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Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08 7769 total posts
Name: Jenna
Spotting Question...UPDATED
Did anyone spot throughout the first trimester or their entire pregnancy?
I have been spotting (brown only) since i was about 4 i'm 6w4d and still spotting? Last sono was normal, even heard the heartbeat and going for a follow up today. should i be worried?
UPDATE: So had my follow up sono last night and everything is looking great! Little Bean is growing right on schedule and the tech did the sono both internal and on my tummy (which i thought it would be too early for but i guess I was wrong ) Doc told me that there was no sign of bleeding and if all I see if brown spotting then i can just ignore that. I have another appt in 2 weeks so all I have to do is just take it easy and continue "pelvic rest" thanks for everyone's help!
Message edited 2/19/2009 7:25:18 AM.
Posted 2/18/09 10:35 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 4/08 15553 total posts
Re: Spotting Question...
my OB told me point blank that there is no rhyme or reason as to why some women spot and others don't. i had mentioned 3 instances of spotting when she told me that.
to be honest - she said some women will spot or bleed throughout the ENTIRE pregnancy and give birth to healthy, wonderful babies....and others will miscarry and never bleed an ounce and doctors' have no idea why...
brown to me = old blood that never quite made it 'down the pipes'... i would let the OB know- but unless the spotting is accompanied by painful cramping or changes color - you SHOULD be fine.
Posted 2/18/09 10:37 AM |
Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08 7769 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: Spotting Question...
Posted by davenjess
my OB told me point blank that there is no rhyme or reason as to why some women spot and others don't. i had mentioned 3 instances of spotting when she told me that.
to be honest - she said some women will spot or bleed throughout the ENTIRE pregnancy and give birth to healthy, wonderful babies....and others will miscarry and never bleed an ounce and doctors' have no idea why...
brown to me = old blood that never quite made it 'down the pipes'... i would let the OB know- but unless the spotting is accompanied by painful cramping or changes color - you SHOULD be fine.
I've talked with the doc about it and that's why i'm going in for another sono today just to make sure we are's just a little nerve racking
Posted 2/18/09 10:42 AM |
Member since 4/08 15553 total posts
Re: Spotting Question...
Posted by jennarose023
Posted by davenjess
my OB told me point blank that there is no rhyme or reason as to why some women spot and others don't. i had mentioned 3 instances of spotting when she told me that.
to be honest - she said some women will spot or bleed throughout the ENTIRE pregnancy and give birth to healthy, wonderful babies....and others will miscarry and never bleed an ounce and doctors' have no idea why...
brown to me = old blood that never quite made it 'down the pipes'... i would let the OB know- but unless the spotting is accompanied by painful cramping or changes color - you SHOULD be fine.
I've talked with the doc about it and that's why i'm going in for another sono today just to make sure we are's just a little nerve racking
BELIEVE ME - i know it is!!!!! I do know now though that my cervix is majorly sensitive... I had a PAP at that first OB visit and even the doc was stunned at how badly i bled. She warned me that i'd likely see spotting if we had sex...or for other reasons along those lines.
I haven't had spotting after sex, but um...after maybe struggling with a bowel movement, that i've had... Apparently, that's very normal too - if you struggle, you can burst a blood vessel and spot...
Please let us know you are okay later - after your appointment!!!!
Posted 2/18/09 10:45 AM |
Yummy yummy cookie...

Member since 10/08 2005 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: Spotting Question...
I bled in the beginning. It wasn't even brownish, it was red. It seriously scared me to death. My OB did sonos and he looked at my cervix and told me that I have a very vascular cervix which is why I was bleeding. He also told me that the bleeding was fine as long as it stopped, turned brown and as long as it wasn't coupled with bad cramping. I'm sure everything is ok. Please keep us updated.
Posted 2/18/09 10:56 AM |
Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08 7769 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: Spotting Question...
Posted by hannahsmom
I bled in the beginning. It wasn't even brownish, it was red. It seriously scared me to death. My OB did sonos and he looked at my cervix and told me that I have a very vascular cervix which is why I was bleeding. He also told me that the bleeding was fine as long as it stopped, turned brown and as long as it wasn't coupled with bad cramping. I'm sure everything is ok. Please keep us updated.
i did have one scare after my first sono...just started bleeding out of now where with lots of clots (TMI Sorry) and i really thought i had mc but we went back to the doc and baby was great...heartbeat strong and all! after the next day turned back to brown and now very light, they said no reason but it looked like i had a small hematoma but not to worry just rest
Posted 2/18/09 11:17 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/07 3915 total posts
Re: Spotting Question...
I spotted my entire first trimester, it was a lot too, very scary. DS is totally fine and healthy
Posted 2/18/09 12:12 PM |
Re: Spotting Question...
im 6w7d and spotted brown blood my entire 5th week. as soon as it turned to week 6 it stopped. it was weird. but my dr said it was normal as long as there was no cramping or red blood.
lol, but as soon as the spotting stopped, i started getting these pinching sensations on my right side. it was only for 2 days and on and off and werent painful, just weird. the dr said that was normal too. he said there'll be alot of pinching and stretching and to get used to it lol.
Posted 2/18/09 1:40 PM |
Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08 7769 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: Spotting Question...
well it makes me feel a little bit better knowing i'm not the only one...i'm a worrier and i can't help it! hopefully (fingers crossed) all will go great at the sono today and i'll be able to breathe a little more. I haven't realy been having cramps...just sometimes mild gas pain (which i've learned that it really was ) and once in a while a whisper of a cramp but barely even noticeable.
Posted 2/18/09 1:49 PM |
Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08 7769 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: Spotting Question...
well i'm off soon so i'll update tomorrow! thanks for the support ladies!!!
Posted 2/18/09 2:36 PM |
Re: Spotting Question...
I started spotting at 9 weeks through 11 weeks. I had an U/S because I was so nervous. Everything was fine. My OB said that implantation bleeding can last up to 12 weeks.
Posted 2/18/09 3:13 PM |
love my boys

Member since 4/08 2365 total posts
Re: Spotting Question...
I had a couple of episodes of light spotting in the first trimester. The dr. requested that I notify her each time it happened. I was sent for a couple of sono's to check on the baby and all was ok
Posted 2/18/09 3:19 PM |
Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08 7769 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: Spotting Question...
UPDATED! thanks for everyone's support!
Message edited 2/19/2009 9:02:50 AM.
Posted 2/19/09 7:19 AM |