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LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3380 total posts
When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Sophie is 5 weeks old tomorrow and her sleeping at night is still so bad. Last night she looked and sounded so overtired around 9 pm so I put her into bed, rocked her,etc.... she screamed and did not want to be put down. She ate around 11 pm, and fell asleep in our bed unrtil about 1 am. I moved her into the bassinet and she woke up at 2 am. I soothed her to sleep and again, she woke up at 3 am to eat (she eats about every 3 1/2-4 hours). She finally went back to sleep around 4 am, and was up at 5:30 am, and just fell back to sleep around 10:15 am!
She sleeps fine during the day, especially when we're out in the car. But at night, she doesn't sleep for longer than 2 hours (a few times we've gotten 3 - 31/2 hours!)
When will it change? Am I doing something wrong? We are both exhausted!
Posted 11/25/06 10:29 AM |
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Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Jacob started sleeping 7 hrs straight at 8 weeks old. Before that, it was a total nightmare. Hang in there...
ETA: 7 hrs was from 9pm-4am..
Message edited 11/25/2006 10:35:15 AM.
Posted 11/25/06 10:34 AM |
Member since 5/05 6530 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Ella got better at 6 weeks - sleeping 6-8 hour stretches. You're almost there!
Posted 11/25/06 10:46 AM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Kaylee started sleeping 6-7 hours around 7 weeks, but I'm giving full credit to the miracle blanket!
Posted 11/25/06 10:49 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3380 total posts
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
I have a countdown till 6 weeks but i dont want to get my hopes up. thanks girls!!
Posted 11/25/06 12:20 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
6 weeks old she started going 6-7 hours.
Posted 11/25/06 12:44 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
By 3 months, both my kiddies were going anywhere from 8 hours to 12 hours. All of a sudden, they get the hang of sleeping. It will happen, hang in there.
Posted 11/25/06 12:51 PM |
my girls!

Member since 2/06 1491 total posts
Name: Teri
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
It took Emily a bit longer as well - around 6-7 wks she started with longer stretches....until then, she was up about as often as your little girl Hang in there!
Posted 11/25/06 1:03 PM |
Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05 3612 total posts
Name: Jillian
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Isabella started sleeping 7 hrs at 4 weeks. I know every baby is different though.
Posted 11/25/06 1:56 PM |
Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05 8088 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
at 6 weeks we started getting 7 hour stretches then it got even better at 3 mos.
ETA I'm sure you're not doing anything wrong. keep in mind that the books say they cannot distinguish day from night until around the 6 week mark so if she's sleeping good during the day try to catch up then until she begins to distinguish.
Message edited 11/25/2006 1:58:40 PM.
Posted 11/25/06 1:57 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05 491 total posts
Name: Marie
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Just wanted to give you
We are right there with you also - ours is almost 4 weeks and we are having the same night time fun!!
Let's hope it comes soon for the both of us!!
Posted 11/25/06 2:18 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3380 total posts
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Thanks girls!!
And pickle - I hope it improves for you.
I am just so exhausted and no matter what I do- no matter how much I try to keep her up during the day, make it"nighttime" at night bymaking it dark and quiet- nothing works!
I am patiently waiting for this 6 week mark but it can't come soon enough! And I know that's terrible to say because I don't want to wish away her newbornness but it's just SO HARD!
Posted 11/25/06 5:26 PM |
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Member since 5/05 8135 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
My DD is now amost 11 weeks and still is not sleeping through the night
Posted 11/25/06 5:32 PM |
I love the summer

Member since 1/06 2063 total posts
Name: Kara
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
my ds is almost six months and still is not sleeping through the night
Posted 11/25/06 5:51 PM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
DS is 8 weeks and still waking every 3-4 hours...
Posted 11/25/06 5:54 PM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Luca is will be one month tomorrow and he sleeps for 2-3 hours. Every once in a while I'll get lucky and get 3.5-4 hours- but that's rare.
Posted 11/25/06 8:18 PM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
DD was every 2 1/2 hours for what seemed the longest time. I believe it was around 5-6 weeks she suddenly started sleeping a bit longer....4-5 hours maybe? I know it was Super Bowl Sunday the first night she did it.
Then when we went away with her when she was 3 months old she started stretching her 4/4:30am feeding to 6/6:30am and then she'd doze back off for a few more hours.
It is completely a developmental thing. The do it when they are ready. Some do it sooner than others. Hang in there with the sleep deprivation.
As for being overtired.....when they become OVERLY over tired, it's so hard for them to finally FALL asleep and stay asleep.
Try laying her down to sleep every 2 hours or so.....the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child saved us!!! At almost 11 months old, she still goes down every 2- 2 1/2 hours (sometimes 3 hours) for a nap.
Posted 11/25/06 8:24 PM |

Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Posted by nymommy2be
my ds is almost six months and still is not sleeping through the night
My son is 11 months and still not sleeping thru the night!!!
Posted 11/25/06 9:27 PM |
my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06 7396 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
8 weeks for spencer although all kids are different, my first child was almost 2 before he slept thru the night. wait a minute , make that 3!!!!
Message edited 11/25/2006 10:05:16 PM.
Posted 11/25/06 10:04 PM |
My Boys!

Member since 5/05 5498 total posts
Name: JoAnne
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Charlie is 9 weeks and the most we get is 5 hours. It's
Posted 11/26/06 12:24 AM |
my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
One year
Posted 11/26/06 9:43 AM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Julia was 2 months when she started sleeping through the night.
Posted 11/26/06 10:31 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 10/06 917 total posts
Name: Mary
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
Every baby is different but Liam was about 12 weeks old before he was really sleeping more than 3 or 4 hours at a time at night.
Posted 11/26/06 11:30 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3380 total posts
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
thanks for the answers. although even during the day (unless shes in the car) she wont sleep for a long time - could she be overtired? she seems to fight sleep.
Posted 11/26/06 7:09 PM |
Re: When did your babies sleep longer than 3-4 hours?
One of our DD slept 6 hours last night (4 weeks) - I am sure it was just a fluke, good to hear these stories that there is an end in sight for DDs to sleep through the night!
Posted 11/26/06 7:47 PM |
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