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Thoughts on convertible cribs (XP form Pregnancy)

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Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Thoughts on convertible cribs (XP form Pregnancy)

Are the convertables worth the extra money? Does anyone ever really use the toddler bed?
I figure by the time my baby needs the toddler bed, I'm going to have another baby who'll need the crib, and so on....

Posted 1/4/07 8:38 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Thoughts on convertible cribs (XP form Pregnancy)

I think they are beautiful but I didn't get one because I doubt I'm going to want the same furniture for all those years, and I wanted a drop down side rail. I'm on the short side and have a weak back - once you drop that mattress its very hard to get the baby up and over (esp if he/she is sleeping and dead weight.)

I ended up with a drop down rail that converts to the toddler bed, but not the full size bed.

That's just my opinion, hope it helps.

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Message edited 1/4/2007 9:42:21 AM.

Posted 1/4/07 9:38 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Thoughts on convertible cribs (XP form Pregnancy)

We got the convertible set because i didn't like anything else i saw and the drop down side cribs didn't dazzle me like my set did.

We planned on spending $$$$ in the beginning, and the set doesn't look babyish at all, she is def going to use it for a long time.

Even though i am expecting again this year and DD will be 14 months old when #2 is born, her set will still be her set and will go from crib to toddler to her bed.

I am still not sure what we are going to do with #2 since space is limited now.

Posted 1/4/07 9:41 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Thoughts on convertible cribs (XP form Pregnancy)

I have a convertible crib with a drop down rail . I wanted a set that would last for a long time. The set doesnt look babyish to me and I plan on getting another for this baby. If you think about it actually will probably cost less in the long run buying a convertible crib. They run between $5-600 and if you buy a good quality crib, then a toddler bed and then a bed for when they get older all that add up.

Posted 1/4/07 10:45 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Thoughts on convertible cribs (XP form Pregnancy)

Posted by Porrruss

I figure by the time my baby needs the toddler bed, I'm going to have another baby who'll need the crib, and so on....

This is the exact reason why we didn't buy one. I think if you are paying extra money for one, opt out. I also think toddler beds are a waste too.

Posted 1/4/07 11:23 AM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: Thoughts on convertible cribs (XP form Pregnancy)

For us it was worth it.

Jack switched into his toddler bed at 17 months and sleeps like a champ in it. Hopefully we will get pregnant again but that still gives me another 10 months or so and at that point I will move Jack to a twin and give the crib back to the baby.

My son is tall but I wouldn't have felt comfortable putting him in a twin at 17 months so I'm glad the crib had the toddler bed option

Posted 1/4/07 12:55 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Thoughts on convertible cribs (XP form Pregnancy)

I don't have one, but I would never buy another crib without a drop down side thingymabob. I love my crib, I think its gorgeous...but that leaning over is killing my back

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Message edited 1/4/2007 3:03:21 PM.

Posted 1/4/07 3:02 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Thoughts on convertible cribs (XP form Pregnancy)

I have one and it converts to a toddler bed and then a full sized bed. I don't necessarily think it is a necessity but the crib I wanted came with the features so why not have them. But i do plan to use the crib for a next baby and my son will go straight to a big boy bed. Who knows when I will use the options.

Posted 1/4/07 3:55 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Thoughts on convertible cribs (XP form Pregnancy)

We have the full matching set of furniture with the convertible crib. We were nervous about the sliding sides (I'm not saying there's *is* a problem, just that *we* were paranoid with them falling down unexpectedly).

We plan on the sets staying with each child as long as they are in our house. It's very good furniture, so they can even take it with them when they move out.

DS is in the toddler bed mode now, and he loves it. The mattress is much lower than it will be when it's in twin-size mode, and we didn't want him falling too far if he did fall.

We bought another set for my DD. Slightly more feminine, but not "girly". We figured that if we kept the furniture pretty plain and neutral, they could put stickers on it, drape things on it, etc as they age, so it can change with their current likes and trends, but we don't have to buy anything new.

Posted 1/5/07 7:46 AM

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