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SPR: Miss Freeport V Sunset Cruise out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport?

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TTC #2

Member since 11/08

3141 total posts


SPR: Miss Freeport V Sunset Cruise out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport?

We just got an invitation for a first cousin's engagement party aboard the Miss Freeport V.

It is on a Saturday night in July at 6pm so I'm assuming we should not bring DD (who will be 1 by then) right?

Has anyone ever been on this boat? Anything I should know? DH and I were thinking about staying in a hotel after the cruise (we live in CT). Does anyone know of anywhere decent to stay nearby?


Posted 1/18/10 9:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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TTC #2

Member since 11/08

3141 total posts


Re: SPR: Miss Freeport V Sunset Cruise out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport?

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Posted 1/19/10 2:42 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: SPR: Miss Freeport V Sunset Cruise out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport?

I would def NOT bring a child on those cruises.

A warning, you can get VERY sea sick on them. I went on one out of Freeport years ago and people were sick, vomiting EVERYWHERE< I am not kidding you. It was like a horror movie. Def do not bring your DC. Friends of mine got vomited on, it was awful, people laying on the floor/stairways, etc. Maybe even take a dramamine or something!! Those waters can be very sea sickening, esp if they just anchor the boat for a while.

And I am not someone who gets seasick and even I had to put my head down and pray for it to be over. I kissed land when I got off that boat. Not kidding one bit.

Sorry to be a downer!!

Message edited 1/19/2010 4:20:45 PM.

Posted 1/19/10 2:57 PM


Member since 5/09

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Re: SPR: Miss Freeport V Sunset Cruise out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport?

I wouldn't bring your DD first because yes, some people do get sea sick and also because it's a night time thing and well, what if your DD gets sleepy. I imagine it will be loud.

As for hotels in the area, there's a couple in Rockville Centre, just can't remember the name. One's a chain. Agggh, when it comes to me I'll let you know.

Posted 1/19/10 4:05 PM

Real Estate Professional

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Re: SPR: Miss Freeport V Sunset Cruise out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport?

Posted by Goobster

I would def NOT bring a child on those cruises.

A warning, you can get VERY sea sick on them. I went on one out of Freeport years ago and people we sick, vomiting EVERYWHERE< I am not kidding you. It was like a horror movie. Def do not bring your DC. Friends of mine got vomited on, it was awful, people laying on the floor/stairways, etc. Maybe even take a dramamine or something!! Those waters can be very sea sickening, esp if they just dock the boat for a while.

And I am not someone who gets seasick and even I had to put my head down and pray for it to be over. I kissed land when I got off that boat. Not kidding one bit.

Sorry to be a downer!!

OMG I could have written this post myself...I went on one years ago for a friends birthday and I NEVER get any sort of motion sickness and thought I was literally going to jump overboard bc I felt so was awful!!!! So def don't bring DC!

Posted 1/19/10 4:07 PM

There's no place like home

Member since 8/07

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Re: SPR: Miss Freeport V Sunset Cruise out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport?

OMG you ladies are painting such an awful picture of the trip. I went on the Miss Freeport for a work event, only one of my coworkers got mildly seasick and it was her first time on a boat.. Maybe we got lucky but it definitely wasn't a horror movie like explained previously. I definitely wouldn't bring DC, it is a small ship and not really set up for small children.

Posted 1/19/10 4:12 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: SPR: Miss Freeport V Sunset Cruise out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport?

Posted by LoriH

OMG you ladies are painting such an awful picture of the trip. I went on the Miss Freeport for a work event, only one of my coworkers got mildly seasick and it was her first time on a boat.. Maybe we got lucky but it definitely wasn't a horror movie like explained previously. I definitely wouldn't bring DC, it is a small ship and not really set up for small children.

Must definitely depend on the weather b/c this also happened to my parents on a boat out of Freeport. I am not exaggerating one bit. People were sick as dogs everywhere. The bathrooms were disgusting from all the sick people, it was just awful, really looked exactly as I described. I could not believe it myself!

Posted 1/19/10 4:22 PM

TTC #2

Member since 11/08

3141 total posts


Re: SPR: Miss Freeport V Sunset Cruise out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport?

Thanks Ladies, I definitely won't bring DD. I was thinking I might just send DH and stay home myself (it's his side of the family's party)...but we'll see.

I have only gotten sea sick once on the million times I've been on the Lazy Bones in Montauk. Never sick on any other boats or any other time.

Thanks for your help!

Posted 1/19/10 7:10 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: SPR: Miss Freeport V Sunset Cruise out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport?

Well, I would see if you could bring DC and then make the decision.

I would probably have to bring DS though, usually we don't have people to watch him and if it is a family thing, well, we are stuck then...

And he went on a circle line nad was just fine...

Posted 1/19/10 7:27 PM


Member since 6/08

3195 total posts


Re: SPR: Miss Freeport V Sunset Cruise out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport?

Ive never been sick or see anyone get sick on these boats and ive been on them about 15 times if not more..(i grew up over there) BUT, with that being said, its totally not a place for a baby..lots of stairs (to upper decks and lower decks etc) pretty hard to think of bringing a stroller on board..etc..and there IS the possibility of you or someone else being sick..although like i said, its never happened to me.
You have until July, i would say to just try and find a sitter..
as far as hotels in the area..there is a Holiday Inn in rockville center..thats the only "chain" type of hotel..also, if youre looking for something nicer, there is a brand new hotel on the long beach boardwalk...its definately more upscale..i forgot the name but i have the info for it, so if youre interested lemme know..
Your dh and you could definately make a nice weekend of it...if your side could watch your dc?

Posted 1/19/10 7:35 PM

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