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Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

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Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

I just called my HR office.

Apparently we can use our sick days up until 6 weeks(8 for C) and then can take an additional 6 weeks of FMLA unpaid, but continue paying our insurance at the current rate.

I could also take a leave of absence, but I can't afford that.

I originally thought I could use ANY sick days I had acquired, so I am kinda bummed. I can't see going back after only 6 weeks, but the thought of not getting paid for 6 weeks makes meChat Icon

If I stayed out for the entire 12 weeks, I would return mid April, which is what I had originally planned...figured teach for for 2 months then summer off...but now I dont know.

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Message edited 7/15/2008 11:22:26 AM.

Posted 7/15/08 11:21 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

i am a NYC Assistant Principal
same thing - no real maternity leave
all days (up to 6 weeks) come out of your sick bank

Posted 7/15/08 11:23 AM

Little Brother

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

ours is pretty much the same... however once you are tenured, we have unlimited sick leave- so if the dr deams it medically necessary, you can stay out a bit longer on paid leave- but on average it is 6 weeks for vaginal and 8 weeks for c-section- we cant afford for me to stay out either, so i am goign back once my 8 weeks are up Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/08 11:33 AM

My Happy Girl

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

Im in NC...and here we can use all our sick time/personal time then get FMLA unpaid...however I have short term disability insurance that I am going to use. I can take three months off at half pay and another three if I wanted to at a quarter pay.

Posted 7/15/08 11:58 AM

My love muffin!

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

We have the same as yours (which I was disappointed with - however its not necessarily 6-8 weeks. It is until your dr. medically clears you. I asked my dr. about it and she said "I can't write anything that is not in the chart but a lot of women have post partum depression or back pain and will sometimes need clearance for a little longer" with a wink :)

Posted 7/15/08 1:35 PM

Little drummer boy

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

My leave is similar to yours. I can use my sick days for the first 6 weeks (or 8 for a c-section). The next 6 weeks are unpaid, BUT my union (I'm NYC UFT) offers disability for that time. It isn't much money, but it is better than nothing. I can't bear the idea of going back after 6 weeks, so we are just going to take the financial hit and make it work. We are earmarking money now for the time that I will be away from work.

Being in NYC, my main concern is that they don't eff up my paychecks too badly.

Posted 7/15/08 1:45 PM

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

Posted by sarahbelle

My leave is similar to yours. I can use my sick days for the first 6 weeks (or 8 for a c-section). The next 6 weeks are unpaid, BUT my union (I'm NYC UFT) offers disability for that time. It isn't much money, but it is better than nothing. I can't bear the idea of going back after 6 weeks, so we are just going to take the financial hit and make it work. We are earmarking money now for the time that I will be away from work.

Being in NYC, my main concern is that they don't eff up my paychecks too badly.

as long as the payroll secretary knows what she's doing, this should not be an issue

Posted 7/15/08 2:00 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

Posted by cjb88

ours is pretty much the same... however once you are tenured, we have unlimited sick leave- so if the dr deams it medically necessary, you can stay out a bit longer on paid leave- but on average it is 6 weeks for vaginal and 8 weeks for c-section- we cant afford for me to stay out either, so i am goign back once my 8 weeks are up Chat Icon

This is my district too...I am due at the end of Feb/early March, so I am hoping to get a doctor's note so I can take my sick days through the end of the school year.

Posted 7/15/08 2:14 PM

Mom of 3

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

Posted by Jen2999

I just called my HR office.

Apparently we can use our sick days up until 6 weeks(8 for C) and then can take an additional 6 weeks of FMLA unpaid, but continue paying our insurance at the current rate.

I could also take a leave of absence, but I can't afford that.

I originally thought I could use ANY sick days I had acquired, so I am kinda bummed. I can't see going back after only 6 weeks, but the thought of not getting paid for 6 weeks makes meChat Icon

Many school districts and other employers have a similar policy. Under FMLA, employers only have to allow substitution of accrued sick leave for unpaid leave when the leave is taken for an employee's serious health condition. Since most people are only considered disabled for 6 or 8 weeks following the birth of a child, those 6 or 8 weeks are considered leave for an employee's serious health condition. The remaining portion of the FMLA leave is taken to care for the child (employers do not have to allow substitution of sick leave for unpaid leave for that period of time). Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/08 2:17 PM

My life is complete

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

We have the same policy in my district that you have except I think we get more than six weeks unpaid FMLA. I have to let them know 30 days in advance if I plan on taking FMLA time. I am due back the 2nd week in September but will take some unpaid leave time. However, I was told by HR that if my doctor put it in writing that I needed additional leave time beyond the 6wk or 8wk standards, they would use my banked sick days so I would still be paid.

Posted 7/15/08 3:11 PM

Life is Good!!

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

My district is the same. The other good thing is that school vacations are not factored into your time off. So even with a vaginal delivery, I got to stay out one day short of 8 weeks because of christmas break. It really is too short though.Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/08 3:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

My district give ten weeks paid of your sick days and 12 for the C-section. You can take another few weeks (8 or 10) of FMLA.

Posted 7/15/08 4:02 PM

summer fun!

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

same sick policy 6 wks. sick time paid, but then 3 months additional FMLA (I think) unpaid, but insurance continues.

Posted 7/15/08 4:06 PM


Member since 7/07

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

Posted by tabrtm

My district give ten weeks paid of your sick days and 12 for the C-section. You can take another few weeks (8 or 10) of FMLA.

Same here

Posted 7/15/08 4:12 PM

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

Posted by jes81276

same sick policy 6 wks. sick time paid, but then 3 months additional FMLA (I think) unpaid, but insurance continues.

Same. I also have private disability insurance that I can use if I run out of sick days since I exhausted a lot with my DD.

Posted 7/15/08 4:31 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

I'm in CT but it is similar...

6 weeks paid-using accumulated sick days (8w for a C-section or if doctor deems necessary for other reasons)

6 weeks FMLA- unpaid-no sick time allowed to be used-

Posted 7/15/08 4:40 PM

Love my Jules :)

Member since 1/07

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

Posted by Jen2999

I just called my HR office.

Apparently we can use our sick days up until 6 weeks(8 for C) and then can take an additional 6 weeks of FMLA unpaid, but continue paying our insurance at the current rate.

I could also take a leave of absence, but I can't afford that.

I originally thought I could use ANY sick days I had acquired, so I am kinda bummed. I can't see going back after only 6 weeks, but the thought of not getting paid for 6 weeks makes meChat Icon

If I stayed out for the entire 12 weeks, I would return mid April, which is what I had originally planned...figured teach for for 2 months then summer off...but now I dont know.

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Mine is the same, I was sooo upset to find this out!!!

Posted 7/15/08 4:59 PM

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

Crashing the pregnancy board but I am TTC so I went to a maternity workshop in my district and our policy is the same as yours Jen. I am working this summer and trying to save as much money as I can so when the time comes hopefully I can take a little bit more than the 6 weeks off with some money in the bank. I know it stinks!

Posted 7/15/08 5:57 PM

Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

I am NYC as well and since I have no sick days Chat Icon , I will just use the 12 weeks of FMLA. I have been saving since my BFP for those 3 months!

I think we can also borrow up to 20 days, which I do not want to do.

Posted 7/15/08 7:24 PM

I love my baby girls!

Member since 12/06

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Re: Teachers... what is your district's policy re:materity leave

Mine is the same, and I will be taking 12 weeks off. I know it is hard to fathom not getting paid for a bit, but if you think about it, it is only 3 checks and if you put some money aside each check from September until you go on leave, and maybe volunteer to do a few extra paid things around the building-- subbing classes on your prep periods, etc, you will hardly notice the 3 checks, hopefully. Good luck with whatever youd ecide to do.

Posted 7/15/08 7:43 PM

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