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LIF Adult

Member since 8/08 1125 total posts
Name: bethany
spinoff to my other post - water breaking
ok, what is this like exactly? i know it's not common, but one of my biggest fears is it happening and me not noticing. the gush i think i'd figure out (or i hope at least) but the trickle is a little more sneaky... i know it's clear (or should be) but is it really water-like or can it be slightly mucus-y? is it constant? can it trickle than stop for a while? any other good info? tia!
Posted 5/2/09 3:44 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 4/08 15553 total posts
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
first timer here - but this is from my notes from watching Laugh & Learn About Childbirth:
3 ACTUAL signs of labor (can go in ANY order):
1. lose your mucus plug – white with a pink or red tinge to it (if this is combined with ANOTHER symptom – call the doc…alone, it means nothing).
2. water breaks: a. sit down – to prevent cord from wrapping around baby’s neck (you can take a shower, but not bath) b. note time – after 24 hours, infection chances increase c. call doctor – what color was the fluid? *****Green is not normal (would mean meconium). Green means go directly to the hospital – doesn’t mean emergency, just go to YOUR hospital. Is the baby moving? Note if the baby is or not – shake the belly – push on the belly – see if you get a push back… *****Clear – are you having contractions?
3. if you CANNOT talk through a contraction – you are in labor a. They want 1 hour of contractions 5 minutes start to start
i KNOW - my mom didn't know her water broke with me - my head dropped and STOPPED the flow of water. She went to her 'normally scheduled' OB appointment and the doc was like - Diane, your water broke - did you know that? They have NO idea when it happened....and i'm just fine!
Message edited 5/2/2009 3:55:11 PM.
Posted 5/2/09 3:54 PM |
Party of 5

Member since 4/08 6489 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
My water broke with DS. I was in a dead sleep and felt it break. I woke up thinking I must have been dreaming bc I wasn't wet. Ironically dh was bartending that night. I got up to go to the bathroom and fluid leaked out on the floor. I really couldn't get down on the floor so smell it and see if it was urine so I called dh told him what happened and waited for him to come home. Sure enough it was my water. It was like thick water if that makes sense. I did not have a gush bc ds' head must have been blocking the place where it was leaking from.
Posted 5/2/09 4:03 PM |
Party of 5

Member since 4/08 6489 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
My water broke with DS. I was in a dead sleep and felt it break. I woke up thinking I must have been dreaming bc I wasn't wet. Ironically dh was bartending that night. I got up to go to the bathroom and fluid leaked out on the floor. I really couldn't get down on the floor so smell it and see if it was urine so I called dh told him what happened and waited for him to come home. Sure enough it was my water. It was like thick water if that makes sense. I did not have a gush bc ds' head must have been blocking the place where it was leaking from.
Posted 5/2/09 4:03 PM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
My water broke naturally with DD- this is what I remember....
I was sleeping and I felt a "pop" sensation... I woke up and went to the bathroom- my water was coming out but not in a gush- and it would stop ...
It didn't have any odor at all- it was clear- no mucus.
then when I got up from the bathroom, still not convinced it was my water- a little more came out...
I tried to lay down, and every time I changed positions, I would leak.
It was completely uncontrollable and while it wasn't a gush- it was sort of constant when ever I moved.
to compare, when my mucus plug came out- after the thicker mucus there is a thinner mucus behind it that I actually confused with my waters and went to the doc- she had me go to L&D to confirm it wasn't my waters, which it wasn't.. in retrospect- the mucus plug came out when I sneezed- and that was pretty much it- no real leaking after that.. but with my water- it was pretty constant.
hope that helps.
Posted 5/2/09 4:11 PM |
His laugh, Her smile

Member since 12/06 2902 total posts
Name: Patricia
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
Posted by Sassyz75
I was sleeping and I felt a "pop" sensation... I woke up and went to the bathroom- my water was coming out but not in a gush- and it would stop ...
It didn't have any odor at all- it was clear- no mucus.
then when I got up from the bathroom, still not convinced it was my water- a little more came out...
I tried to lay down, and every time I changed positions, I would leak.
It was completely uncontrollable and while it wasn't a gush- it was sort of constant when ever I moved.
This is almost exactly what happened to me...
Posted 5/2/09 5:00 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/08 1125 total posts
Name: bethany
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
ok so this may be tmi, but after your posts i want an opinion. for the past week i've had a lot of discharge - normal and maybe some pieces of my plug. then 3 days ago i started getting a clear discharge. it's still slightly mucus-y but thinner and clear. the first day wasn't bad, second day was more, third the most (went through a lot of panty liners), and now it's back to the first day, maybe less (actually, the amount is normal, but it's this instead of the typical kind). the second and third day when i got up in the morning there was a little gush, but it didn't happen during the night (i get up 2-3 times) or any other time i was laying down - just when i got up for good in the morning.
so does this sound like normal changes that happen towards the end? i thought it was, but after last night i'm nervous. i don't see the dr until thursday but just spoke to them last night and again this morning when they called to check up on me and feel stupid calling again for nothing (i HATE calling...). i'm still crampy today, but nothing in a pattern or that feels as "real" as it did last night - just random bit of crampiness... i'm just getting paranoid i guess.
Posted 5/2/09 5:17 PM |
Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

Member since 10/06 5913 total posts
Name: Denise
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
I made this post on the parenting board a little while ago that got a lot of responses that may help answer your question and see how different or similar the event seems to be.
Posted 5/2/09 7:59 PM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
Posted by pandaworm
ok so this may be tmi, but after your posts i want an opinion. for the past week i've had a lot of discharge - normal and maybe some pieces of my plug. then 3 days ago i started getting a clear discharge. it's still slightly mucus-y but thinner and clear. the first day wasn't bad, second day was more, third the most (went through a lot of panty liners), and now it's back to the first day, maybe less (actually, the amount is normal, but it's this instead of the typical kind). the second and third day when i got up in the morning there was a little gush, but it didn't happen during the night (i get up 2-3 times) or any other time i was laying down - just when i got up for good in the morning.
so does this sound like normal changes that happen towards the end? i thought it was, but after last night i'm nervous. i don't see the dr until thursday but just spoke to them last night and again this morning when they called to check up on me and feel stupid calling again for nothing (i HATE calling...). i'm still crampy today, but nothing in a pattern or that feels as "real" as it did last night - just random bit of crampiness... i'm just getting paranoid i guess.
Honestly- it's probably your mucus plug- there is a thinner discharge behind the thicker mucus... that's what happened to me- thicker mucus and then thin, which made me think it was my water but it wasn't.
Posted 5/2/09 8:23 PM |
Member since 1/08 8363 total posts
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
Posted by pandaworm
ok, what is this like exactly? i know it's not common, but one of my biggest fears is it happening and me not noticing. the gush i think i'd figure out (or i hope at least) but the trickle is a little more sneaky... i know it's clear (or should be) but is it really water-like or can it be slightly mucus-y? is it constant? can it trickle than stop for a while? any other good info? tia! My water broke when I had DD. I was getting ready for the next morning , which was my scheduled C/S so didn't go to sleep till around 11:30pm. I decided to go to the bth room one last time before going to bed and just as I got to the bth room door, I felt gush of water. funny bc we always joked about me going into labor on the day of the C/S,lol. It was clear water, no smell. Once your water breaks it doesn't stop, it keeps coming. By the time I got to the hospital I was in full blown labor
Posted 5/2/09 8:40 PM |
Member since 1/08 8363 total posts
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
Posted by pandaworm
ok so this may be tmi, but after your posts i want an opinion. for the past week i've had a lot of discharge - normal and maybe some pieces of my plug. then 3 days ago i started getting a clear discharge. it's still slightly mucus-y but thinner and clear. the first day wasn't bad, second day was more, third the most (went through a lot of panty liners), and now it's back to the first day, maybe less (actually, the amount is normal, but it's this instead of the typical kind). the second and third day when i got up in the morning there was a little gush, but it didn't happen during the night (i get up 2-3 times) or any other time i was laying down - just when i got up for good in the morning.
so does this sound like normal changes that happen towards the end? i thought it was, but after last night i'm nervous. i don't see the dr until thursday but just spoke to them last night and again this morning when they called to check up on me and feel stupid calling again for nothing (i HATE calling...). i'm still crampy today, but nothing in a pattern or that feels as "real" as it did last night - just random bit of crampiness... i'm just getting paranoid i guess. Just to be on a safe side. I would call the dr and tell them exactly what you wrote. Some women leak for a while instead of gush of water before going into labor. You don't want the amniotic fluid to get too low(if you are leaking a little) Good luck to you and happy and healthy labor Also try to note how often you are getting those cramps. OH and one more thing,I never felt or noticed how I lost my mucous plug.
Message edited 5/3/2009 6:03:26 AM.
Posted 5/2/09 8:44 PM |
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
I would definately call the dr...a friend of mine had her water break like this so she didnt think it was her water and when she started having contractions the dr. commented on how she should have come in MUCH sooner. Not something to play around with. Also, I lost my mucous plug pretty much in one big glop maybe a little tiny bit after...I never had like what you are describing....not even anything that would have required a pantyliner. good Luck!
Posted 5/2/09 9:03 PM |
So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08 6368 total posts
Re: spinoff to my other post - water breaking
Posted by BnBdreamin
I made this post on the parenting board a little while ago that got a lot of responses that may help answer your question and see how different or similar the event seems to be.
Just read through that whole thread. Very interesting.
Posted 5/2/09 9:26 PM |