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Starting Solids...some more questions at bottom :-)

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Starting Solids...some more questions at bottom :-)

Any tips or suggestions on how to make this go smoothly? Like should I bring out the high chair a few days before to get her used to it or just go right into it? What is the best time of day to do it? Is the cereal her meal or should I BF her right before or after...

Thanks...I'm a little clueless about this as you can tell Chat Icon

Message edited 12/22/2005 8:48:13 AM.

Posted 12/20/05 1:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: Starting Solids

Kevin isn't in his high chair yet...bringing it out this weekend. So when I feed him I give him his bottle first, but save a few sips for after the cereal. I then put him in his bouncy seat, make the cereal and then feed him in his bouncy seat. I then give him the last few sips of his bottle to wash the cereal down with.

When he first started the cereal, I gave it to him with his second to last bottle of the day. He now gets it with his second bottle of the morning and his second to last bottle of the day.

Posted 12/20/05 2:40 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: Starting Solids

Posted by dree

Any tips or suggestions on how to make this go smoothly? Like should I bring out the high chair a few days before to get her used to it or just go right into it? What is the best time of day to do it? Is the cereal her meal or should I BF her right before or after...

Thanks...I'm a little clueless about this as you can tell Chat Icon

How old is she?

Posted 12/20/05 3:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Starting Solids

BM or formula is always your baby's main source of nutrion at this age. Food introduction is not to replace their formula or bm.
You should give the baby a small amount of cereal and then BF.

Posted 12/20/05 6:30 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 10/05

11 total posts


Re: Starting Solids

Actually in response to the above post, I have read that you should breastfeed first then give the cereal after, since breastmilk is what's most important at this time for the baby.....that way you're not replacing a nursing session with solid feeding.
I usually give my son a feeding of the rice cereal about 30-45 minutes after I've nursed little piggy is gobbling down about 1/3 cup of cereal twice a day even after nursing. (he's 5 months old)

Message edited 12/20/2005 8:45:00 PM.

Posted 12/20/05 8:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Starting Solids

Sorry for the delay in responding...last minute Christmas shopping!!

Sidney is 5.5 months old. When starting out do I feed her 1x a day or 2x a day? Sidney's Gastro Dr. said to feed 2 tablespoons 3x a day. That seems like A LOT to start. My friend said to just go for 1-2x a day and try 1 tbsp. There seems to be so many different opinions.

Also, the Dr. said to start with Oatmeal instead or Rice Cereal. Sidney has food allergies so I thought she should start with Rice but the Dr. said that since she also has been constipated we should go with Oatmeal. I'm sure it's not a big deal but I had it ingrained in my head that Rice was the best to start with.

And 1 more question....If I do 1 tbsp cereal do I mix it with 1 tbsp BM? Is that the ratio?

Thanks so much....I didn't realize this would be soo confusing!

Posted 12/22/05 8:47 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 10/05

11 total posts


Re: Starting Solids...some more questions at bottom :-)

The first time you give the rice cereal, you should mix 1 tbsp in 4 tbsp breastmilk or formula. It should be a "watery" consistency because the baby is not used to thicker can thicken it gradually as baby gets used to it.
FYI - Watch the ingredients in the cereals, some have milk and soy in them. We are using Gerber Rice cereal for my son with no adverse effects.
We started with 1x per day, but he gobbled that up like crazy, so we went to 2x a day, and he now even sleeps through the night. We're doing 6 nursings a day and cereal for breakfast (about 9am or so), and for dinner (around 5pm or so).
In the beginning, you should start in the AM because you can watch for any allergic reaction to the foods (you don't wanna put baby to bed after trying a new food in case they have an allergic reaction.)
Hope that helps some!

Posted 12/23/05 1:37 PM

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