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Spinoff - Before you did CIO how did you get your baby down for a nap/bed?

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Member since 8/07

10682 total posts


Spinoff - Before you did CIO how did you get your baby down for a nap/bed?

Right now I rock her till she is asleep then transfer her.

I hope I am not forming any bad habits bc sometimes she wakes up and wont go back to sleep unless I start rocking her again. But she is only 11 weeks, isnt that what I am supposed to do!

Posted 10/28/08 3:37 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Spinoff - Before you did CIO how did you get your baby down for a nap/bed?

I was doing the same thing at the same age with DS. I also was thinking the same way you did. Everyone told me not to rock DS because I was forming a bad habit.
Now DS is almost 5 months old and I am trying to work on something to put him down without rocking him. It's tough. If I put him down before he is too tired, he lays in his crib with the rainforest aquarium. Sometimes I have to turn it on a few times before he falls asleep on his own. If I don't put him down before he is too tired, then I wind up rocking him, and hoping he doesn't wake up when he hits the mattress, which he does frequently. It gets annoying. Sometimes I still swaddle him so that he doesn't wack himself in the face with his arms. This is usually the routine for naps.
Bedtime he either falls asleep before he finishes his bottle or we put the aquarium on after his bottle.
If you can, I suggest you try to put DD down before she is asleep, while she is sleepy. It may save you the rocking later on. Although I obviously couldn't do it! It's easier said than done!
Good luck!

Posted 10/28/08 4:20 PM

life is good

Member since 10/06

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Re: Spinoff - Before you did CIO how did you get your baby down for a nap/bed?

That's what I did, I rocked her. We did CIO around 6 or 7 months to break that habit - she was getting just TOO heavy!! Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/08 8:50 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Spinoff - Before you did CIO how did you get your baby down for a nap/bed?

Rocked him until the day he turned 6 months.

For naps, and bedtime.

Keep in mind he was born at 10lbs - so my arms were literally breaking - 6 months he was over 20lbs

Posted 10/28/08 8:52 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: Spinoff - Before you did CIO how did you get your baby down for a nap/bed?

Never did CIO.

I rocked him until he was drowsy then put him in the crib. Don't get me wrong, there were times that I had to rock him all the way to sleep. But for the most part, I would put him in before he was actually sleeping.

I have to say though, I hardly ever had a problem getting him to sleep.

Posted 10/28/08 8:55 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

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Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: Spinoff - Before you did CIO how did you get your baby down for a nap/bed?

I rocked her, and rocked her, and rocked her.

I think it was around the 6 month mark that I began the CIO at nighttime.

For her naps, I lay her down with a 5oz bottle of milk, and she puts herself to sleep (she was holding a bottle by herself at around 6-7 months).

Posted 10/28/08 9:25 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff - Before you did CIO how did you get your baby down for a nap/bed?

Katie is def too young for CIO and you are doing it right. With Brady we would either rock him to sleep or he would fall asleep nursing and then we would transfer him to his crib. We didn't start CIO until he was about 6 or 7 months old and other then a few bad nights in the beginning (first night he cried for 30 minutes and it broke my heard) he was fine and we put him down awake now. U are doing a great job!

Posted 10/28/08 9:39 PM

Mommy to 3!

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Jesss, duh.

Re: Spinoff - Before you did CIO how did you get your baby down for a nap/bed?

I haven't done CIO yet...will do if necessary. Anyway, DS falls asleep at the breast, and I transfer him to the PNP which is in our room.

Posted 10/28/08 10:00 PM

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