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Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

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2012--A year of new beginnings

Member since 5/05

4402 total posts


Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

Palebride inspired me, actually made me remember an incident with an old neighbor when I was growing up.

I had a neighbor who would fight with his mother (he was about 35 and an umemployed/unemployable druggie. Every week he and his mom would have SCREAMING fights, really horrible ones, esp when he'd come home drunk.

One day, it was a HORRIBLE thunderstorm, and his mother took every single piece of clothing she could carry and left a trail like Hansel and Gretel into the park around the corner (where he'd shoot up whatever drugs he could find and then blow up garbage cans with some kind of fireworks--M80s or something?) . Anyway, he came home and followed the trail of muddy clothes to a big pile she left in the garden part of the park, and he flipped out!!! He came back screaming and yelling and trying to bang the door down... very scary.

Someone called the police and we cowered with the lights off until it blew over...

What's the craziest/funniest thing you have seen?

Posted 5/12/05 9:05 PM
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Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

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that's scary!!!!!

Posted 5/12/05 9:06 PM

Don't eat me, hippo!

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Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

Our neighbor from down the street used to like to walk her dog on our lawn, and then not clean up after it.... So my step-father asked her to stop.

So she kicked him, and proceeded to tell him that they were in the neighborhood first, and that we should leave. Oh, and they she hoped our entire family got killed in a bloody car accident.

Needless to say, we got a restraining order Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 9:08 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

We used to have 2 crazy ladies who lived across the street. We used to call them the stingen witches (personal family joke).

Everytime it snowed they would take the snow off their front lawn and throw it in the street, right in front of our driveway. So one day my father was shoveling the snow right back to their side of the street. All of a sudden the lady came running out screaming, with her shovel like a sword...slipped and fell on her ***. It was the funniest thing!!Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 9:15 PM

Waiting for Lil' M....

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

Posted by Stefanie

We used to have 2 crazy ladies who lived across the street. We used to call them the stingen witches (personal family joke).

Everytime it snowed they would take the snow off their front lawn and throw it in the street, right in front of our driveway. So one day my father was shoveling the snow right back to their side of the street. All of a sudden the lady came running out screaming, with her shovel like a sword...slipped and fell on her ***. It was the funniest thing!!Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 9:16 PM

2012--A year of new beginnings

Member since 5/05

4402 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

Posted by Stefanie

We used to have 2 crazy ladies who lived across the street. We used to call them the stingen witches (personal family joke).

Everytime it snowed they would take the snow off their front lawn and throw it in the street, right in front of our driveway. So one day my father was shoveling the snow right back to their side of the street. All of a sudden the lady came running out screaming, with her shovel like a sword...slipped and fell on her ***. It was the funniest thing!!Chat Icon

that's AWESOME!!!!

Posted 5/12/05 9:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

I happened YEARS ago and we still laugh about it to this day....Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 9:34 PM

2012--A year of new beginnings

Member since 5/05

4402 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

Posted by VirginiaDeb

Our neighbor from down the street used to like to walk her dog on our lawn, and then not clean up after it.... So my step-father asked her to stop.

So she kicked him, and proceeded to tell him that they were in the neighborhood first, and that we should leave. Oh, and they she hoped our entire family got killed in a bloody car accident.

Needless to say, we got a restraining order Chat Icon

Wow, that is REALLY beyond scary... people are freaky!!!

we had a really mean old crotchety neighbor (named Mean Mary) and she used to yell at us all the time for riding our bikes in her driveway, and my uncle bought the house next door to her, and we could hear her and her husband at night, she would scream Oh Pierre Pierre, and we'd just be hysterical that she could actually be happy sometimes!!

Posted 5/12/05 9:34 PM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

Posted by Stefanie

We used to have 2 crazy ladies who lived across the street. We used to call them the stingen witches (personal family joke).

Everytime it snowed they would take the snow off their front lawn and throw it in the street, right in front of our driveway. So one day my father was shoveling the snow right back to their side of the street. All of a sudden the lady came running out screaming, with her shovel like a sword...slipped and fell on her ***. It was the funniest thing!!Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 9:35 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

WE have the craziest neighbors EVER.
We live in a building with 3 other apts.

Downstairs right- EVIL WITCH of a woman who I have never seen smile, if she sees me coming down the stiars when she is leaving she slams the door Im gonna jump her or something. She continually slams the door in DH's face when hes rigth behind her coming in and says he doesnt live here, or tells him to prove it. ( we have lived upstairs for 2 and a half yrs now!)
2nd-Downstairs left- CRAZY family. The father sings at the top of his lungs from 6:00 am-11:00 pm, and sometimes pulls out the guitar. It sounds like cats screaming and its just plain WEIRD.

BEST is across the hall- Couple who never leaves the house, NEVER. We have seen them all of 3-4 times in over 2 years. They NEVER turn their lights on, and we occasionally hear "Turn the lights off, when I guess one does"...WEIRD smells come from the bottom of thier front door..and there FAMOUS fights have lasted HOURS with broken windows, furniture flying and screaming.

Posted 5/12/05 9:36 PM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

Omg. Is it THAT hard to get people evicted when they do dumb sh@t like that? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 9:39 PM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

One of the families on my floor lets their uncontrollable pit bull roam the halls w/o a leash. We have little kids around here....I am afraid for them. Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 9:40 PM

Waiting for Lil' M....

Member since 5/05

3468 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

Posted by baghag

Omg. Is it THAT hard to get people evicted when they do dumb sh@t like that? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Omg I love your chat name.

Posted 5/12/05 9:41 PM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

Posted by TheInfamousOTG

Posted by baghag

Omg. Is it THAT hard to get people evicted when they do dumb sh@t like that? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Omg I love your chat name.

Chat Icon ty!

Posted 5/13/05 6:15 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

HOLY! You guys really have some crazy neighbors!!
Worst I can say is "buddy"
the dog who barks 57 out of 60 minuts starting at about 530/6 am....but thats not really crazy, just ANNOYING!

Posted 5/13/05 6:55 AM

Live in the Present

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Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

we had 3 crazy neighbors on our block when I was a kid...
1. EGGMAN...(his head was shaped funny)
He used to drive a Hot Dog truck...anyway he called the cops one night and claimed that a red hair boy about 5"5, riding on a blue bike, broke into his Hot Dog Truck and stole Hot dog Buns from him. While the police were taking his uncle came driving down the block...Eggman starting yelling...thats him thats they the cops stopped my uncle...who has black hair, is 6"2 and was driving a black camero. The cops laughed, and then gave EGGMAN a ticket for making a false claim.

2. Madola...(i dont know why the kids named her this)...All the kids in the nieghborhood decided to have a water balloon fight...there was about 20 of us. so we all went home to fill our balloons up with water. my mother gave me and my sister a box to put our balloons in. While we walking back up the block crazy MADOLA came running out of her house yelling thats my box!!! So my sister told it isn't my mom gave it us. My mom heard MADOLA yelling so she came outside to see what was going on...MADOLA told my mother that we stole her box. My mother told her that she was crazy and to go back into her house and leave us kids alone. MADOLA said that she was going to call the cops and report us. My mother and now some of the other moms were standing outside yelling with the crazy nut. The cops show up, and start yelling at the woman..."why the hell would someone steal a cardboard box from you" for the rest of that summer every time one of the neighbors had a cardboard box they would leave it on her driveway.

3. The PIG...her house was so gross...still is...she has had a leak in the roof for about 5 years...her solution...a pool liner. And at one time for about 3 months her garage door was a Scooby DOO sheet. The neighbors have called the board of health on her numerous times....and she still doesn't get it.

Posted 5/13/05 9:09 AM


Member since 5/05

4002 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

Posted by Stefanie

We used to have 2 crazy ladies who lived across the street. We used to call them the stingen witches (personal family joke).

Everytime it snowed they would take the snow off their front lawn and throw it in the street, right in front of our driveway. So one day my father was shoveling the snow right back to their side of the street. All of a sudden the lady came running out screaming, with her shovel like a sword...slipped and fell on her ***. It was the funniest thing!!Chat Icon

That's a great story! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/13/05 9:36 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

This family from Queens moved across from my parents house in Levittown. My next door neighbor Marie went across the street to introduce herself and welcome them to the neighborhood. The topic of why they left Queens came up and the new owner was telling her when her kid yelled out "Tell her why we really left, Ma! Tell her about all the (racial slur) in the neighborhood." They didn't realize Marie was Puerto Rican. She was PISSED and rightfully so.

The new people also called the police for the smallest things. My brother's friends were driving by and they pulled their car over for about 15 minutes. They were talking in front of the house and new neighbor called the police on him.

Posted 5/13/05 9:42 AM

my Becks

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Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

I had the "crazy ladies" living below us in Glen Oaks. Paranoid schizophrenics. One would dress all in one color... purple dress, stockings, shoes, purse, hat, etc. One day she called the police on us, there were monkeys in our apartment. We were not even home! We come home and the cop was like "we know there are no monkeys but I have to check anyway".
Then she was ranting on a gas station payphone that no one should go to this gas station because Hitler was there.
one new years I was quietly watching tv with my babysitter, and she starts banging onthe ceiling and yelling. We weren;t even making any noise whatsoever.
She would have conversations with herself... using different voices, and people were always after her.

Her sister would stand ont he sidewalk rocking back and forth chain smoking. the next morning there would be a pile of cigarettes.

There's a lot more.... but they were NUTS!!! The smoker was in and out of the hospital.

Posted 5/13/05 10:00 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Spinoff: Crazy neighbor stories?

when my folks moved form queens to new hyde park they had a neighbor also, if you either sat in your car or talked on your phone to long in front of their house they would come out yelling at you.

Also, now where we live, there is this guy who lives across the street and sits in his garage looking out all year summer, winter, spring & fall. really strange and he doesnt reposnd when you say hello to him. He sits there almost like a statue. doesnt move unless he is closing his gargage and going inside. weird man. his wife is nice.

Posted 5/13/05 10:04 AM

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