I've given up on Pathmark and Stop n Shop is somewhat annoying too. Since the baby I have tried Peapod (stop n shop), but the selection s*cks and I can't see paying the delivery fees and tip for half the stuff I need and still have to venture out for the rest.

My p's have a really nice King Kullen near them, but it's far.

I'm just really annoyed - we haven't had food in the house in weeks. Part of the reason is b/c I was annoyed with DH that I would throw down over $200 on food, make things he claimed to like, he wouldn't eat leftovers and I'd end up throwing out food. Then I'd get my cc statement and see a charge of $200+ for peapod, then another combined $200 for the month for fast food/takeout. So I threw up my hands for a bit and said - I can't cook every night, if we make something and you don't want leftovers - you pay for the takeout. But I got really irritated throwing food out. I get that there are some things I just like to keep "just in case" such as a few lemons, but the rest just bothered me. Now I decided to go on peapod and I did a search for the first 3 items on my shopping list and none of them were available through the site.