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Those who delivered drug free

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Those who delivered drug free

May I ask why? What were your reasons?

Posted 8/29/06 11:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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life moves fast

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

I didn't deliver my son drug free although I wanted to but after 2 days of being in labor I had to have an epidural to rest my body enough to be able to push....
however, with my daughter I was completely drug free, and it was one of my greatest accomplishments! To me giving birth is a natural thing and I wanted my body to handle it the way it was meant to. I went through my whole pregnancy doing everything to keep my baby safe and I wasn't going to change that in the end by putting something "un-natural" in my body.
I will be having a drug free birth with this baby too.Chat Icon

ETA - what really bothered me in the hospital was the constant insistence by the nurses that I take some sort of pain meds! I finally snapped at them and said that I was VERY sure that I didn't want anything and to please stop asking.

Message edited 8/29/2006 11:47:49 PM.

Posted 8/29/06 11:43 PM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

I asked for the epi at 5cm, well within a half hour I was 10cm and ready to push, they weren't back with the epi yet, so I went natural, I didn't want to but had no choice. I really wanted the epi but would take the short labor (4 1/2 hrs) over the epi and a longer labor!

Posted 8/29/06 11:49 PM

The man of my dreams...

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

I was thoroughly petrified of the epi needle. That and I really just wanted to experience it 100%. I went through 12 hrs of mild mild labor (dancing at a wedding) and 7 hours of full blown labor and 3.5hrs of pushing without anything at all. In the end I needed a c/s so I got a spinal. But I'm happy I did it as much as I did without anything.

Posted 8/30/06 7:26 AM

so outrageous

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

I didnt have time for drugs.....and to be honest yes it hurt like hell....but I felt better after then I did after giving birth when I had epidural.

Posted 8/30/06 7:37 AM

I love Hypnobabies

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

I haven't delivered drug free, yet, but I'm planning on it. Chat Icon The main reason I want to go drug free is to avoid that cascade of interventions that can follow after the introduction of pain medication. I also believe that birth is natural and if I listen to my body I will have the best out-come, pain medications make it difficult to listen to your body.

Posted 8/30/06 9:08 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

Also not a needle fan. I saw my twin deliver her daughter drug-free & thought I'd give it a shot. I know an epidural slows labor so I would rather deal with a little pain & get it over quicker. I thought I'll try it & if I can't do it, I'll get the epidural.

My friend who has an amazing threshold of pain said "It hurts like you can't imagine." So I prepared myself for some serious pain.

I showed up at the hospital thinking I was just going to get evaluated, thinking I wasn't really in labor & I'd be able to leave. When they said "You're 5cm, you're not going anywhere." , I was floored. I kept waiting for the pain to be unbearable. I asked the nurse "When does it get really bad?" She answered "You're at 8cm, this is as bad as it gets." Really it wasn't too bad. The pushing out part hurt a bit. The most painful part of the whole process for me was the IV (they wanted to give me antibiotics since I was so early) and the stitches afterwards.

When I had Maddie it hurt more. Delivering 7 minutes after showing up at the hospital, there was no time. I was lucky to have made it to the L&D room. I was filling out paperwork & had no idea how far along I was.

eta. The bottom line is for me labor was a piece of cake. If I was in a lot of pain, I would have opted for it.

Uterus Made of Steel.Chat Icon

Message edited 8/30/2006 9:34:34 AM.

Posted 8/30/06 9:32 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/06

9 total posts


Re: Those who delivered drug free

I delived drug free with my second because just made it to the hospital. Otherwise, I would of gotten the pain medicine. Not so bad without it. Your pain goes away as soon as you start to push.

Posted 8/30/06 10:34 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/06

9 total posts


Re: Those who delivered drug free

I also felt better afterwards not having the epidural. Not as tierd and more alert.

Posted 8/30/06 10:40 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

Amazing. You are all my heros. I had an epideral and can't imagine doing it without it. You all are strong women!Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/06 12:38 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

I had it in for an hour. If I would have known I was almost completely dilated I may not have had it.
I think I did pretty well and next time I will try to go drug free again.

Posted 8/30/06 1:20 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

I wanted to have birth the way nature intended and I did Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/06 2:57 PM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

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The Mystical Azzhorse! ™

Re: Those who delivered drug free

I had no choice. Both babies I had to get out quick.ouch

Posted 8/30/06 3:56 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

Posted by nrthshgrl

Also not a needle fan. I saw my twin deliver her daughter drug-free & thought I'd give it a shot. I know an epidural slows labor so I would rather deal with a little pain & get it over quicker. I thought I'll try it & if I can't do it, I'll get the epidural.

My friend who has an amazing threshold of pain said "It hurts like you can't imagine." So I prepared myself for some serious pain.

I showed up at the hospital thinking I was just going to get evaluated, thinking I wasn't really in labor & I'd be able to leave. When they said "You're 5cm, you're not going anywhere." , I was floored. I kept waiting for the pain to be unbearable. I asked the nurse "When does it get really bad?" She answered "You're at 8cm, this is as bad as it gets." Really it wasn't too bad. The pushing out part hurt a bit. The most painful part of the whole process for me was the IV (they wanted to give me antibiotics since I was so early) and the stitches afterwards.

When I had Maddie it hurt more. Delivering 7 minutes after showing up at the hospital, there was no time. I was lucky to have made it to the L&D room. I was filling out paperwork & had no idea how far along I was.

eta. The bottom line is for me labor was a piece of cake. If I was in a lot of pain, I would have opted for it.

Uterus Made of Steel.Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Uterus made of steel Chat Icon

WOW thats amazing how you had such quick deliveries, im so jealous Chat Icon
I had enough drugs to make me scream and curse FOR the epidural-magic-man (which winded up being a woman and a fellow twin Chat Icon ) to come quicker Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/06 4:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

I delivered drug free b/c I took a "lets see how I feel" approach and wound up not even considering an epi until I was 7 cm. I just took my time, breathed very slowly through every contraction and moved into many different positions. I did not take any classes nor did I have any preconceived notions of what kind of birth I was going to have - I figured if I needed drugs, I was going to have them but at the same time I didn't walk into the hospital demanding the anestetheoligst either. I think every labor is different and I was just lucky that I only had a five hour labor. I am hoping this one goes just as smoothly, but I won't lie - I am scared of the pain!!!

Posted 8/30/06 5:19 PM

Best Friends

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

I was also petrified of the needle.

But in the end I had no time, I didnt think I was in labor when I went to my OBs office, but by the time I got there I was much more uncomfortable but I was 9cm. I went straight to the hospital , I had to wait for my MD to get there, but as soon as he did I pushed for about 5 minutes and he was born. I think the stitches were the worst part.

Posted 8/30/06 8:51 PM

My Precious Angel

Member since 9/05

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

I dialated too fast after asking for an epi like 20 times. But it was too late so I had no choice to go natural.

Posted 8/30/06 9:42 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Those who delivered drug free

If I'm given the opportunity to have a VBAC, I would love to try a drug free birth. Not specific reason really. I would just love to try.

Posted 8/30/06 9:55 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

759 total posts


Re: Those who delivered drug free

I delivered my second child drug-free. The reason I chose to do that is b/c the epidural totally slowed my first labor and caused me to have to push for 4 hours. I did not want to do THAT again!

I also have suffered from cronic back pain - which I blame on the epidural from my first labor. Which is the other reason I didn't want to do it again.Chat Icon

I hired a doula the second time around, labored at home for 4 hours and got to the hospital with 18 minutes to spare! Three pushes and my daughter was out!Chat Icon My recovery was a million times better without the epidural, too!

Message edited 8/30/2006 10:37:11 PM.

Posted 8/30/06 10:35 PM

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