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Speech and Early Intervention

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Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08

8346 total posts


Speech and Early Intervention

My DD is almost 2 now and still doesn't speak very much. She understands alot and tries to speak but most of the sounds don't quite come out right. She gets soooo frustrated that she throws herself around.

Talking with a few other moms at work, they suggested having her speech tested and seeing if she needed EI services.

Any thoughts/ suggestions/ or anyone on here in a similar situation?


Posted 3/24/11 5:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Speech and Early Intervention

Does she have any words at all?

When will she be 2?

Posted 3/24/11 5:22 PM


Member since 8/05

25463 total posts


Re: Speech and Early Intervention

Technically by 2 per our speech and special instruction ladies she should have 50 words, and complete two-three word sentences.

We called when ds was about 18months, he had like 3 words. He quailified for both speech amd special instruction. He has been doing it since oct, and maybe has about 10 words now. Understands everything you tell him, signs a bunch of words but still not up to what his ped and teachers think.

I would call. At least you know where you stand.

Posted 3/24/11 5:44 PM

My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

17826 total posts


Re: Speech and Early Intervention

we were considering calling now that DS is almost 19 months bc DH feels he does not have the vocab that he should. He currently says 13 words. We had a friend of the family who works in intervention do the speech part of the "evaluation" today & he scored above average so we are holding off until he is 2 & if we do not see him progress any further.

If your DD is almost 2, it will not hurt to call & see if she qualifies

Posted 3/24/11 6:12 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Speech and Early Intervention

You can have her tested and then retested in 3 months after she turns 2. My DS was the same way and everyone told me ahhhh he's a boy, he's a late talker. I had another child and I knew in my heart he was delayed. If you have any doubt please get her tested. I will say that it's getting harder and harder to qualify for services through NYS. They had to lie on my DS's paperwork. One day a week I pay a copay and go through my ins company. So even if they deny you there is always the option of getting her service through your ins co Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/11 7:07 AM

Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08

8346 total posts


Re: Speech and Early Intervention

Thanks everyone, I called up about having her tested and they said it couldn't hurt. She's 22 months and has about 10 words that you can understand. It's just become more noticable lately since her sister who is only 8.5 months old is actually saying more words than her. While i know every child learns at their own pace, i've been waiting for that word explosion and so far nothing.

Posted 3/25/11 7:15 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Speech and Early Intervention

I think it's good that you made the call. It never hurts to get an evaluation! Good luck, and keep us posted Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/11 8:13 AM

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