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Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

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Mr. Handsome

Member since 5/06

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Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

What "baby talk" words drive you crazy?

My MIL (yeah, I'm on a roll with her today Chat Icon ) says the following things and it's like nails on a chalkboard.

Piggies = Toes
Hungie = Hungry
Nunu = pacifier
Ba ba = bottle

Maybe it's just me, but those words drive me nuts. I'm not much of a baby-talker - sure, I coo and make funny noises and talk in silly voices to James, but I use the actual word for what things are.

Add the words that make you nuts! Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/09 9:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
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im a big girl!

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

i guess im sort of the opposite. i love piggies for toes and i say ba ba... i say ba ba for the simple fact that while shes really little its easier for her to say then bottle and i want her to be able to get what her wants are across asap. so im the opposite Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/09 10:08 PM

Mr. Handsome

Member since 5/06

13481 total posts


Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

Posted by Meggo613

i guess im sort of the opposite. i love piggies for toes and i say ba ba... i say ba ba for the simple fact that while shes really little its easier for her to say then bottle and i want her to be able to get what her wants are across asap. so im the opposite Chat Icon

I'm sure my opinion of these words will change when he gets older - he's only 7 weeks right now. Chat Icon

Plus, I think it's just my MIL that drives me crazy Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/09 10:13 PM

My Girl!!!

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

We are guilty of
Ba ba for bottle
Paci for Pacifier

Now DD says both so its our fault

I am really not big of baby talk if you say the words correctly they will get it...they may not pronounce it properly.

Posted 10/28/09 10:15 PM

Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

I actually do say hungie because (now not that I think my 4 month old son is talking) Nolan has a babble that sounds like hungie! But I do it only to him, when he "says" it.

I pretty much call his body parts by their names (except when I'm doing this little piggy) with the exception of the pee pee, pinker, pish, pishkopita, etc! Yes, my son has a pee-niss but something about that word is not right for a baby/toddler until he fully understands what it is. Call me cooky! JMO. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/09 11:17 PM


Member since 11/07

15800 total posts


Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

Posted by scarletbegonia

What "baby talk" words drive you crazy?

My MIL (yeah, I'm on a roll with her today Chat Icon ) says the following things and it's like nails on a chalkboard.

Piggies = Toes
Hungie = Hungry
Nunu = pacifier
Ba ba = bottle

Maybe it's just me, but those words drive me nuts. I'm not much of a baby-talker - sure, I coo and make funny noises and talk in silly voices to James, but I use the actual word for what things are.

Add the words that make you nuts! Chat Icon

Ha! This is the conversation we had earlier today!!!

My mother calls a pacifier bink bink Chat Icon
With my MIL-it is not so much what she calls things, but the off key lullabies. She sounds drunk!

Posted 10/28/09 11:26 PM

Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

I'm guilty of using ba-ba for his bottle and binky for his pacifier. I also call his toes "toooos" and his nose a "newwws". Ans of course, I say them together so they rhyme Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I'm normally not a huge fan of baby talk, so I really try to limit how much of it I use.

My MIL calls his pacifier his "nu-nu"Chat Icon She also does a laundry list of other things that drives me nutsChat Icon

Posted 10/29/09 1:12 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

Posted by Meggo613

i guess im sort of the opposite. i love piggies for toes and i say ba ba... i say ba ba for the simple fact that while shes really little its easier for her to say then bottle and i want her to be able to get what her wants are across asap. so im the opposite Chat Icon

same here! I call DD and DS's toes piggies and I say baba for bottle also.

Posted 10/29/09 5:06 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

we did call the pacifier the binky.. and bottle baba...

what drives me nuts, now more then earlier because he is learning to talk, is using the wrong words for animals and other thnsg... i mean REALLY wrong words.... a cat is a cat, not a female body part...

Posted 10/29/09 7:04 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

toes are toes, but I DO say baba :)

Posted 10/29/09 7:13 AM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

I'm guilty of
TOSIES - toes
BINK - pacifier

Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/09 8:29 AM

my loves...

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

I know I'm in the minority but baby talk on a whole is like nails on a chalkboard for me.

I really dislike adding "-y" to words to make them cute for kids. Just seems like extra work to teach the cute word and then have to break that habit.

I will even go so far as to passively/aggressively correct someone. So if someone says, "Look at the horsey!" I will in turn say, "What sound does the horse make, Charlotte?"

Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/09 8:33 AM

HELLO Manolo !!

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

I always said I'd never do it - but I find myself doing it and then I Chat Icon Chat Icon at myself - Chat Icon

I do correct myself though b/c I don't want to TEACH him the wrong words -

I say bottle - not ba ba
I'm guilty of saying let's go Seepie Seepie for lets' go to SLEEP - Don't ask me where the hell I got that ridiculous one .........Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/09 8:51 AM

Real Estate Professional

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

I'm guilty of baba for bottle and pulkies for her chubby legsChat Icon

Posted 10/29/09 8:53 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

Posted by ~Colleen~

I know I'm in the minority but baby talk on a whole is like nails on a chalkboard for me.

I really dislike adding "-y" to words to make them cute for kids. Just seems like extra work to teach the cute word and then have to break that habit.

I'm with you. My family still makes fun of me for flipping out if someone said "ba ba" when he was a baby because that one gets me the most.

I guess I am guilty of a few though. I do say piggies but more i the context of doing "This little piggie went to market". We also call going to sleep "Night Night".

Posted 10/29/09 8:56 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

I'm with you! I hate baby talk too... One weird one was DH's cousin kept calling Mason's pacifier... Uncle Paci. She's like, "Do you call it Uncle Paci?"

No... why would I call it that? I call it pacifier or paci. That's it. If Mason makes a new name for it then that's what we'll call it too.

Posted 10/29/09 8:59 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

I do say piggys, because we are always doing this little piggy went to market. But you can keep the all the other crap. We use real words and not whiney high pitched grandma voices.Chat Icon My mom and MIL are notorious for this nonsense!

Posted 10/29/09 9:01 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

2326 total posts

Ms. Brat

Re: Spinoff to my pacifier post... Baby Talk

Posted by ~Colleen~

I know I'm in the minority but baby talk on a whole is like nails on a chalkboard for me.

I really dislike adding "-y" to words to make them cute for kids. Just seems like extra work to teach the cute word and then have to break that habit.

I will even go so far as to passively/aggressively correct someone. So if someone says, "Look at the horsey!" I will in turn say, "What sound does the horse make, Charlotte?"

Chat Icon

Ditto. We never used baby talk or used their wrong pronounciations to speak to them. In all actuality, when a toddler says a word wrong, they hear it as correct, so when they say mowf instead of mouth and you say mowf when speaking to them, they may not know what you're talking about, because when they say mowf it sounds correct to them.

I don't know if this has anything to do with never using baby talk, but both my kids spoke in full sentences (4 or more words) by 18 months and have huge vocabularies.

Posted 10/29/09 9:11 AM

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