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Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Summer Studying?
So my kids both ended the school year with good report cards and promotions to the next grade. This weekend - one of my errands was to find some summer study materials. I ordered a couple of new math workbooks and some reading materials.
My bf and my husband are telling me that I'm "mean" and summer is for relaxing. They got promoted and I shouldn't worry about getting them prepped and keeping them sharp for next year.
I'm not talking about 2 hours a day doing math drills.. I'm talking about some time on the weekend with me just helping to reinforce what they know. Noah did struggle with math a little bit last year - and while Robbie was a mathlete, he does have a tendency to get lazy so I don't think a little extra help would kill either of them. And I just think reading is a good habit. I think having them read 20 minutes a night with me isn't a punishment.
Or am I wrong? Should summer be strictly about fun, sprinklers, pools and good times?
Posted 6/28/10 9:29 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 11767 total posts
Re: Summer Studying?
the math can't hurt, but remember that most kids are going to come back without doing anything and teachers anticipate that.
20 minutes of reading a night should be routine for the rest of our lives. Most schools have summer reading requirements and the public library gives out prizes for it, so i don't think that's unreasonable at all. and you can read aloud to teenagers (and it counts as reading) - so don't let age hold anyone back.
Posted 6/28/10 10:13 AM |
And so it goes....

Member since 9/05 2217 total posts
Re: Summer Studying?
I plan to keep the Math, Writing and Reading up over the summer. Jack did well in all 3 but really needs to build his confidence up. I don't think its mean you know what your kids need.
Writing will consist of daily journal entries, just a few sentences. For Math we will do a worksheet or two each week and of course work things in as we come across opportunities. Reading is daily, both him reading to us and us reading to him.
Posted 6/28/10 10:51 AM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Summer Studying?
We have lots of workbooks to practice writing letters and numbers, but mine are younger than yours. I could see getting a math book.
We read a few books a day together so for now that's easy to get them to still do.
Posted by FranM
Reading is daily, both him reading to us and us reading to him.
Today from 1-9 is the signup for the library's summer reading program. Sarah is so excited to go, she's been reminding me all weekend we have to go today. I suspect it's the cotton candy Miss Michelle mentioned when we were there last week.
Posted 6/28/10 11:08 AM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: Summer Studying?
Damien's school actually gave us stuff to do over the summer. They also have a list of books and have to read at least 2 over the summer and write a brief summary.
Posted 6/28/10 2:16 PM |
Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06 3923 total posts
Re: Summer Studying?
We actually have about 45min. worth of HW a night this summer. All students in the school that my DD goes to has summer HW. It's in all subjects plus 20 min. of reading a day. It's been great. no complaints here. MY DD loves HW and it's something for her to do as well. You'll be surprised how much they forget if not utilizing their skills everyday.
Posted 6/28/10 4:29 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 1/07 812 total posts
Re: Summer Studying?
Studying, reading, learning should not be a punishment and from what it sounds like, you are not utilizing it that way at all!
Establishing good academic rituals and routines now is so very important!
Can I make a recommendation? Try books on tape ... they can listen before bedtime and visualize the stories or follow along in a chapter book. Either one is great and the kids might really enjoy it!
Posted 6/28/10 9:10 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 1/07 812 total posts
Re: Summer Studying?
Posted by Erica
the math can't hurt, but remember that most kids are going to come back without doing anything and teachers anticipate that.
20 minutes of reading a night should be routine for the rest of our lives. Most schools have summer reading requirements and the public library gives out prizes for it, so i don't think that's unreasonable at all. and you can read aloud to teenagers (and it counts as reading) - so don't let age hold anyone back.
I honestly feel that most kids do work over the summer and most parents do try and work with their children over the summer for enrichment. I am a teacher in a rather poor area and even those kids read and do math over the summer. On long island, it seems that many of the parents are quite activie in terms of keeping their kids active over the summer. I think most teachers expect children to retain what was taught in the previous years.
But my main point is, the positives greatly outweigh the negatives. Also, I do think children need a break and all so I dont think they need to do hours of work each day, I feel like reaidng 20 minutes a day is more than doable.
Posted 6/28/10 9:14 PM |
Love these kids!

Member since 10/05 4708 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: Summer Studying?
I get my DD "homework" books from dollar tree all the time. She is only 4 but it is something she enjoys doing. We will continue to do it over the summer. I don't wnat to push her but she would rather do that then play with her toys. We also read 4 books a night. Not sure how things will be when she is older. Our district gives summer assignments and kids I have watched and kids I have always hate it but I don't think an hour or 2 will hurt.
Posted 6/28/10 9:26 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/06 763 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Summer Studying?
my sister told me about books for the summer. They are called "summer activities" and they are for review of the grade they cam from and starts to touch on the grade they are going into. We are going this weekend to get Diana the K-1 book. They got good reviews on Amazon. I also saw them on the Wal-Mart web site, Barnes and Noble , etc
Posted 6/29/10 11:11 AM |