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My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Last night, I was a big ol' mess in tears and feeling very sad that we had to be "one of THOSE couples" needing to see an RE. I constantly joke about needing the "jaws of life" to get me (my cervix) open, but my heart has been sinking to the pit of my stomach in anticipation of today's visit - what I considered the first "official" step in the wonderful world of infertility.
DH and I had a consultation with Dr. Rosenfeld at NSUH this morning. We basically told him our story. He listened and responded very kindly to every word we had with great sensitivity. After the initial consultation, he did an exam.
He said that my cervix was in fact VERY stenotic and that it would be virtually impossible to do an IUI or an HSG without some form of dilation. He did an internal sonogram and saw that I ovulated from my right side and it seemed to him that THAT part looked ok. I have a minor fibroid, but nothing that interfered with my ability to conceive and not worth removal. The issue is purely because of the conal procedure I had a few years back.
Dr. Rosenfeld ordered CD 3 blood work (to be done later this week as my period is due any time now). I was also given an RX for Fragile X as that hadn't been done when I had my genetic testing before we were married (all other genetic tests came back negative - I am not concerned)
Here is the beginning of my planned course of action:
On May 3, I have to go for what looks like a D&C according to this paper I have in front of me- it says Diagnostic Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy.
(Please forgive seemingly blase wording - it was very hard for me to absorb what he was saying and I asked him to repeat himself - DH still had to interpret for me - I have to take things in pieces)
Since he knows I had such a bad experience with the HSG, they will "kill two birds with one stone" and check my tubes at the same time. I will be knocked out under a general anesthetic and I have to take two days off from work to recover.
He does think that if the cervix stays open or even if he has to dilate again for an IUI, that IUI would pretty much be a slam dunk for us. He also said that IVF wouldn't work either if they cant get in - of course that makes sense. I guess we will know if we need it somewhere down the line, but right now, there is nothing that indicates we are candidates for it.
The doctor also wants me to start with the basal body temperature monitoring - UGH. I have to become a charter and temper. I know it will only help us in terms of diagnostics, but I guess it is something to get used to. He said he knows I ovulate, but he is using it for other purposes. Dr. Rosenfeld was very thorough and DH and I felt very comfortable with his competence.
Right now I am a little shell shocked. I wasn't prepared to require a procedure that will knock me out. I am not scared really, I just don't come out of anesthesia well AT ALL. Every time I have ever had it, I woke up nauseous and puked my guts out.
DH is being very strong as always, but I feel broken. I feel that we should be able to conceive with the intimacy of him, myself and G-d. Now it is the three of us and doctors and nurses and lab techs and secretaries and who knows who else. I suppose I could look at it in terms of G-d creating the science and scientists who will make this happen for us. But what hurts is that intimacy is out the window. There are many "what-ifs" left, but taking things one day at a time will surely get the best of me.
Thank you again so much for all of your advice and continued support. There is no way on this earth that without you all, I could make it through this process.
May we all be mothers ASAP
Posted 4/16/07 11:27 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Leslie - I don't know what to say... but I'm happy that you've been so proactive with this. Sounds like you are in good hands as well. You know I only wish for you (and all the other ladies and gents on this board).
Posted 4/16/07 11:32 AM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Posted by MrsRbk
Leslie - I don't know what to say... but I'm happy that you've been so proactive with this. Sounds like you are in good hands as well. You know I only wish for you (and all the other ladies and gents on this board).
Thanks! I really dont have much of a choice. Either I take care of my self this way, or I dont have kids. NOTHING is getting in there without assistance.
Posted 4/16/07 11:36 AM |
06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07 9537 total posts
Name: The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Leslie, I can only say that my heart and thoughts are with you. I hope that you are taking some comfort is having a plan of action. I also hope that while not what you wanted to do, your experience with Dr. Rosenfeld was not too unpleasant. From what I know, a D&C is not a diagnostic Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy. They are very different procedures.
Don't worry about BBT, it's not as bad as it sounds, and I personally find it very helpful and informative.
Good luck sweetie!! I'm pulling for you & DH.
Posted 4/16/07 11:36 AM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Posted by DancinBarefoot From what I know, a D&C is not a diagnostic Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy.
The title of the paper says "Diagnostic Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy" It describes the laparoscopy part and then the hysteroscopy procedure as follows(word for word):
"The hysteroscope, which is another small telescope, is then inserted therough the cervical canal after it has been dilated. The cavity is then examined in a similar fashion for any conditions that might be interfering with conception or impantation of the fertilized egg. A small histologic specimen is then obtained with the curette (D&C)"
It seems as if the procedure is at least similar. Whatever it is, it wont be fun.
Posted 4/16/07 11:54 AM |
Partners in crime

Member since 10/05 14656 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Leslie, this doctor sounds wonderful! I am keeping my fingers crossed that he will be able to help you and Ed conceive very quickly!
Posted 4/16/07 12:05 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Posted by Goldi0218
Posted by MrsRbk
Leslie - I don't know what to say... but I'm happy that you've been so proactive with this. Sounds like you are in good hands as well. You know I only wish for you (and all the other ladies and gents on this board).
Thanks! I really dont have much of a choice. Either I take care of my self this way, or I dont have kids. NOTHING is getting in there without assistance.
I think this is ALL positive. Look at it this way you could still be trying inseminations at your Dr's office and getting nowhere. Temping is VERY easy once you get the hang of it. Go out and buy yourself Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. Also get a VIP membership for fertilityfriend and use that to chart. It will give you patterns and DPO once you get going. Congratulations for taking that next step. don't worry about being put out. These guys/girls don't make the big bucks for no reason!
Posted 4/16/07 12:13 PM |
Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Well you did have a lot to absorb today, didn't you!
I'm so glad you're getting this show on the road, and it sounds like you went to a great place. Lots of girls on the board get pregnant by the doctors at NSUH.
And you are right, God did create the science and the scientists who were brilliant enough to figure out how to make babies, so as much as you wish it would happen "naturally," you are still doing the right thing!
It's great that you took this step and it sounds like the doctor is pretty positive about the situation.
Good luck to you!
Posted 4/16/07 12:28 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Posted by melijane don't worry about being put out.
Talk about a change of pace. 19 years ago, I almost "put out" for DH in a whole different way
Man, the flip flops between humor, sadness and terror are really screwing with my psyche.
Posted 4/16/07 12:37 PM |
The Merlster

Member since 10/06 2540 total posts
Name: Cathie
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Leslie, I just wanted to say that I think it is a great thing that you went to RE, I know it is hard to "accept" that you need help, but it is in the long run a good thing.
I used to see Rosenfeld before moving on to IVF. I LOVE him, he is very kind and knowledgable. He did my laparoscopy, D&C & tubal lavage. I was terrified of the anaesthesia - scared I would wake up during/wouldn't wake up after/ would throw up. I had a lovely Anaesthesiologist, she put something in the meds to stop the nausea, and I have to sasy honestly, when I came round Dr. Rosenfeld was there and the nurses were beyond lovely. I was a little bloated afterwards, with a couple of stitches in my belly button & bikini line. Have to say he did a much nicer job that my last laparoscopy that was done in UK.
It really wasn't an unpleasant experience, I mean it wouldn't be your top choice of a way to spend a morning, but really not so bad and they are all very sweet.
Rosenfeld went through everything with us afterwards and even showed us the video! So I now know exactly how my ovaries, tubes & uterus look form the inside! He was very thorough.
Good luck with it all, please try not to worry about it, you'll be fine
Posted 4/16/07 12:53 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
I already have 6 laparoscopic incisions from gastric bypass so whats one or two more! I guess this means I need to take out my belly ring indefinitely - eh I was shocked they could get around the scar tissue anyway.
I think my biggest fear is not knowing right now if they can get my cervix open enough to accept a catheter for an IUI. He seemed pretty confident that if it does open, that we would be excellent candidates for IUI which was my thought all along. But just as I didnt expect a cervical issue, I cannot plan on what they are going to find in 2 and a half weeks.
DH is a calm and even tempered guy - not someone who gets hyped up like me. Dr. Rosenfeld's temperament is very similar - no BS, very direct and very caring. I get the feeling that all they want to do is get people pregnant.
Message edited 4/16/2007 1:01:35 PM.
Posted 4/16/07 1:01 PM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
I'm sorry you had all this to take in at once, but answers mean progress. You're one step closer to be a Mommy!
Posted 4/16/07 1:33 PM |
Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05 4919 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Posted by SweetCaroline
I'm sorry you had all this to take in at once, but answers mean progress. You're one step closer to be a Mommy!
I couldn't agree with this more. I know it's a lot to take in, but you are on your way!
Posted 4/16/07 1:37 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1686 total posts
Name: jan
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
I'm happy you had a good visit with your RE. It sounds like your on your way to a healthy pregnancy. I know this is a lot to take it but your closer to your BFP.
Posted 4/16/07 1:44 PM |
C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05 5914 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
I know it can be overwhelming, but at least you have a plan now! At times it can seem so unpersonal and not natural, but it is the end result that matters, not how you got there! Hang in there!
Posted 4/16/07 2:53 PM |
Baby girls & beagles rock!

Member since 8/06 10356 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Woah.. lots of info huh?
I am so hoping this will be fixable and that you will get your BFP asap.
I told you we shall share.. Ill borrow your ovaries and you borrow my cervix...
Im sure I will talk to you shortly..
Posted 4/16/07 4:16 PM |
Time for me to FLY!

Member since 5/05 13199 total posts
Name: Did I ever tell you that I hate people?
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Good luck Leslie
Posted 4/16/07 4:25 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/05 325 total posts
Name: Rosanna
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Good luck
Posted 4/16/07 4:36 PM |
Welcome to the World!
Member since 5/05 6747 total posts
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Leslie, reading your post broke my heart because I could feel your pain. But, it does seem like you are in good hands. As for the procedures, after the pain I experienced I wish I was under anestia. You will be fine! Good Luck to you!
Posted 4/16/07 4:56 PM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
What a visit this morning! I am hopeful that Dr. Rosenfeld will be one of G-d's instruments to assist you on your way to being a Mommy!
If you'd like, you can have my copy of the bood TCOYF. I can give it to you along with the poem
Posted 4/16/07 6:35 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Thanks! I actually already have a copy of TCOYF that I read in my first month of TTC and never picked up again. I think I shall pick it up now!
Posted 4/16/07 6:37 PM |
We like hanging together!

Member since 5/05 5475 total posts
Name: Mommy to twins
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
As a fellow patient of NSUH you are in excellent hands!!!!
Good luck on your journey to getting your BFP!!!
Posted 4/16/07 7:04 PM |
Best Friends

Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
I am really glad the visit went well. It sounds like you got a lot of info!!!! Hopefully your BFP will be coming up soon.
Posted 4/16/07 7:41 PM |
Texting king

Member since 10/05 5289 total posts
Name: Suzy
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Wow, that was a lot of info you got today.
Just take one step at a time. You really do seem to have a great attitude about it all, and it really does help.
The best of luck to you!!
Posted 4/16/07 9:28 PM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: Today's RE visit - with a plan of action.(LONG)
Good Luck!
Posted 4/16/07 9:29 PM |
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