nearly enough. guess i was wrong!

Same here. My dr told me to be prepared that it may take a few months, that 15% of couples conceive every month.

On top of that, I REALLY thought my period was coming. I would have sworn money that AF was on her way!

Posted 9/23/10 6:26 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 12/09

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Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

We were planning on startiing the try the month after we got PG. We were being careful cause we were aiming for the spring. I somehow convinced my DH (and myself) that I was not in my "fertile" time. Next thing I know a friend of mine made a comment about my boobs getting bigger. I took the test and lo and behold there were two lines. I was in shock.

We were "trying" to wait. lol.

Posted 9/23/10 6:27 PM

She is the cutest Island EVER!

Member since 8/08

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Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

Posted by gporka23

Mine was a surprise.. although a few days before I tested I just KNEW i was pregnant. When I got my BFP we both kind of just stared at it like "really?!" then went out to breakfast to celebrate and just kept saying "omg I cant believe it".. He was beyond thrilled, I was happy but nervous!

Exactly my situation! Now I'm over the moon! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/10 6:35 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

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Jesss, duh.

Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

I got pregnant this time on our first month of trying. But had no idea it was twins!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/10 6:40 PM

Love my babies

Member since 4/10

4201 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

I was def suprised! We werent trying but we wrent preventing either. I never in a million years thought I would get pregnant so fast and either did DH but we couldnt have been more thrilled!

Posted 9/23/10 6:59 PM


Member since 8/07

3880 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

We weren't actively TTC, but I knew if I got pg anytime after that month my DC would be 2 years apart which is what I had always wanted. I used an OPK with my DD, and didn't do anything with this pregnancy except good timing, I guess! Chat Icon
I felt the implantation cramps days before my BFP and I had insomnia so bad (that happened the 1st time too!) , so I just knew I was pregnant. I used dollar store tests (only used digitals the first time around) and they kept coming up negative. I was Chat Icon Chat Icon to say the least. Since I wasn't actively planning on getting pregnant that month I was more confused than upset with the BFN. I was testing a day or so before AF was due, so I let it go and tested on the actual day, with a digital and within 30 seconds, "Pregnant" popped up! It was Easter morning and I was so happy!!! My DH was shocked to say the least, but only because I literally told him if I got pregnant within the next few months the kids would be 2+ years apart and then 14 days later I had a BFP staring him in the face! Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/10 7:39 PM


Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

this pregnancy was a welcomed surprise. We weren't TTC, we were both surprised but we were also both happy about it.

Posted 9/23/10 9:58 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/10

163 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

All such great stories!

Obviously we knew that if we were not using any type of birth control, a pregnancy could be possible. BUT I did not think we Chat Icon during a time I would be Oing, so I just did not even think of it.

Definitely a pleasant surprise.

Posted 9/23/10 10:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1687 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?


I was SHOCKED. We were trying NOT to. I took the test just because I figured it was my head getting to me and that's why I wasn't getting AF. I figured once I took the test, I'd get AF 5 minutes later. I was floored when it was positive.

To be honest, I cried. I was so shocked and it just wasn't in the plans...financially, etc. I was so worried.

But here I am... one week from my due date! And I'm so excited and feel so lucky.

Congrats... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/24/10 8:07 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/10

107 total posts


Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

It was definitely a surprise... We were prepared just in case because I stopped BC after our 1 yr. anniversary. I figured if it were meant to be then great. We had no idea it would happen so quick (It's only been 2 months). We also figured that there is never going to be a "good" time; financially or in our schedules - we are just going to work it out. DH was beyond excited and we jumped up and down holding each other like 5 yr. olds xmas morning. I can't wait to tell everyone!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/24/10 8:41 AM

Baby Girl

Member since 6/09

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Re: So who else's pregnancy was a little bit of a surprise?

Ours was a surprise! We were not trying. We weren't really preventing either. I think we only had truly unprotected Chat Icon three times ... ever.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/24/2010 8:43:32 AM.

Posted 9/24/10 8:43 AM

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