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Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

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Member since 1/08

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Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

How many pics did you get to take home with you?

At each of my sonos (9w, 12w & 20w) I only got 2 pics each time. At first this did not bother me, but @ 20 weeks (the anatomy scan) the sono tech gave me 2 pics that were exactly the same which were just of the baby looking at us. She did not give us the "money shot or any other shots & DH was disappointed. He didn't think we had to "ASK" for the money shot. She was printing so many pictures for my files, we thought we would have gotten copies of more than just one shot. She did not give us the pics until I was already off the table, so by then it was too late get more pics.

I don't get another sono until 32 weeks, which I assume is a growth sono. We are just disappointed. I know we can get the 3D/4D sono done, but we do not want to spend money on that because it is not cheap.

Message edited 7/22/2008 10:06:04 AM.

Posted 7/22/08 9:58 AM
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Member since 6/07

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Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

i am sorry that your techs haven't been giving you good pics... i know that both techs that work at my dr's office are amazing, and they give as many good pics as they can get - we usually go home with at least 3 if not more, and always a profile and a "money shot"

i would definitely say something next time you go, mention that you are making an album or scrapbook or something and you would like some good shots Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/08 10:03 AM

Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07

1718 total posts


Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

At our 8-week sono we got 3 or 4 pics, at our 12-week we got 4 or 5, and at our 20-week we got at least 8. I guess it depends on the tech.

Posted 7/22/08 10:04 AM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

I got:
One at my 8 week sono
Two at my 12week sono
TWELVE at my 20week sono

She (the tech) said she was going to get in trouble for giving me so many pictures at my 20week. I don’t know why she did it (of course I didn’t argue) but it was a HUGE un-interrupted string of pictures. So many that they went from mid-torso to the floor when I unrolled them!

I have my growth sono next Thurs (at 34weeks) and I suspect I won’t get more than one or two. *shrug* I don’t know this was never such a big deal for me.

To me - she looks scary in there…. *shrug*

Posted 7/22/08 10:09 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

My techs pretty much give us whatever we want because we ask. There are so few times we go through this I am not afraid or embarrassed to as for what I want. They actually ended up giving us a disc so we get every shot they take. I've had 3-d pics and all the shots they've taken-probably about 40 in all. If you are not getting what you want...ASK-you are the "customer"

Posted 7/22/08 10:18 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

I'm sorry to hear thatChat Icon . Our sono girl is GREAT, she honestly gives us no less than 7 each time and we've had quite a few this pregnancy. I have way more than I know what to do with! Is it in a drs office? maybe that has to do with it. Whenever she gives them to us she tells us to hide them so they can't see how many we've gotten. When we went for our growth sono, our regular girl wasn't there and the girl in for her didn't give us any!Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/08 10:39 AM

My loves

Member since 3/06

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Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

I got 4 from my 20 week sono and they are all profile head shots.

Posted 7/22/08 10:40 AM


Member since 8/07

10682 total posts


Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

i had the same expereience. I got a lot of pics for my 11 week sono but at my level II I got 3 horrible pics. You cant even tell what anything is.

I feel your pain Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/08 10:42 AM

big sister status may 2012!!

Member since 5/08

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Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

i'm sorry! at our first she gave us one, at the nuchal sonogram she gave us like 5 i'd say...hey, if she printed a bunch out for your medical file why don't you ask to get copies of them? i mean it IS your file, right? maybe talk to the dr and tell him/her how disappointed you were that you didn't get many pictures for your scrapbook album (or make something else up!) and tell him/her that you want to get the copies. Chat Icon good luck sweets!

Posted 7/22/08 10:43 AM


Member since 1/08

3355 total posts


Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

Posted by bonitachyc

i'm sorry! at our first she gave us one, at the nuchal sonogram she gave us like 5 i'd say...hey, if she printed a bunch out for your medical file why don't you ask to get copies of them? i mean it IS your file, right? maybe talk to the dr and tell him/her how disappointed you were that you didn't get many pictures for your scrapbook album (or make something else up!) and tell him/her that you want to get the copies. Chat Icon good luck sweets!

Thanks, for the responses ladies. I would hav asked while Iwas on the table, but she was printing so many I thought she was printing extras for us, but foundout after the fact that they were all for my files. When I asked for copies, she said she can't give them to me. I will talk to the doctor when I go back for my 24w appt.

Posted 7/22/08 10:48 AM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

I had very few from my DD. I feel so bad since she only has a couple. My doc has such old equipement it really wasn't worth it anyway.

This baby already is doing better than my DD. The nugget has three already.

Posted 7/22/08 11:15 AM

love my boys!

Member since 2/08

3181 total posts


Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

I am sorry your tech didn't give you more copies, we left with about 10 pictures and she labeled all of them for us. Unfortunately some of the techs just don't think if the pictures were taken why not give them to the parents as well!?

Posted 7/22/08 2:29 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

we're in the same boat as you.... we got only 1 profile pic at 20 weeks... we've never received more than 2 pics Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/08 2:32 PM


Member since 4/07

22952 total posts


Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

I'm sorry Chat Icon

Ours range from 1 to 4 pictures.

Posted 7/22/08 2:32 PM


Member since 8/07

3880 total posts


Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

We usually get somewhere between 2-4 at each sonogram. I always ask for a certain shot if I see something that I like. I got great profile pics from my ultrascreen and cannot wait for my level II.

Posted 7/22/08 5:23 PM

Love my boys!!!

Member since 8/07

5148 total posts


Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

i have a lot
2 week sono - 1
4 week sono - 1
8 week sono - 6
12 week sono - 5
14 week sono - 1

I started going to the dr. as soon as i tested + and they do one everytime i go for an OB checkup

Posted 7/22/08 5:27 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/08

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Re: Sonogram pics (kind of just a vent)

i've received at least 4 at each appt.. 2 for hubby and me and one each for the grands....

the only time we didn't get any was when my amniotic fluid started to drop and they couldn't get any good shots for the 3d/4d machine.. (my doc has one in office, no fee) i was soooooo upset. i went home and started binge drinking water to get my fluids back up.. the following appt i got 4 3/d shots!!

Posted 7/22/08 6:23 PM

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