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B.Feeding and Starting Solids Q's...

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


B.Feeding and Starting Solids Q's...


My DD will be 6 mths next month and will be starting solids. Up until now she has been EBF. I am beginning to feel overwhelmed as we enter this new stage.

Up until this it was easy for us, just lift the shirt and off she wentChat Icon but now I am thinking of introducing formula and solids and wonder how she will take to all the changes.

I had planned on b.feeding until she was 6mths and now we are nearly at that stage I am wondering should I continue. I have never pumped and dont want to start now so will need some formul to mix with the solids right?

I was thinking of just introuducing one bottle of formula at night, using formula for mixing with her solids and b.feeding the rest of the time.

I know I will discuss this with my ped at the next visit but I have always got better advice on here than at the ped's office.

Any advice?

TIAChat Icon

Posted 7/25/06 9:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: B.Feeding and Starting Solids Q's...

We also exclusively breast feed and are planning nothing else for at least 6 months or more. Pediatrician said it was fine. You can mix your milk with food, I plan to when we start. It's all personal choice, I plan to breast feed as long as I can.

Posted 7/25/06 10:32 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: B.Feeding and Starting Solids Q's...

At six months you can start to introduce some cows milk in. I think you could do that....

Its not as difficult as you think, for me, the key was just to do whatever felt right for me. I never listen to the health visitors that we see here. The key is just to listen to your heart!!!

Message edited 7/25/2006 11:34:53 AM.

Posted 7/25/06 11:33 AM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: B.Feeding and Starting Solids Q's...

It's all so confusing to me too. DS is 4 months and our pediatrician said we could start solids so last week I started giving him a tablespoon of rice cereal mixed with breastmilk 1x a day, but I keep wondering if I should hold off on the solids until he is a little older. He loves the cereal though. Chat Icon Is everyone else waiting until 6 months?

sorry, that didn't really answer your question. you can also mix it with water if you don't want to give formula, but i think mixing with formula is fine especially if you were planning on weaning anyway. but if BFing has been going well and you don't have to go back to work or anything maybe you could just continue?

Posted 7/25/06 11:50 AM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: B.Feeding and Starting Solids Q's...

Posted by racheeeee

The key is just to listen to your heart!!!

I couldn't agree with this more! I mean it is nice to hear the Pediatrican's "go ahead" but at all times we will do what WE feel is right no matter what!

Posted 7/25/06 11:57 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: B.Feeding and Starting Solids Q's...

You don't have to use formula to mix with solids. You can mix the cereal with just water.

Posted 7/25/06 1:07 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

573 total posts


Re: B.Feeding and Starting Solids Q's...

Posted by BabyInMarch

It's all so confusing to me too. DS is 4 months and our pediatrician said we could start solids so last week I started giving him a tablespoon of rice cereal mixed with breastmilk 1x a day, but I keep wondering if I should hold off on the solids until he is a little older. He loves the cereal though. Chat Icon Is everyone else waiting until 6 months?

I'm also exclusively bf'ing and my pediatrician also started my DS on cereal at 4 weeks. We started with 1 tbsp of rice cereal mixed with breastmilk and did that for a week. Then we increased it to 2 tbsps for a week and then 3 tbsps for a week. After that we added another feeding of 1 tbsp of oatmeal and we'll gradually increase that just like the rice cereal. I'm personally really happy that we started DS on cereal at 4 months because I think he was ready ... but it makes feeding him much more difficult because now I have to pump milk to put in his cereal and that's kind of a pain.

Posted 7/25/06 1:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: B.Feeding and Starting Solids Q's...

Thanks everyone for your answers.....I think I am still on the fence about quitting b.feeding....I think the thought of teeth arriving scares me!!

I didnt know you could mix cereal with water - I guess she will still get enough nutrition from the breast milk if I choose to mix it with water instead of formula...decisions decisions......

I wonder could I hand express enough b.milk to mix with the cereal so I dont have to buy a pump - anyone do this? Sounds weird but I guess if it works.....

Its not easy being a mom sometimes!

Thanks everyone.

Message edited 7/25/2006 2:31:54 PM.

Posted 7/25/06 2:30 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: B.Feeding and Starting Solids Q's...

We just started DD on solids at 4.5 months, I pump breast milk to mix with her cereal... I tried adding formula but she didn't seem to like it. Water is fine too as the previous posters said.
You could buy an inexpensive manual pump.
I would continue to BF if you can...

Posted 7/25/06 3:09 PM

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