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This morning's VIEW!!!!

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Luv my munchkins

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This morning's VIEW!!!!

This morning only the 3 remaining where on: Barbara, Joy, and Elizabeth.

Barbara started out by saying that after yesterday's announcement by Star, she has been released from her contract immediately. That it is too uncomfortable to go on after the statements she made yesterday. They did know she was leaving, because ABC decided not to renew her contract for the fall due to a variety of reasons, but they were not expecting the announcement yesterday. Nor the statements that followed. That they were surprised and they can't continue to pretend everything is ok. Star will only be on segments thatwere previously recorded. Barbara seemed upset, annoyed and wished Star the best. She said 'The View made Star a star and she helped make the View a success that it is".

Posted 6/28/06 11:06 AM
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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!


Posted 6/28/06 11:07 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

I don't watch the view that often, but when I do I have to say I really dislike Star. Good Riddance to her.

Posted 6/28/06 11:07 AM


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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

yep, i just saw the same thing. i had a feeling star would not be back on the air today.

Posted 6/28/06 11:08 AM

The Key to your new home....

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

wow- that's nuts! but I could see why they let her go now

Posted 6/28/06 11:08 AM

designer mutt

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

what did she say? I only caught a half a glimpse of an article about her unplanned "goodbye", but I don't know what she said.

Posted 6/28/06 11:10 AM

Waste not, want not

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

I'm glad they let her go. Barbara has a powerful position in the entertainment industry. It probably wasn't good for Star to be so petty. But then again, there is no such thing as bad press. I hope Star just goes away. She's too scary to look at.

Posted 6/28/06 11:10 AM

LIF Zygote

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

That is crazy! But she did irritate me the most out of all the ladies on there.

Has anyone read the statements she made yesterday? I haven't seem them but would love to know what the heck she said!

Posted 6/28/06 11:10 AM

Unconditional Love

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

good for her...she was an eyesore.

Posted 6/28/06 11:11 AM

Where it all began....

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

I would think that Star would be smart enough to not burn her bridges, especially when those bridges lead to Barbara Walters.

To bad it is summer time. SNL would have a field day with thisChat Icon

Message edited 6/28/2006 11:13:04 AM.

Posted 6/28/06 11:12 AM

Unconditional Love

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

Posted by Cate0708

That is crazy! But she did irritate me the most out of all the ladies on there.

Has anyone read the statements she made yesterday? I haven't seem them but would love to know what the heck she said!

I heard a clip of it this morning on Hot97. Star was honest, but not brutal. She said that she does not know what is in her future, but she does know that God will help her and guide her. She thanked all her co-stars kindly.

I honestly would say that it wasn't "drama" filled or anything.

Posted 6/28/06 11:12 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

From what i have seen ABC and Barbara Walters expected Star to make the statement on Thursdays show and not Tuesday and the statement was to just be about moving on. But Star decided to do it on Tuesday show to catch everyone off guard. Star also gave conflicting statements to People magazine that published the report right after Tuesdays episode. She said her contract was not renewed and she felt she was being fired.

I guess she ****** ABC and Barbara off so they told her her contract ended Tuesday. She was suppose to stay on till mid July.

Posted 6/28/06 11:13 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

on another thread, Daniela posted a link to an article about what happened on yesterday's show to provoke today's event..


I had a feeling that since Ba-Ba was truly pizzed at Star about how she announced she was leaving yesterday, Star would not stick around ... you don't mess with Ba-Ba!!

Posted 6/28/06 11:15 AM

2nd verse same as the 1st

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

Posted by Stacey1403

I would think that Star would be smart enough to not burn her bridges, especially when those bridges lead to Barbara Walters.

To bad it is summer time. SNL would have a field day with thisChat Icon

I agree!!!!!!

Posted 6/28/06 11:15 AM

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

Never pi$$ off Baba Wawa!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/06 11:15 AM

Another on the way!

Member since 3/06

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

I will probably watch the view more now with star gone

Posted 6/28/06 11:20 AM

My Girls!

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

I think Star is a little big for her britches....I'm glad she's leaving. I also bet in a few weeks, we'll hear about how she and Al are getting divorced. Been hearing a lot of rumors about that lately.

I heard awhile back that they were also looking at Oprah's friend Gail to replace Star. I think she'd be a good fit.

Posted 6/28/06 11:24 AM

I might steal your diamonds

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!


As we reported in great detail, Star Jones announced her departure from The View yesterday; a move that was widely anticipated.

No one, however, was prepared for Starzilla's tell-all to People magazine, where she blabbed that Barbara Walters fired her by not renewing the former lawyer's contract.

This was a bit of a shock, especially considering that Walters had said publicly that Jones was welcome on The View for as long as she'd like, and she was expected to stay on for at least a few more weeks - until the middle of July.

However, in light of Star's People article, Barbara and ABC have told Jones-Reynold to leave now.

According to a source close to Jones Reynolds (probably her publicist), "ABC has asked her not to return to the View tomorrow morning."

A source close to the show confirmed that Star had been asked not to return.

Posted 6/28/06 11:27 AM


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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

Earlier this morning, Big Al's wife called in to Ryan Seacrest's morning radio show on KIIS FM in Los Angeles and pretty much blew her wad early, telling him everything that went down with her departure from the show.

No need to watch her on Larry King tonight. We're sure CNN will be pleased!

And, as a public service announcement to all our readers, Perez personally transcribed Star's interview with Ryan today.

Here are some highlights!

Star on her professionalism:
For the last two months, I've come in and done the show as normal every day. I walked in there. I've been 100% professional. I've shared my life. I've done what I do for the last nine years. And, in reality I've known for two months that The View was not renewing my contract and I still went in and did my job every - single - day!

Star on being asked to leave the show:
Barbara and the producers and ABC specifically told me when they wanted an announcement to come, the last week of June. They specifically asked me to stay until the middle of July. Now you know me. Emotionally when they first say your contract is not renewed, my initial desire was, "I want to walk, get the heck out of there. I don't need to put up with this."

Star on Star:
It didn't sound right for me when they were saying your ratings have gone down. I said, well wait a minute, I've seen the ratings. The top five shows in the year you're talking about were about me and planning the wedding. It didn't sound right. But then I thought about it and said, "Don't be emotional. Be professional." A lot of people's jobs depend on my doing my job. So I specifically - specifically - tried to do my job to the best of my ability.

Star on her surprise announcement:
We had always planned to make the announcement this week. We had planned to make it on Thursday. But I woke up on Tuesday morning and after so much media, so much speculation, it was time for me to say goodbye right now.

Star on Barbara being a *****:
From what I understand, Barbara never told Joy and Elizabeth [that I was getting fired]. Period!

Star on Rosie:
I'm not trying to be emotional about this. I understand it was a business decision. I understood it was a business decision when I was told then. But then in that same week, I was told they were adding a new co-host and it was Rosie O'Donnell. And that was the same week that she had been so nasty and vicious towards me. She insulted me. She tried to damage me professionally and personally.

Star on being betrayed:
It's a little shocking to me that Barbara feels betrayed. I was really surprised that Barbara feels betrayed. If you watched me yesterday, I said that she was the most amazing mentor and I thanked her for the most amazing opportunity. My departure was orchestrated some time ago. And while I can accept any business decision, it's hard to accept the manner in which it was handled during the last two months. But, if you use words like betrayal, if anyone should be betrayed, it should be me! Barbara didn't have my back.

Posted 6/28/06 11:48 AM

Luv my munchkins

Member since 5/05

4789 total posts


Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

I am not a Star fan, but honestly I can't see why Barbara feels betrayed. If anyone should feel betrayed to me, it seems that should be Star. I think it is best for all they go there seperate ways.

Posted 6/28/06 12:30 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

I like the View, I hope nothing happends now to the show since Meredith is gone and now star.....Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/06 12:32 PM

My Babies

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

I have never been a fan of this show.

Posted 6/28/06 12:40 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

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Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/06 12:42 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

I never really liked the View, preferred my reruns of ER (just don't tell my company that I ain't watching the 50th rerun of Yo Momma)

I say the show is going down the pooper with the addition of Rosie O'Donnell, that woman just turns me off...soooo annoying!

Posted 6/28/06 12:48 PM


Member since 4/06

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Re: This morning's VIEW!!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Wow. I heard all the drama on the evening tabloid shows but I didn't expect that this would happen. I can see why though.

I guess Star really pi$$ed of BW!

Posted 6/28/06 1:04 PM
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