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Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE)

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Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE) at around 3:30 yesterday afternoon....O lost my mucus plug.....then contrations started at about 2:00 am.....The closest they have gotten is 8 minutes apart now they are back to 15 minutes apart but seem a little more intense. The thing is I strictly feel them in my lower back and everythime I have one I feel like I need to go to the bathroom. It is now 11:13....the dr. said not to call until they are 5 minutes apart for an hour.....will they ever get there? Also, can i eat something ...I'm starving.

It is now 5:15 and i am still home. The contractions are still only 10 minutes apart....they were five for about 30 minutes but then stopped. Should i call my doctor? I can't stay like this anymore....i've been up since 2:00am...I'm tired, hungry, and even though the contractions are still so far apart they feel much stronger. Should I call?

Message edited 9/11/2005 5:14:02 PM.

Posted 9/11/05 11:14 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

1292 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help

If this is your first baby it will take a while probably. Just be patient!

I would only take some fluids like water, juice if you're dying or light foods that can go through you tummy quickly. The reason is if you need an emergency C-section at the hospital, you don't want food in the stomach.

I've also heard of people taking in too many fluids and puking during delivery - so don't overdo it!

It's almost here!!! Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/05 11:33 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help

start walkin, it will really bring on thre cobtractions! also, eat some toast w\ tea! you need energy, if worse comes to worse they'll give you an enema!!! ya-hoo, good luck!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/11/2005 11:42:24 AM.

Posted 9/11/05 11:42 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1140 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help

Good luck & labor vibes to you!!

When I went to the doc last week (Wednesday), he said I'm almost 2 cm dialated and I think I've lost my mucous plug over the past few days. I've been waiting for contractions to start, but so far, nothing. Chat Icon

Hang in there!!

Posted 9/11/05 2:22 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help

Congratulations. You will soon be holding your little baby in your arms.
If you are hungry, eat something lite. You can drink clear liquids (tea, iced-tea, water)
Congratulations again and we cannot wait to see pictures.
Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/05 2:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help

sounds like the pains i felt!!! GOOD LUCK Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/05 3:52 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

1292 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE)

What hospital would you go to?

Posted 9/11/05 5:19 PM


Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE)

Posted by waytogo

What hospital would you go to?

northshore manhasset

Posted 9/11/05 5:22 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

1292 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE)

They would probably make you walk the halls to bring things on...have you tried that yet?

Trust me - being in the hospital will not help you. You will get NO rest. Monitors beeping, people checking your blood pressure all the time...And even then they might send you home anyway...They probably won't even give you an epidural until later.

Try to be patient and rest and go in if your water breaks or the contractions are closer. Relax, watch TV, and take a shower before you head out.

Call your doc if you're worried...

Chat Icon can't wait to see your new baby soon!

Message edited 9/11/2005 5:57:45 PM.

Posted 9/11/05 5:28 PM

I love my kids

Member since 5/05

2885 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE)

I would call your doctor and see what they want you to do. You probably wont deliever until tomorrow but your doctor may want you in the hospital just in case.

Posted 9/11/05 6:56 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE)

If you are hungary, please eat something light. You need your strength. Try walking to help contraction come.

I was call the doctor to see what s/he advises. When I went into labor contractions started at 6am and were mostly 7-8 min apart. There were some periods where they were 5 min aprt for 45 min. By 1pm, I called the doctor and they told me to just go to the hospital. When I was checked I was already 4.5 cm.

Sounds like you might have a baby by tonight or tomorrow without having to be induced! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/05 6:58 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE)

Definitely eat something.
My midwives do not restrict eating during labor. Honestly how will you have to strength to push if you have no nutrition in you?

Also stay home as long as you can, take a warm shower or bath to try to relax, try to get some sleep. Hospitals are not fun!

I haven't been in labor yet but my few trips to the hospital have not been fun or relaxing. I plan to labor at home as long as possible and my midwives also recommend this. They say your best bet is to be at a 4 or 5 when you come in, things go a lot quicker from that point generally.

That said maybe its worth a call to you doc to see what they think.

Posted 9/11/05 7:06 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

1292 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE)

Aren't midwives awesome?!

Posted 9/11/05 7:46 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE)

Posted by waytogo

Aren't midwives awesome?!

They are the best!!!!!!

Posted 9/11/05 8:51 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

525 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE)

OMG I am sooo excited for you!!! Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/05 9:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: Think I'm having contractions...Please help (UPDATE)

I hope you called!! i had my contractions the same way... and progressed nicely.. Wish you the best!!!!! Good Luck!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/05 2:49 AM

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