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Social Skills groups

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/14

597 total posts


Social Skills groups

My DD is 4 1/2 (almost 5) this is her first year in school and she is having some anxiety issues, she is very shy and apprehensive around new people.

I am looking for a social skills group for her, but having difficulty finding one that takes children her age- we are in Suffolk does anyone know of any group for her age?


Posted 11/15/18 11:24 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 1/19

8 total posts


Re: Social Skills groups

I am always looking for social skills groups and always surprised when I google enough - they are out there! I believe these groups are EXTREMELY helpful for many reasons - not only for our kids, but also for us Moms to talk to other Moms who can relate to what we are going through. I am only familiar with ones in Nassau, but did a search in Suffolk. Hopefully they have groups that are still active or they can recommend one!

Good luck!

Posted 1/9/19 2:48 PM

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