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switching formulas

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my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


switching formulas

I was breastfeeding and stopped and I started using Similac Advance with Iron. I didn't notify the ped. Now I want to try other formulas to see if it helps with his gas and colic do I need to notify his doctor everytime I make a change? (I've been thinking about changing peds anyway because he does not offer any support, when i first told him the baby was gassy and colicky he said it's because I was making too much milk and he was eating too much. "patience..."is all he recommended!)

Posted 10/25/05 10:05 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: switching formulas

I just called my ped and told him what was going on and he told me it was OK.... He said to try it for 3-5 days to see how they react to it.

My son had issues with formula bc he was spitting up a lot. First he was on Enfamil w/Lipil, next Enfamil AR, then Similac Advance w/Iron and finally Similac Isomil Advance Soy. Since he's been on the Soy formula he's been so much better.

Posted 10/25/05 10:09 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: switching formulas

I personally wouldn't try a bunch of different formulas without talking the pediatrician first. I wouldn't know how long to wait to see results before switching again. I don't think you need the ped's permission because it's your child, you do what you feel right, but I do think it's wise to at least let the ped know what you plan to do. He/she can tell you things to look for in case your baby has an adverse reaction to a particular formula, or things to avoid doing, etc. Also, your ped may want to monitor how the baby is doing on a particular formula.

If I were in your situation I might find a new ped first and then try switching the formula after discussing it with the new Dr.

Good luck!

Posted 10/25/05 10:16 AM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: switching formulas

I was EBF then my milk supply started to decrease so I had to up the amount of formula supplements he was getting..

When I did that we were using similac advance with iron, I notice he seemed to be having some gas issues, so I called the DR and he said switch to a soy formula...he suggested isomil..

SInce then=no problems...

I dont think it was necessary for me to call...had I wanted to try the soy on my own... but since I wasnt sure I called...

I would def. tell your DR you switched though at your next apt. at the least..

Posted 10/25/05 12:08 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: switching formulas

did you find that they soy constipated him, or was that not an issue?

Posted 10/25/05 12:17 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: switching formulas

I changed but with the go ahead from my dr although - they weren't big on changing. I would talk to your dr first if you are making a big change. My dr said no way to soy but considered Lactose free but then decided we should start with what they called the best to see if it does cure the digestive issues.

My baby was colic , had reflux and had digestive issues/constipation. I am now on Similac Ailmentum. As soon as I started the Alimentum, the constipation went away and never had the issue since. The reflux got worse at first (the formula is lighter) but is now much better (may have improved with age). Unfortunately it lessened some of the crying due to constipation but didn't affect the colic.

The one thing the dr said you have to give a formula at least a week to see if it helps. It may get worse for that week being they have to have their systems get use to the change.

Message edited 10/25/2005 12:51:52 PM.

Posted 10/25/05 12:50 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: switching formulas

Posted by aja

did you find that they soy constipated him, or was that not an issue?

Not constipated, however he does poop less- But I noticed that when I stopped EBFing, and was on similac advance- his poopinh has been no different with the 2 formulas...just no more screaming after eating...Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/05 2:02 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Re: switching formulas

Posted by aja

did you find that they soy constipated him, or was that not an issue?

Christopher's been on 3 different formulas, though I discussed it with the ped before each change. First Enfamil with LIPIL, then Enfamil Prosobee (which made him constipated, but every baby's different), and now he's on Enfamil Gentlease. It's made for gasiness and fussiness. He's like a completely different baby. Chat Icon

Message edited 10/25/2005 3:25:20 PM.

Posted 10/25/05 3:24 PM

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