A Healing for Gregory

Member since 1/07 1217 total posts
Name: Barbara
Taking advantage in today's world .....
Over the last two days, I've been reading posts on excessive school supplies, food stamps, etc. I thought I'd add my two cents too. I understand there are many circumstances in today's world where people need help, but there are many people in today's world ... like myself ... who need help and just can't get it because "other people" are draining our system.
I'm a married stay at home Mom. DH is a telecommunications integration specialist ... he doesn't make a fortune. DC#1 is multiply-handicapped and I homeschool. DC#2 is going into K this year. We live in a modest house ... and I mean modest. We drive two older vehicles. We live on a tighter than tight budget. A big night out is taking the kids to a summer carnival ... and hoping it might be POP.
I am surrounded by people in today's world getting food stamps, school supplies, Medicaid, Social Security, free Holiday food baskets and the list goes on and on. Does my child qualify for anything????????????? NO NO NO. And, he should because he's multiply-handicapped. Why you ask ......... Well, according to NYS we make a lot of money. Let me tell you ... a lot of money is no where near $100,000.
I shop on coupons and purchase on sale only. I gladly take hand me down clothes from friends and neighbors. I live within my means and I deal with it. I manage our funds as best as I can ... my children are clothed, food is on the table and I pay the bills ... maybe not on time all the time ... but I pay them.
There are days, weeks and months when I have $50 in the bank until the next paycheck comes in.
I've read all the posts. Am I resentful of the people driving expensive cars and getting food stamps or the people taking school supplies when they've gone on a summer vacation. You bet I am.
I am accountable for my life and that of my family. I'm tired of seeing my DH work his a** off by doing 12-15 hour days and having nothing to show for it.
If we can do it, others can to. People in general need to stop draining the system and help themselves.
Sell the Lexus or the Mercedes and feed your family instead of draining the food pantry or accepting food stamps. Don't take the kids to McDonalds for dinner ... buy some packaged chicken and rice .... then you'll have money for school supplies.
There are plenty of legitimate people who need the help ... like me ... and they deserve to get it. However, many of them can't because they "supposedly make too much money." Yeah right ... trying feeding and housing a family of four on $75,000.
I'm so sick of it.
Message edited 8/26/2008 3:54:14 PM.
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Taking advantage in today's world .....
I agree with you. It $ucks!
But you know what. You KNOW you are doing the right thing. You are not the only one feeling this way.
You can sleep tight at night knowing you live your life with integrity and pride.
That is priceless!
Life is Good :)
Member since 11/07 6605 total posts
Re: Taking advantage in today's world .....
I agree with you.
In the end though you are doing the right thing, and your teaching your children the right way.
These families are just sick cycles. they teach there child who then have children and so on.
Be proud that your children will never take advantage of the system.
And I feel for you. I know how hard it was for my mom. She hated to ask us to buy her groceries and pay her bills, and she got nothing from the system she paid into for years.

Member since 11/05 5666 total posts
Name: Barbara
Re: Taking advantage in today's world .....
Posted by smdl
I agree with you. It $ucks!
But you know what. You KNOW you are doing the right thing. You are not the only one feeling this way.
You can sleep tight at night knowing you live your life with integrity and pride.
That is priceless!
It does suck. It is so hard not to be bitter in situations like when my hearing impaired child's speech services are cut because of cutbacks, yet "little Johnny" comes to school in a Escalade talking about his numerous gaming systems gets free lunch.
I live my life with integrity and pride, but it is hard not to have hard feelings.
Message edited 8/26/2008 3:27:33 PM.