Ok, so yesterday morning Chase woke up and he had thrown up in the middle of the night, crawled to the other side of the crib and fallen back to sleep.
We played it safe and only gave him some pedialyte and apple sauce. He ended up keeping that down and the rest of the day he ate absolutely fine, no more throwing up, had normal poops, etc.
Last night, he only drank a couple of oz. of formula and then fell asleep.
He woke up this morning and didn't really want to drink his bottle or eat his oatmeal.
Then he had a very loose poop, but not quite diarrhea. Now he's sleeping.
Here's my question: is this a stomach virus after all? There's no fever and he is teething terribly. Could it be teething? Ugg. I wish I knew. I just want to know if I need to keep him away from Ava. I hate not knowingChat Icon