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LIF Infant

Member since 7/06 115 total posts
Name: R
Time of year question???
Is it just me or is everyone really hoping that they don't have to conceive in the next 2 months? I mean, I will if I have to. But that would mean that I would be full-term in July or August. It's so hot and uncomfortable then.
But on the bright side our babies would always have off from school on their birthday's.
Posted 10/5/06 9:41 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Time of year question???
DH and I have had that discussion, we're hoping to get pg in November, which would me an end of August birth for me. He's answer was that I should just stay inside in the airconditioning...
Posted 10/5/06 10:02 AM |

Member since 5/05 1207 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Time of year question???
I have sooooo thought about this..... But i just keep reminding myself, " As long as the baby is will all be worth it"
Trying to think positive
Posted 10/5/06 10:05 AM |
Love my sailor

Member since 6/05 5793 total posts
Name: Christian
Re: Time of year question???
I definitely thought about this too and do not look forward to the weight and discomfort in the heat but on the brightside we would be able to announce it to our family at Christmas! What a great Christmas present. In any case I'm not going to let a little heat stop me from trying!
Posted 10/5/06 10:50 AM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: Time of year question???
Yes, totally - I was really hoping to conceive in August or Sept...Oh well.....I am already a sweaty mess in the summer. Can't imagine what I'll be like if I am pregnant!
Posted 10/5/06 12:15 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/06 115 total posts
Name: R
Re: Time of year question???
Posted by MrsBlueSash
I definitely thought about this too and do not look forward to the weight and discomfort in the heat but on the brightside we would be able to announce it to our family at Christmas! What a great Christmas present. In any case I'm not going to let a little heat stop me from trying!
We wanted to announce at Christmas too. Hopefully we'll be able to.
Posted 10/5/06 12:16 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Time of year question???
I am actually hoping to conceive this month. I would deliver at the end of June and my maternity leave wouldnt start until September because I am a teacher and summer school is optional (I usually teach summers). This would maximize my length of time off. Im hoping for the best!
Message edited 10/5/2006 2:43:16 PM.
Posted 10/5/06 1:12 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/06 227 total posts
Re: Time of year question???
Posted by Goldi0218
I am actually hoping to conceive this month. I would deliver at the end of June and my maternity leave wouldnt start until September because I am a teacher and summer school is optional (I usualy teach summers). This would maximize my length of time off. Im hoping for the best!
Best of luck to you!!!
Posted 10/5/06 1:53 PM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: Time of year question???
I will sweat it out (no pun intended) if it happens that I'm big & preggo in the summer. It's not ideal - but my goal is to have a baby, I'm not choosy about when.
Message edited 10/6/2006 10:38:11 AM.
Posted 10/5/06 3:36 PM |
I <3 Gabriella

Member since 6/06 1029 total posts
Name: N
Re: Time of year question???
Posted by SweetCaroline
I will sweat it out (no pun intended) if it happens that I'm big & preggo in the summer. It's not ideal - but my goal is to having a baby, I'm not choosy about when.
Exactly how I feel!!!! I would carry all 9mts in sweltering heat if I had to!!!!
Posted 10/5/06 3:52 PM |

Member since 6/06 4563 total posts
Name: Fabulous
Re: Time of year question???
YES!!!!! I wanted to post this but felt bad saying it out loud
I can't deal with the heat in the summer and it would be torture for me to be full term in all of July and August's glory. Not to mention I have a 4 year old son who lives at the park and outdoors in the summer, and I don't want him having to loose out on his summer fun b/c mommy is preggo and sweating like a pig! lol
DH and I decided to take these new few months off b/c being preggo in the summer just will not work for me!
Posted 10/5/06 6:34 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Time of year question???
I hope to make it this month - which would make my due date 6/30.
Posted 10/5/06 6:48 PM |
Thankful for my miracle!

Member since 5/05 1939 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Time of year question???
After ttc for 10 months, I can honestly say I don't care what the pregnancy will entail or what time of the year it is.
Just praying it will happen soon.
Posted 10/5/06 7:04 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Time of year question???
Just my 2 cents... I was due with my daughter on Labor Day last year and several people told me, "That's the worst time of year to be pregnant!" (Gee, thanks, by the way) Anyway, I loved being pregnant in the summer. It totally wasn't as bad as people warned and it was a HOT summer! I loved the summer maternity clothes and just think of all the flip flops!!!
I am pregnant now and due in May and truthfully, I'm kind of sorry I won't be pregnant in summertime (of course with a toddler, maybe it's a blessing!)
The bottom line, like a previous poster said, it absolutely doesn't matter what time of year it will be the best time of year no matter what!
Posted 10/5/06 7:12 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Time of year question???
My Mom had me in the dead heat of summer. She delivered in Manhattan and after a week's stay in the hospital and being so excited to go home, the car crapped out as she sat holding me in the back seat:
Image Attachment(s):
Posted 10/5/06 7:55 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/06 284 total posts
Re: Time of year question???
Any time of year would be a blessing for me
Posted 10/5/06 8:05 PM |
Eva Luna
Be's hard!

Member since 8/05 4750 total posts
Name: God, bless & heal my DH, JenG's DH Rob & DebG
Re: Time of year question???
I actually really wanted to get preggo and give birth before September...where I live if your child hasn't turned 5 by September 1st, you have to wait until the following year to start school.
But I guess God had other plans...we'll see what happens.
Posted 10/5/06 8:07 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/06 227 total posts
Re: Time of year question???
Posted by Goldi0218
My Mom had me in the dead heat of summer. She delivered in Manhattan and after a week's stay in the hospital and being so excited to go home, the car crapped out as she sat holding me in the back seat:
Wow, you have a picture from that? What an amazing memory for you to have (since you obviously wouldn't remember it ). Very cool!
Posted 10/6/06 6:38 AM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Time of year question???
Posted by blueflower
Posted by Goldi0218
My Mom had me in the dead heat of summer. She delivered in Manhattan and after a week's stay in the hospital and being so excited to go home, the car crapped out as she sat holding me in the back seat:
Wow, you have a picture from that? What an amazing memory for you to have (since you obviously wouldn't remember it ). Very cool!
It is pretty cool. I dont usually keep those things lying around but I was collecting pictures to use for the wedding video and had it scanned. Nothing like a 1970 Buick LeSabre to make ya feel young!
Posted 10/6/06 8:07 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/06 227 total posts
Re: Time of year question???
Posted by Goldi0218
Posted by blueflower
Posted by Goldi0218
My Mom had me in the dead heat of summer. She delivered in Manhattan and after a week's stay in the hospital and being so excited to go home, the car crapped out as she sat holding me in the back seat:
Wow, you have a picture from that? What an amazing memory for you to have (since you obviously wouldn't remember it ). Very cool!
It is pretty cool. I dont usually keep those things lying around but I was collecting pictures to use for the wedding video and had it scanned. Nothing like a 1970 Buick LeSabre to make ya feel young!
So very cool, what an amazing thing to have!
Posted 10/6/06 8:42 AM |
Welcome to the World!
Member since 5/05 6747 total posts
Re: Time of year question???
Posted by unidentified
Any time of year would be a blessing for me
Same here.
Posted 10/6/06 9:28 AM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: Time of year question???
I would take a BFP anytime, anywhere
Posted 10/6/06 11:01 AM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Time of year question???
I was preggo throughout the summer and had my baby august 21. it really wasn't that bad...and like u said it was worth it in the end.
Posted 10/6/06 11:34 AM |
Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05 4114 total posts
Re: Time of year question???
I had my baby on August 30th. Whenever I'd be out, people would say, oo I feel so bad for you in this heat, blah blah blah. But it didn't really bother me. I'm a summer person, though, so I liked being in sandals, shorts, etc. I went in the pool and went to the beach when it was hot. It never bothered me. Of course, I'm a teacher and have off in the summer, so this could have had something to do with not minding it, since I didn't have to go to work. ETA: I also got to tell my family at Christmas, which was soo cool. Good luck ladies!
Message edited 10/6/2006 12:35:04 PM.
Posted 10/6/06 12:34 PM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Time of year question???
Posted by beachgirl13
I had my baby on August 30th. Whenever I'd be out, people would say, oo I feel so bad for you in this heat, blah blah blah. But it didn't really bother me. I'm a summer person, though, so I liked being in sandals, shorts, etc. I went in the pool and went to the beach when it was hot. It never bothered me. Of course, I'm a teacher and have off in the summer, so this could have had something to do with not minding it, since I didn't have to go to work. ETA: I also got to tell my family at Christmas, which was soo cool. Good luck ladies!
DH and I also told our families on Christmas Eve, which was the best gift for everyone!
Posted 10/6/06 12:43 PM |
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