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LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 525 total posts
Name: Allison
songs to sing to the baby
Help me mommies!!! I always sing the same songs to the baby... What other ones are there? Here are the ones we sing regularly: ABCs Twinkle Twinkle little star You are my sunshine Old McDonald The itsy bitsy spider THe hokey Pokey (sp?) If you're happy and you know it Thanks
Posted 9/14/05 9:08 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 2314 total posts
Re: songs to sing to the baby
We sing those songs plus I try to mix in
Patty Cake B-I-N-G-O Head Shoulders Knees and Toes This little piggy..... The wheels on the bus go round and round
She also likes if I count to 10 on my fingers and then play peek-a-boo
I have to say Old McDonald is the favorite around our house!
Posted 9/14/05 9:22 AM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: songs to sing to the baby
10 little monkeys jumping on the bed...(is that a song??) I also sing some of the songs that are in the cartoons on Noggin.
Posted 9/14/05 9:30 AM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: songs to sing to the baby
ABC's are by far his favorite.
If you are happy and you know if (another favorite) BINGO (or K-E-V-I-N as he seems to prefer) Old McDonald Wheels on the Bus Head Shoulders Knees and Toes This little Piggy Do you ears hang low Itsy bistey spider The farmer and the dell bend and stretch the ants go marching bears in the bed
I have a cd of songs with name in it someone got me as a gift and we sing those songs too.
Posted 9/14/05 9:37 AM |
Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05 7740 total posts
Name: Sharon
Re: songs to sing to the baby
Hush little baby and Ms. Mary Mac
Message edited 9/14/2005 10:05:58 AM.
Posted 9/14/05 10:05 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: songs to sing to the baby
Message edited 8/31/2011 4:15:51 PM.
Posted 9/14/05 11:37 AM |
Re: songs to sing to the baby
I sing some of the songs previously mentioned, though I have a real hard time remembering all the words sometimes Not that he would notice.
I often make up songs, anything sung in a sing song voice he loves
Posted 9/14/05 1:09 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 525 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: songs to sing to the baby
Posted by -DonnaMarie-
I sing some of the songs previously mentioned, though I have a real hard time remembering all the words sometimes Not that he would notice.
I often make up songs, anything sung in a sing song voice he loves
HAHAH i do the same thing but I am worried that when he goes to school he is going to be singing the wrong lyrics!
Thanks ladies you mentioned a lot that I had forgotten about
Posted 9/14/05 10:11 PM |
My girls

Member since 7/05 4303 total posts
Re: songs to sing to the baby
This site has lyrics to a ton of kids songs:
Message edited 9/15/2005 7:31:10 AM.
Posted 9/15/05 7:30 AM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: songs to sing to the baby
I sing alot of the songs that are mentioned above but I also sing
Baby Face (you got the cutest little baby face no one else can ever take your place baby face ) you get the idea
blue bird ( blue bird blue bird through my window)
rock a by baby
some of the songs that she watches on barney.
Posted 9/15/05 3:21 PM |