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Teachers (repost from TTC)

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Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

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Teachers (repost from TTC)

I know in reality you cant "pick" when you would like to have a baby. However, what time of year do you feel is ideal as a teacher? Do you think it is better to deliver at the end of a school year? summer? beginning?

Posted 9/3/05 8:55 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Teachers (repost from TTC)

Given a choice, I would definitely prefer to give birth towards the end of the school year and be able to stay out with the baby and have those summer months!

Posted 9/3/05 8:56 AM


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Re: Teachers (repost from TTC)

I got pregnant in September and had the baby in June. I guess I planned it perfect.Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/05 9:04 AM

Don't eat me, hippo!

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Re: Teachers (repost from TTC)

I'd want to have the baby in march, that way I could have april, may and june, for materinty leave, and july and august added on.

I plan too much Chat Icon

That would be the 'ideal' but whatever it takes to get me a healthy baby is fine.

Posted 9/3/05 9:09 AM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

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Re: Teachers (repost from TTC)

I got pregnant in July- it was planned and had the baby in April, for me it was perfect. I had almost 5 months off of work with the baby! Baby number 2 will be planned the same way!

A friend of ours in on baby number 3 and all their babies are May babies for the same reason.

Posted 9/3/05 9:34 AM


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Re: Teachers (repost from TTC)

I don't know for sure- I was thinking that it would be nice to have the baby in the summer and then have the summer off. But then I think it would almost be good to have the kid in September- then I would have the last few months of pregnancy off. This past year, there were a few days in June that were brutal, I don't know how I would have managed if I was pg.

I am almost thinking about applying for a half year sabbatical that would take me from September of next year through December. I have enough time in.

Posted 9/3/05 9:38 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Teachers (repost from TTC)

Well, I'm a teacher and my baby is due on Monday--Labor Day!! I thought this was pretty inconvenient at first, being that I'd like ideally to meet the kids, set up my policies, etc, and this just isn't going to happen. However, this was the best time actually because I got to relax in A/C with my feet up, read, prepare, etc. from 30 weeks on...

I go back in December right after the second quarter starts, so it's kind of like a fresh start from there. Then two weeks later, it's Christmas vacation!

Also, for anyone with a fall baby, you can work on getting back in shape hiding behind sweaters and jeans all winter instead of tank tops and shorts, etc hehehe!!!

Posted 9/3/05 9:41 AM

I Love You to Pieces!

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Re: Teachers (repost from TTC)

I would be happiest if I my 6 week maternity was at the end of the school year so I could have that time plus the summer and return in the fall

Posted 9/3/05 9:58 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: Teachers (repost from TTC)

If I could, I'd want to deliver in the begginning of May, so then I could use my measley maternity leave, but have it go straight into the summer, so i'd end up with 5 months off.

Posted 9/3/05 9:59 AM

Spring Baby06
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Re: Teachers (repost from TTC)

I'm due in April, and I always said I would plan(god willing) to have a baby towards the end of the year so I could go into my maternity leave and have the summer off. I was shooting for a May baby, but you never know how long it will take you to get pg.Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/05 10:05 AM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: Teachers (repost from TTC)

I"m due Feb 28th and I am so happy it happened that way! I get to start the year w/my class, then take the rest of the year off from Feb/march on and then have the summer with my baby! I hope the next one happens the same way!

Posted 9/3/05 10:21 AM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

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Re: Teachers (repost from TTC)

Thanks for the feedback. I am just trying to get ideas. However, I know these things cannot always be planned.

Posted 9/3/05 10:23 AM

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