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Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Tell me it's ok
I haven't run in over a week. I pulled something so I took the week off last week. This week I'm sick. And it's not looking good for next week either because we're moving in 12 days. DH works at the new house until 12am, while I spend my nights packing.
I barely have a moment to breathe or sleep, let alone workout. I'm so crazy stressed I'm barely eating a full meal each day, so I know I'd hurt myself if I tried at this point. I don't know how in the world the new house is going to be ready in time, how we'll get everything moved, and how I'll maintain status quo for my girls the whole time, while being a single mom while Dh works on the house like crazy to finish up!
Please tell me it's ok and that I won't lose ALL my momentum in 3 short weeks? I figure, I'm still staying in shape by packing and moving boxes until midnight every night
I just feel so awful, and I want to run so bad, but this is seriously one of the craziest times of my life!
Message edited 5/25/2011 9:57:21 PM.
Posted 5/25/11 9:57 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Tell me it's ok
Life always gets in the way. You will pick it up when you can, and you will assess from there what you can do!!! But you probably will be starting from a more fit place, so you will get back into it quicker....
This happens to everyone!!!
Posted 5/25/11 10:29 PM |
Just call me Mommy.

Member since 1/11 5570 total posts
Name: S
Re: Tell me it's ok
You will get back into it once things calm down. Packing and moving is a lot of work (I am in the middle of moving too)! Just try to make sure you eat enough each day. Good luck with the move.
Posted 5/26/11 12:51 AM |
Re: Tell me it's ok
I took 2 weeks off from running recently, and for no good reason. I could have fit it in, but I got lazy. I started back this week and the first day was hard. I ran the full 30 mins (c25k week 9) but got a stitch in my side and had to slow down at the end. But, by my second run, I did it with no problem.
So it may take a week to get back into it, but it shouldn't be too bad.
Posted 5/26/11 8:03 AM |

Member since 6/09 10031 total posts
Name: Colleen
Re: Tell me it's ok
It is okay!!! You have to take care of yourself and your health first. You did a smart thing. I recently had to take 5 months off from running due to an injury...its hard and I felt awful but I'm so glad I did in the end.
You probably will lose some of your speed and endurance over three weeks, but you will also gain it back pretty quickly. So don't get discouraged if the first week back in a little difficult! After I took off from running for two weeks for my wedding and HM it was hard coming back (It took me about 2 weeks to feel 100% again).
You're doing the right thing!!!
Posted 5/26/11 8:11 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Tell me it's ok
Ok... thanks everyone... I will try my hardest not to feel like total crap about it! The good news is we have an AWESOME new family room in the new house, so I'll have my treadmill and elliptical in that room, right in front of the TV... so it will be easy to get back into it once we settle in!
And it doesn't hurt to have an inground pool I think I'll be supplementing my workouts with a nice evening swim during the summer
Posted 5/26/11 9:01 AM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Tell me it's ok
You will be fine! I too had to take 3 weeks off. When I got back, I was stronger and faster (admittedly, I had to take off for health reasons). Sometimes your body needs a rest!
Posted 5/26/11 12:33 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 11767 total posts
Re: Tell me it's ok
it is so important to listen to your body.
I have read that you have 2 weeks of being off...after 14 days, each day off takes 2 days to get back. So it's not the end of the world.
Sometimes I have to tell myself that it is OK to do a short run. I have a bad habit of saying if i can't get 5 miles in, it's not worth it, but it would be better to get a little in rather than doing nothing. Is there a way you could do 1 mile here or there? Sometimes it gives you energy.
Posted 5/26/11 5:35 PM |