Those w/ babies that needed extra help going to sleep
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Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Those w/ babies that needed extra help going to sleep
meaning, didnt fall asleep on their own in the crib, or not able to put awake in the crib...
Did they grow out of it?
Im trying to start good habits NOW...but I fear its too late at only 7 months?
Posted 1/14/08 11:56 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 10/05 4708 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: Those w/ babies that needed extra help going to sleep
Well DD used to go to sleep fine, I would read her a story, rock her for a minute and put her in still awake. Then at about 16 months old she starting getting her molars and 2 months later, a total of 6 teeth have been coming in. So since all of that, we lost it. I now have to rock her until she is sound asleep before I can put her down. I am hoping we can soon get back to the old habits. So imo, I think there will be times when its difficult. I don't think its too late. I would just try to slowly do it. Like maybe when dc has just fallen asleep, then about to fall asleep, so on and so on. Good luck!
Posted 1/15/08 12:02 AM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: Those w/ babies that needed extra help going to sleep
We still have to rock Bella for at LEAST 20 min....sometimes more. There is NO way she'd ever fall asleep on her own in there and forget about putting her in there awake. We have to wait until she's completely passed out on us before putting her in the crib.
Posted 1/15/08 6:35 AM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: Those w/ babies that needed extra help going to sleep
In order for DS to fall asleep, we would have to lay down on my bed. About 10 minutes after he would fall asleep, I would transfer him into him into his crib.
Just recently, I have been putting him into his crib semi awake and he has been doing great and sleeping longer!!
Posted 1/15/08 6:40 AM |
needs to update her avatar pic
Member since 6/05 10212 total posts
Name: Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)
Re: Those w/ babies that needed extra help going to sleep
While I nursed, I always put DS into his crib after he slept. I didn't do it intentionally, he fell alseep! After I (actually he ) weaned, he started to stay awake after his last bottle. I really wouldn't call it awake though, it is more like a milk sleepiness. This is how I put him down in his crib. Then he rolls over, I put his blanket on him, I tell him how much I love him, good night and that I will see him tomorrow
Posted 1/15/08 7:57 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Those w/ babies that needed extra help going to sleep
Alex was the WORST for the first 13 months of her life. It got to the point where it would take upwards of an hour or two to get her to sleep, by using a recipe of techniques - a little rocking, a little shushing, put her down, wake up, pick her up, rock her, shush her, etc, etc.
It drove us mad. And we would have to go through the whole cycle again when she woke up during the night.
The only cure for us was CIO and time. I remember clearly going to our first year ped appointment - he said, she's sleeping through the night, right? We were like, um, not even close. He turned around, looked us sternly in the face and said, it's ok to ignore her once in a while, ok? That night we did it.
5 days later she was sleeping soundly 11-12 hours a night, and going into her crib wide awake without crying.
Posted 1/15/08 8:09 AM |
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