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Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

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C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1. My first DD is from a previous relationship but refers to DH as her Daddy. He's adopting her.

2. I am a yo-yo dieter Chat Icon Chat Icon

3. I am afraid to death of moving out of state. As expensive as it is, I will stay in NY. I am so scared of "starting over." In my crazy little head I feel the only people I can relate to are "New Yorkers." How retarded is that?

4. I love the fact that my DH has a big, fun and loving family. I come from a small loving but dysfunctional one.

5. I hate telling strangers my first DD's name b/c I don't want them stealing her name. It's pretty and very uncommon. Yes, I am insane. Poor DH.

Message edited 10/20/2007 5:19:35 PM.

Posted 10/20/07 5:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me

1. I grew up as part of the Brady Bunch - literally, in every sense of the word. Chat Icon I married someone who also has a 70's sitcom last name!

2. I love greasy, fried foods. No wonder I've packed on the pounds.

3. I've had a best friend for more than 30 years.

4. In college, there were several classes I took where I was the only female. I got a lot of help Chat Icon

5. I have a Professional Engineers (PE) license.

Message edited 10/20/2007 5:20:56 PM.

Posted 10/20/07 5:19 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

I am kind of an open book, but here goesChat Icon

1. I love my birthday and fully expect attention on itChat Icon

2. My family was so close growing up that I feel like I have 3 sisters and a brother and not one sister and 3 cousins.

3. I miss my grandparents so much I sometimes pretend they are still aliveChat Icon

4. I met DH in a bar and was kissing a girl one nanosecond before we metChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

5. Sometimes I still can't believe I have a kid, or a dog, or that this is my lifeChat Icon

Posted 10/20/07 5:23 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

17330 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1. I'm obsessed with keeping my house clean and in order. Chat Icon

2. I absolutely HATE my thunder thighs.

3. I have a secret post partum addiction to Turkey Hill Ice Cream Moose Tracks. and YES, I spoon through just for the fudge and leave the ice cream Chat Icon .

4. I'm a homebody much of the time. Chat Icon

5. Still thinking Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/07 5:25 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1. I love going to work every day even though I have to put DD in day care. I miss her but love my job and we need the income.

2. I can be a real know-it-all. Drives people nuts.

3. My DH and I met on I would still be single if it wasn't for internet dating.

4. I moved from NY to CA when I was turning 30 for no other reason than I was lonely, bored and had no reason to stay in NY.

5. I love taking pictures of my DD so much I would really like a career taking pictures of children.

Posted 10/20/07 5:51 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

I'm pretty much an open book so I'll try to think of things people may not know/remember.

1. When I was a HS exchange student, I was in Italy for 9 days before the mom of the family insisted I call my mom. I told her "She knows I'm fine. I don't need to call her." As she dialed the phone & handed it to me, she said "Your mom needs to hear you say that. You are not a mother." Now that I'm a mom, I can't imagine having that done to me.

2. I was the most well-behaved child growing up but married one of the biggest derelicts. I secrectly blame all of my children's misbehavior on their paternal genes.

3. I'm a twin. I haven't spoke to my twin in over a year because my BIL is a total creep. Prior to that, I would have to say I had one of the most normal families of anyone I know. Now we could go on Jerry Springer.

4. No secret here. I love taking children's portraits too but fear if I did it as a side business, I would begin to hate doing something I love.

5. I used to snowboard all of the time. I gave it up when I was pregnant with Joseph. Then never went back to it because I couldn't fit in my snowboard pants & won't buy new ones.Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/07 6:19 PM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1. I've been married before.. i got married when i was 19
and divorced at 25.. i was a single mom of 2 until i met
DH and then we had Spencer
2. i've been TTC for 11 months.. well this month makes
12.. we're not getting anywhereChat Icon
3. I love riding on my DH's motorcycle and i'll never give it
4. i have a major problem with self image.. i'm always
dieting, working out and still not happy with myself
5. i'm an overspender. i shop nonstop.. i can't stop myself!

Posted 10/20/07 7:38 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

I'm another open book, so we'll see if any of this comes as a surprise to anyoneChat Icon

1. I have the ability to master any wind instrument without any prior experience playing it or any help or lessons. (Well, it does help that I'm a professional flutist and music teacherChat Icon )

2. I talk. A LOT. Non-stop. But I'm really shy when I meet people for the first time.

3. I was asked to leave my church at the age of 12 because my mom took my sister and I on a Pro-Choice march in Washington, DC, and when I returned, I refused to make posters to help support the church's pro-life efforts. My mother then gave them a HUGE donation so that I could make my confirmation the next yearChat Icon

4. My favorite band is Cake.

5. My married last name rhymes with "queer" and I sometimes wish I had kept my maiden name so that no one makes fun of Ava the way they made fun of my husband in school.

Posted 10/20/07 7:50 PM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1) I love,love, love kid food. Gold fish crackers, pb&j and Happy Meals...Hate veggies.

2)I really don't like to exercise because my boobs are too floppy and I hate to sweat.

3) I have 2 brothers who are wonderful, but I have ALWAYS wanted a sister.

4) I love DD and have been trying for #2, but I am scared that I will have a hard time balancing two children.

5) I am a crazy planner. I plan everything..when I am done planning one thing, I am right on to the next. I can never just relax..If I do, I feel like I am wasting time.

Posted 10/20/07 8:50 PM

Love these kids!

Member since 10/05

4708 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1) I moved to a new town in the 8th grade and had a miserable time and hope to never have to do that to my child (ren).
2) I have a crazy disfunctional family but I love all of them to death.
3) I have a 10 year old step son who I adore and met when he was 2 1/2. Its definatly brought on some challanges in my life but all worth it.
4) I can't stand liars.
5) I get very depressed because since having children, my life has become very spur of the moment and I am a planner. I have learned to let go of a lot of things and how unimportant they are compared to my daughter but I still can't wait to be able to have my house spotless again someday (and start my dd scrapbook).

Posted 10/20/07 9:00 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

I tend to tell all as well so this requires some thought Chat Icon

- I am addicted to magazines, and was so excited when PG I could move on to the slew of PG and Parenting magazines available Chat Icon

-I thought I would be this "earth Mother" type, always had that personality ....I could not be more different from that now that I have one!

-I grew up alone with my mom and aunt/uncles and they were more like my sisters and brothers then aunt and uncles.

-I LOVE school and would be a professional student if I could.

-I LOVE LOVE reality TV....ALL OF IT

Posted 10/20/07 9:08 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

OK, i'm an open book as well. But I'll try to think of 5 things:

1. I was a pretty rebelious teen. Not as bad as DH, but if Steven does only 1/2 the stuff we did, we'll be luckyChat Icon

2. I have a shopping addiction.

3. I love buying people nice gifts.

4. I've always had weight issues, but despite of that, I'm always very confident.

5. I'm afraid to have a daughter because my mom always said, "I hope you have a daughter just like you" and that scares meChat Icon

Posted 10/20/07 9:11 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

No one on here knows me so these are 5 things that you definitely won't know Chat Icon

1. I am a very sensitive person.
2. I was an avid runner before having DD...ran a ton of short races, 5 half marathons and 1 marathon. I haven't run since getting pregnant, 20 months ago.
3. I love peanut butter....could eat it for every meal and be satisfied!
4. I am anal about turning off lights at night if you aren't in that room.
5. After 3 unsuccessful IVFs, I got pregnant with the use of acupuncture.

Posted 10/20/07 9:11 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1. I'm a BIG procrastinator
2. I really like being alone and sometime drop Jared off with my parents to just be by myself.
3. I cry at night thinking about my grandparents who have passed on or about my parents (who are both alive) and how I will deal with death in the future.
4. I love good gossip.
5. I like to have things done now (like things done to the house) and I like someone else to do them for me...refer back to #1.Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/07 9:22 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1. I sleep with a giant stuffed Curious George every night.

2. I am the slob in our relationship--it's the only thing we argue about.

3. Olives and sauerkraut make me want to vomit.

4. I used to get answers wrong on tests purposely so the teacher wouldn't single me out as "smart."

5. I am a SAHM now, and it is the TOTAL opposite of anything I ever wanted to do or ever thought I would be doing--I still can't believe this is me...for the good and the bad Chat Icon

Oh, and one extra...I am painfully shy Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/07 9:22 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1. I was married before at 27 & it lasted 10 months
2. After 10 yrs working at ABC & Fox (legal secy/admin asst), I switched careers to become a teacher (a job I love!)
3. I lived in Michigan for a year & then missed NY (the food, the convenience to mountains/beach & most of all my family & friends) & moved back.
4. I'm extremely sensitive & cry easily
5. I'm a big planner (love, parties, etc)

Posted 10/20/07 9:25 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

Great thread! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Before listing mine, I want to note the ones I totally can relate to from those already written Chat Icon
I feel like I have to "talk back" to them first. Chat Icon

*Donna- LOVE LOVE LOVE School too ! LOVE IT. I love learning. I do plan to be a forever student! (Well if and when I become a teacher, I'll have no choice!).
and I LOVE reality TV, but all Ive watched is the bachelor lately,and Im behind 2 out of 3 episodes.. so I dont get to watch much tv. Chat Icon

Kate, I could have written your #1 and # 3 myself ! (happy and sad ones Chat Icon Chat Icon )

*The "missing my grandparents", I (and my sibs) were VERYYYYY close to my maternal grandparents. They passed away in 1992, and 1986. (I was 12 and 18) I talk and think about them daily. They are the core of my being and my foundation in life. Much of who I am stems from the times spent with them and what they taught me.

and my sis and I (Im a twin) our birthday is a national holiday in our own little world...Chat Icon when my brother told us he was getting married 4 days before our birthday, we were like "UHMM HELLO???????????????????? thats our WEEK! well month actually"
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Rachel how cool that you can master instruments naturally, thats truly a talent!! Chat Icon

Barb- I hope you talk to your sis soon! Love, your twin buddy Chat Icon

I'll list mine in a separate post, so its not overwhelming and you dont notice that Im a wacko babbler. Chat Icon

Message edited 10/20/2007 9:35:42 PM.

Posted 10/20/07 9:33 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

Well 5 things i havent already divulged....hmmmmm....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Im a lefty, and my twin is a righty.Chat Icon

I can write backwards, the way Leonardo DaVinci did. and it comes naturally. When we passed notes in school, my friends would beg me to write backwards to them. They thought I had some supergenius powers Chat Icon

Im fluent in Italian and Spanish. and I can converse a bit in Greek and Armenian (MUCH more in Greek). I love languages. I find them intriguing and fascinating. One of my aunts in Italy used to always tell us we should work for the United Nations as translators.. now I think "hmm, she had a great idea" Chat Icon I do pick up/repeat foreign languages easily. maybe anther thing for my hobby list. Chat Icon

I secretly LOVE that I have all boys.
Chat Icon sorry girl moms Chat Icon

I have a hard time keeping quiet and sitting still, well those might not be things you DIDNT know...Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/07 9:52 PM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1. Lance Edward was my little surprise. I spent most of my pregnancy very depressed, and now I feel so guilty, because he really is the best thing that ever happened to me.

2. I own 3 houses in the same town.

3. I shop all the time and I never put anything away. It drives my DH crazy.

4. I really appreciate how much my best friend Christine loves my son.

5. I miss my brother.

Posted 10/20/07 10:02 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

Lets see...

I'm very happy alone. I never want to get married or be in a relationship again.

I eat McDonalds for breakfast at least 3 times a week. Even if I bring breakfast to eat at work, the golden arches somehow suck me in on my way.

My extended family is very disfunctional. Oh an My mom's name is Bambi. If I told you her last name, you would die of laughter and then ask if she was a stripper (she's not!).

I wish I didn't need a job so I could homeschool my son to avoid all the BS I deal with from the district/school.

I'm catholic but I have not had either of my kids christened and really don't intend to.

Posted 10/20/07 10:05 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1) I became a goth / straight edge / surfer chick after high school. I went to every LI / NYC club, knew most every DJ at these clubs and went to them Wed-Sun every week just to dance my butt off and jump into mosh pits. I dated lots of surfers and almost moved to CA when I was 21 to be with a surfer boy (BTW...SO glad I did not, as much as I love CA).

2) I have a tattoo. Two dolphins as a ying/yang with waves around it. I got it the day after I went surfing for the first time, I was 21 years old. 12 years after I got it, I love my tattoo and I do not regret it. I used to surf. Gave it up for reasons too long to list. I was never a great surfer, but I did love it. Giving it up is one of my biggest regrets. I hope to surf again once my doctors give me the OK.

3) I am a Christian Conservative, now. I used to be a liberal, really liberal. PETA, Greenpeace, Surfrider, Amnesty Int'l, you name it I was an activist for it.

4) DH and I met through a MLM business that we no longer are a part of (at least ONE great thing came out of it). Chat Icon

5) I dance around the house with Grace EVERY night for a half hour or more. I mean full on, rocking out, jumping around my living room dancing. We both LOVE to dance.

Chat Icon

Message edited 10/20/2007 10:07:26 PM.

Posted 10/20/07 10:06 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

1. I too was VERY DEPRESSED when I was pregnant and although it was SO PLANNED, I was so scared. From the moment I went into labor, the depression disappeared and I felt so bad ever feeling like that. Now I am scared to death that when it comes time for number 2, it will happen again.

2. I am VERY shy when it comes to meeting people I dont know and will do anything to avoid an uncomfortable social situation.

3. I live for my family. Sometimes its a wonderful thing, sometimes not so much.

4. I danced for almost 20 years and was a dance teacher as well. I used to be a master in tap and would love to go back again but I am scared I would never be able to do it again.

5. I faint and freak out at the sight of blood or anything having to do with doctors or hospitals. All I do is think about death or injury and it literally drives me insane sometimes.

Posted 10/20/07 10:12 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours


1. In restaurants I clean the table crumbs and all, pile the dishes and put the napkins on the plates. i dont want the waitress/waiter to have extra work.

2. I make the beds in hotels which dh is like Chat Icon I feel like if I didnt I would leave something behind.

3. Since my dad passed 2 yrs ago in front of me, i fear that someone else might do the same.

4.I wish I never got an MSW. I should have done something for ALOT more money. I regret my decision and may change it.

5. When people go on and on in a conversation I feel like I am going to pass out and cant even listen to them anymore. the room starts spinning. Very strange. All I keep thinking is...get to the point! (happens at work mostly)

Posted 10/20/07 10:19 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

I'm very LAZY, and want everything done for me! ThankGod DH doesn't mind cleaning the house--lol

I don't like to watch any scary movies, they freak me out.

I have a bad habbit of picking my lips.

I worry about my younger brothers all the time, and always call them to see if there ok or need anything, I feel like a 2nd mom to them.

I miss my grandfather very much (he passed away when Julia was a month old), and wish he had more time to visit Julia. He came to visit me in the hospital, and he was so sick at the time, but told my mom he wanted to come up to see me, I still remember him sitting in his wheel chair in the corner of my hospital room and he was so tired and was waiting for my aunt to pick him up, I would never forget his face that day, I wanted to get out of my bed and just hug and kiss him, I cry everytime I think about it...Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/07 10:22 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Spinoff from LIW... 5 things you don't know about me...add yours

Posted by PrincessP

5. When people go on and on in a conversation I feel like I am going to pass out and cant even listen to them anymore. the room starts spinning. Very strange. All I keep thinking is...get to the point! (happens at work mostly)

This is funny b/c I am the same way.

I actually talk A LOT ...I mean a LOT....but When other people cannot get to the point fast enough and give useless backgroudn info etc, I get all fidgety and nuts and cant focus, its funny.

Posted 10/20/07 10:24 PM
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