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*The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

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Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


*The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

Since, as we all know, the TTC board is a revolving-door, I thought it would be helpful to make ONE thread that new TTCers could look to for their basic information about where to start when it comes to TTC. We can also add any tips/tricks we have, helpful notebooked threads, information about nutrition/vitamins, etc.

I'll start and please feel free to add in your information!


Welcome to the wonderful world of TTC!

I will put in this disclaimer: The information below is what I, personally, have gathered from my journey TTC. It does not guarantee that you will get pregnant. Any answer or information given by this service does not constitute medical practice or advice, nor is it intended to replace the necessity of consultation with a physician. Always consult your personal physician for definitive answers to your medical questions. You agree that myself and LIF will incur no legal or moral liabilities to you or anyone else for your use of this thread!

Chat Lingo is a great place to start since there are tons of abbreviations and acronyms that we all use here on a daily basis.

The most common ones (I think) are:
BD = baby dance = s e x
OPK = ovulation predictor kit
FMU = first morning urine
CBEFM = clearblue easy fertility monitor
BFN = big fat negative (negative pregnancy test)
BFP = big fat positive
FRER = first response early result (pregnancy test)
CD = cycle day
AF = aunt flo = your period
O = ovulate
LP = luteal phase
POAS = pee on a stick (take a pregnancy test or ovulation test)
DPO = days past ovulation
CM = cervical mucus

A "typical" cycle (although I don't really know anyone who is typical) is 28 days long.

CD 1 = The first day you get your period. This begins YOUR calendar (you go by your own cycle, not the regular calendars).

For this "typical" cycle, CD 14 is when you ovulate.

Your LP (luteal phase, or the time between ovulation and the arrival of your next period) is 14 days. Meaning that your period will come on CD 29 (which would then become CD 1 of the next cycle).


In reality, cycles range in length. They can be 24 days long or they can be 40 days long. The length of your cycle shouldn't cause a problem as long as you are ovulating and have an adequate LP (10-16 days is normal, less than 10 days may be cause for concern).

Here is how you can figure out when you ovulate. Think of the dates of your last few periods. You can enter them into a website like My Monthly Cycles or Fertility Friend and it will give you an approximation of when you should ovulate and when you should get AF.

If you just want to "see what happens" the best way to make your BD plan is to count backwards 16 days and 10 days from your last cycle day, and see what CD you would be on. If your cycles are usually 30 days, then between CD 14 and CD 20 might be your ovulation dates so you'll definitely want to BD during that time. Some people prefer to BD every other day from after their period ends until after they know they've ovulated.

If you want to step it up a notch, you might get OPKs. I recommend ClearBlue Easy Digital OPKS which show a smiley face when they are positive. You can get the non-digitals also, but keep in mind that you will have to interpret the lines on them (some find this simple, others find this difficult!) With OPKs, you want to start on CD 10 (if you don't know how long your cycles are) or start on whatever CD it says on the instructions for your specific cycle length) and hold in your urine for 4 hours and test between 2 and 8 pm. For your OPK BD plan, you might want to BD every other day starting on CD 8, and then BD the day you get your +OPK and the following 2-3 days.

Another step up from OPKs is the CBEFM. This is a special fertility monitor that you can find at your local drugstore or on ebay (for much cheaper). You will be asked to POAS starting on CD 6 in your first month, and it will give you low readings, high readings (high fertility), and peak fertility. You will ovulate on your second Peak fertility day. It takes a few months to get used to your cycle, so don't feel worried if you don't get high readings or peak readings in your first month - just keep at it! A good BD plan to use with the CBEFM is to BD every other day during your high days, and every day of your peak days, then the day after your 2 peak days.

One step up from that would be temping. Temping is using a basal thermometer to get your basal body temperature (your waking temperature). This is more of a commitment. You will need to wake up at the same time each day (YES, that means on weekends too!) and take your temperature. You can enter them into the two websites previously mentioned and it will create a chart for you. Your chart should always be bi-phasic (meaning, have one set of temperatures before ovulation, then show a thermal shift, and show another higher set of temperature after ovulation). This is a great way to CONFIRM ovulation - this is NOT a good way to predict ovulation (at least for a few months until you have a clear pattern, even at which point it might still be difficult).


Okay, after you ovulate, you enter what we like to call the 2WW, or Two Week Wait. This is the time between ovulation and when your next AF is scheduled to arrive. This is the time where you will probably overanalyze everything your body does and every pinch, twinge, gas, heartburn, cramp you might feel. That's normal. We're so in tune with our bodies when we're TTC that we notice everything!

Most of us would suggest waiting until 14 DPO (days past ovulation) before taking a pregnancy test. This will save you from the heartbreak of false negatives and will save you the cost of buying TONS of pregnancy tests each month just to wind up with AF.

If you're lucky, one of these plans will work for you and you will get pregnant!

If you are under 35, and are TTC for 12+ months, you may want to consider seeing an RE, or reproductive endocrinologist. If you are over 35, and are TTC for 6+ months you might want to see an RE. These are fertility specialists. You might also consider seeing an RE if you have any problems that might affect TTC such as PCOS, thyroid problems, etc.

When just starting out, you might want to see your regular ob/gyn for an annual exam. You may also want to pick up prenatal vitamins (you can get prescription or over the counter).

This thread is a really helpful one to read.

A little tutorial on CM:

You want to look for EWCM, or Egg-White Cervical Mucus. Click here for picture or watery CM. These are the fertile kinds.

CM is often most present after a bowel movement. You can check internally by your cervix, or you can check the toilet paper after you wipe. EWCM should be able to stretch between your fingers.

At other times in your cycle, your CM might be sticky, lotiony, creamy, etc. It's normal to have lots of different kinds of CM at all times during your cycle. As long as it doesn't have a foul odor or strange color, it's probably normal.

A Few Tips and Tricks:

PreSeed or Pre - two lubricants that are sperm-friendly. Other lubricants like KY jelly are harmful to sperm!

Mucinex or Robitussen - these can help with loosening up your CM.

B-6 - helpful in lengthening your LP (if it is 10 days or less).

Baby Aspirin - prevents clotting in the uterus

*Anyone up for making a FAQ thread? I'd be happy to help if people can give me frequently asked questions!

Posted 7/29/08 6:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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True beauty

Member since 10/07

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Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

You are AMAZING! Thank you!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/08 6:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/07

1086 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

You are the BEST!

Posted 7/29/08 6:29 PM

So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06

11197 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

Girlfriend, this is an AMAZING post.

Ron needs to sticky this one!!!

Posted 7/29/08 6:54 PM

Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08

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Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

Wow! You did a great job with this!Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/08 7:13 PM

True beauty

Member since 10/07

9888 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

thought of something- maybe you should mention fertility friend and sites like that?

recommend TCOYF?

Posted 7/29/08 7:18 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07

724 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

Wow-great post!

Posted 7/29/08 7:38 PM

whatcha doin!?

Member since 1/08

1705 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

How long does should you take Mucinex/Robitussin for? (I.e. how many days?, which CD would you start? how many doses per day?... and when do you stop?)

Posted 7/29/08 7:50 PM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

Posted by MrDeeNMe

How long does should you take Mucinex/Robitussin for? (I.e. how many days?, which CD would you start? how many doses per day?... and when do you stop?)

I started on CD 10 (10 days after my period started), took 2 caplets per day as on the instructions, and stopped on my ovulation day.

Posted 7/29/08 7:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/07

1430 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

WHOA! forget the book! i'll read this....Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/08 9:07 PM

LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07

16202 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

great Thread!!
very informative even to us regulars! Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/08 10:11 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

881 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

Wow! This was awesome..Thank you so much!!!

Posted 7/30/08 1:13 PM

whatcha doin!?

Member since 1/08

1705 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

I love the "disclaimer"... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/31/08 8:13 AM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

Posted by MrDeeNMe

I love the "disclaimer"... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Well you know, in these crazy days we've got to protect ourselves!

Posted 7/31/08 11:31 AM


Member since 4/08

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Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

bumper cars!

Posted 8/15/08 2:41 AM

My Peanut

Member since 2/07

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Ryan 3 boys EDD 11/6!

Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

You already know, that I think you're AWESOME, but I'll say it again, YOU"RE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you!!!

Posted 8/15/08 7:21 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/08

383 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

This is SUCH a helpful thread!!!! Thank you! Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/08 9:28 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/08

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Father's Day BFP

Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

WOW....thank youChat Icon

Posted 8/15/08 11:59 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/08

96 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

WOW Chat Icon that answered/made clear a lot of things. Thank you so much for starting this thread! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/08 12:38 PM

Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07

10116 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

Holy Shiit!! What a great thread for all of the TTC ladies!! Awesome idea sweetie!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/08 4:02 PM

mommy to 3 boys

Member since 2/07

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proud mommy

Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*


Posted 8/19/08 9:49 AM

I'm Gonna be a Big Brother

Member since 5/05

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Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

Awesome, Very informative....

Posted 8/19/08 10:41 AM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

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Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

This is great!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/08 1:38 PM

This is my "Baby"

Member since 6/08

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Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

Awesome thread!

Posted 8/19/08 2:33 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/08

448 total posts


Re: *The OFFICIAL Everything You Wanted to Know, and Things You Never Even Thought of Thread About TTC*

thank you thank you thank you for this!! i was about to ask at least two questions, but found my answers on here. this has been notebooked! Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/08 8:38 PM
Pages: [1] 2

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