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contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor?? UPDATE AT BOTTOM

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor?? UPDATE AT BOTTOM

is it BH or real ones? they've been pretty intense today and on a somewhat regular basis, just nothing short enough to bother timing.

also feel like I'm "leaking" more today than normal....almost like I'm constanly wet. EW.Chat Icon

ETA: I'm feeling not well, but not sick the last couple of days.

Also is it possible to go into labor without losing your plug??

Message edited 12/8/2005 6:47:52 PM.

Posted 12/7/05 8:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

I had BH but they were all over. Walking around my house helped make them go away.

Good luck! I can imagine how uncomfortable you are. Chat Icon

Posted 12/7/05 9:02 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

I never lost my plug. My contractions were both in my back and lower abdomen. They were pains that started in the front and radiated to my back and down my legs.

Posted 12/7/05 9:02 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

I never lost my plug either time. Real Labor pains are regular & do not stop if you rest or change position - they will slow & ease if you take a shower (aka a "liquid epidural"). The pain radiates from your back to your belly according to my old BH vs Real Labor chart from my ob/gyn.

Posted 12/7/05 10:59 PM

My Everything

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20541 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

You can go into labor withouth losing your plug.

All I can tell you is that when I was having real contractions there was no mistaking them. They are pretty intense and get somewhat regular and pretty much take your breath away.
I couldn't sleep for 2 nights with the ones I was having but they would stop and start (pro dromal labor).
My water didn't actually break until I started pushing but there is no mistaking it breaking but for some people it can leak.
It doesn't sound like real labor to me (sorry) but I think you could be in the stages leading up to labor. It's probably worth a call to your doc in the morning just to check in.

Posted 12/7/05 11:06 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

The best way I could describe real contractions... the worst cramps ever, as well as feeling like you are going to have the runs...

Take your breathe away, can sit still, or talk....MAJOR PAIN!!!

My contractions never became irregular... but I had a c-section 2 days after I starting getting real contractions..

Ill never forget, being in the DRs office with DH waiting to see what kinda progress I was making, and they started...

I kept crossing and uncrossing my legs, try to sit different ways, I curled up the magazing I had been reading, and gave it to Ryan... when he gave it back to me...I started cursing him up and down... I couldnt get comfy and I was not happy...

As soon as it was over... I smiled and said...could I have that mag back please... He just looked at me and said... OMG I JUST MET JECKYL AND HYDE!!!

Posted 12/8/05 12:08 AM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

How are you now? Let us know!! Did you call your doc.?

Message edited 12/8/2005 6:09:58 AM.

Posted 12/8/05 6:09 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

OMG I think it's early labor!!! ****LABOR DUST****

Message edited 12/8/2005 8:21:23 AM.

Posted 12/8/05 8:20 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

they seemed to have gone away when I went to bed...but G-d did I NOT sleep well. Could not get comfy. GRRRRR.

We'll see how the day progresses

Posted 12/8/05 9:27 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

220 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

How many weeks are you? Could also be a UTI, which can cause contractions. Call the Dr and keep us posted.

Posted 12/8/05 9:27 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

Posted by Florence

How many weeks are you? Could also be a UTI, which can cause contractions. Call the Dr and keep us posted.

36 weeks 1 day.

Posted 12/8/05 9:29 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

I hate to say this, but once labor starts you ain't gonna be postin on this site sweetie pie! When those REAL labor contractions start you can't sleep through them, talk through them, or walk through them, you'll know, BELIEVE ME! BH are a form of early labor and you can have them for 4-6 weeks, it's when thy take your breath away that you will know something is cookin', good luck!!!Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/05 9:35 AM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

I got those everyday for the last few weeks, it was a very wierd feeling... and the leaking happens because the baby is squishing everything... you'll know labor don't worry... almost thereChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/05 10:09 AM

She's 7!!!

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14624 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

I have no idea what it is, but good luck either way!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/05 10:52 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor??

So for now, your body is just prepping you for labor with Braxton-Hicks. You're better off getting them over the next few weeks than not feeling any cramping & having to go through a long labor in one day.

And 36 weeks - you made it - you're to term now! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/05 11:45 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor?? UPDATE

went into the further progress BUT she did say that the contractions are probably real ones, not BH and I should "be having fun with them" in the next few weeks.

I go back in one week for my normal appt. so we'll see what that brings.

Posted 12/8/05 6:47 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor?? UPDATE AT BOTTOM

Good Luck I'm so excited for you!

Posted 12/8/05 6:48 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: contractions in lower abdomen ONLY...labor?? UPDATE AT BOTTOM

good luck, and just to let you know even though everyone says you will know, I did not know. I left work at 2:15 walked a long way to my car (then starting to maybe accept they were real when I couldnt walk). But by that time I was 9cm and my son was born at 3:11 with a stop to the OB in between. I hope you are so blessed.

Posted 12/8/05 7:28 PM

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