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spin off to post partum

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


spin off to post partum

I read a lot about ppd on here and other sites as well and i was just wondering if anyone did NOT have it? Did anyone feel totally happy and totally excited about the baby? Not that people who have ppd are NOT happy i just mean how common is it NOT to ever get it.Sorry i know this is confusing the way i worded it.

Posted 8/1/06 8:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

268 total posts


Re: spin off to post partum

I didn't experience ppd with my son....Chat Icon to those who are going through it now or have gone through it...

Posted 8/1/06 9:11 AM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: spin off to post partum

i know it sounds lke a terrible thing to deal witrh are there things you cn do to help prevent it or help you get over it faster?

Posted 8/1/06 9:12 AM

Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

3235 total posts


Re: spin off to post partum

Posted by 04bride

i know it sounds lke a terrible thing to deal witrh are there things you cn do to help prevent it or help you get over it faster?

I didn't have it with my first daughter, but, did with my second. It started right after she was born and, thankfully, lasted only for a short period. There is nothing you can do prevent it, since it is your body readjusting and your hormones are in complete disarray. However, there are all levels of severity. If it lasts for an extended period of time and there is any depression, I would recommend seeing a doctor to find out what can be done to help you.

Posted 8/1/06 9:26 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

304 total posts


Re: spin off to post partum

I had it really bad with my last baby. It is weird because I was fine the whole pregnancy, and the day we had him. Second day in the hospital I had a visitor a friend (at the time, not now), who was just mean, ant then DH came in with food that night, so many visitors, I kept telling DH no more please, and they just kept coming(i even stopped breast feeding, I was so uncomfortable, I did not feel supported by DH, which was not true it was just PPD). I don't know what happened but I wanted to take a shower ( i had a c-section), I wanted to be with my baby, I was so overwhelmed by it all, I just broke down(I was so mad, it was supposed to be a happy time and I was miserable). The next day I went home (we had two older ones, I felt like I should be at home taking care of them), I was like an evil monster, I hated it. When I went to my 6 week, Doc talked to me about it(I did not want to take drugs), but it never really went away until 8 months later. I knew I could not live forever like this. I thought about leaving, I thought about all kinds of things to make it go away(never hurting my kids, I would hurt myself before I hurt them). I joined curves and that helped. I got out of the house more and asked for help if I needed it, big help for PPD. The more I talked about it the less it was, and I realized I was not the only woman in the world who had it. It is a terrible thing to have, I am glad it is over. If anyone has any ?'s about I can help at least talk about it. FM me if you need to talk about it to someone.

Message edited 8/1/2006 9:51:06 AM.

Posted 8/1/06 9:45 AM

We love summer!

Member since 5/05

1063 total posts


Re: spin off to post partum

I didn't get full blown PPD but i did have the baby blues for the 1st 3 weeks. I remember as soon as the sun would start to go down i would start having anxiety and cry for no real reason. My MIL would come over for about 2 hrs at night to keep me company (my DH worked nights). It eventually passed. I think it was more because i was a newbie mom and felt a little overwhelmed with taking care of my baby. Everything was all so new at the time.

Posted 8/1/06 9:58 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: spin off to post partum

I didn't experience it when Alison was born

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to all the moms that do and have.

Posted 8/1/06 10:08 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: spin off to post partum

I had full blown PPD/PTS (post tramatic stress) but for me, I went a bit opposite of what happens to some moms with PPD. I become very attached and super protective of Molly..I was more like a mother bear. The therapist said that normally it is the other way around, but for me I was in a very dark place and Molly was the only thing I was able to hold onto to, if that makes any sense. She kept me sane really. It was an awful place to be in mentally. I didn't think I would ever not feel that way. But after her first birthday the darkness started to lift for me. I never took medications, but I was advise to go on them. Instead I saw a therapist and just found my own way out of the PPD.

Posted 8/1/06 3:42 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: spin off to post partum

I did not expereince PPD with DD (she is 7 weeks old) I did have "baby blues" for about a week....just the hormones all out of whack,. crying a lot, stressed when the baby wouldnt sleep and was crying a only lasted about a week and it was minor. I feel great now, thankfully.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to all the moms that are exp. it right now.

Posted 8/1/06 3:48 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: spin off to post partum

I think I maybe had it for a day.. or maybe I was just having a bad day.

Posted 8/1/06 7:16 PM


Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: spin off to post partum

I didn't have ppd or baby blues. No crying for me except tears of joy.

There are days that I'm exhausted and overwhelmed, but I'm not sad at all.

eta: you may get more responses from those of us who didn't have ppd, with a different title. I wasn't going to read this thread since I have no experience w/ppd.

Message edited 8/1/2006 7:24:26 PM.

Posted 8/1/06 7:23 PM

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