I was thinking about Charly's post. The woman she works for sounds like a real witch. And in no way am I excusing her behavior. What she is doing is just wrong. And I have no idea how old she is, but I think about what the working mothers before us had to endure. What their attitude about work was.

When my friend's mom (with a gender neutral name) was accepted into medical school in the 70's, when they found out she was a woman- she had to sign a contract saying she wouldn't have children.

In the 80's, when women were really breaking into the corporate world, women had to outshine the men by leaps and bounds to get the same credit.

In the 80's and 90's before anyone really did flex schedules, women really had to put business first in order to succeed. There were no telecommuting and not much working from home. Certainly no video-confrencing.

So while we still have a long way to go- a lot of women had to put up with a lot of crap so that we can have the opportunities that we do. And still its not good enough. Hopefully our daughters will have it easier than we do. Maybe one day we'll get it right. Chat Icon