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toddler moms - btdt moms - help!

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Member since 5/05

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toddler moms - btdt moms - help!

WOw - it's been a rough week over here. Talia has this little frog rattle she MUST have to sleep. She puts one of the frogs arms in her mouth (like a paci I guess). Again, she MUST have it to go to sleep.

Well...Last wednesday my inlaws dog was over - and you guessed it, she ATE the arm right off the frog.


So I have another new frog - which I gave I put her to sleep with the old one armed frog and the new one. Needless to say - she is now attached to both of them (which is fine) and not putting either of them in her mouth (which is MORE than fine!) BUUUT.....
here is where the trouble starts...I *think* she is having a hard time soothing herself at times. Moments where she would suck on her frog have become stressful for her and I *think* she is having temper tantrums about it.

The thing is they are dramatic (although short) and they are always in the middle of the night or first thing in the am (5am this morning to be exact).

Since she never really had tantrums before I am having a hard time convincing myself that is all it is - and not that something else is wrong (esp. because she was really sick this past weekend).

SOOOO - long story longer :) can someone tell me what a full blown real life temper tantrum is I can get an idea if her behavior is normal. TIA!! Chat Icon

Posted 4/17/07 3:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05

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Re: toddler moms - btdt moms - help!

I would say her behavior is normal. I know when we got rid of the pacifier, Joseph was a madman during the times he would normally use it (mainly bedtime).

Honestly, I'd take both frogs away if it was me. It's a battle for another day but the older she is the harder it's going to be.

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Posted 4/17/07 3:57 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: toddler moms - btdt moms - help!

Hmmmm.... we're talking full-blown temper tantrum in the middle of the night, in their crib? Yeah, we have those. All the time.

She'll start by whining. She'll sit up, whine, fall back down. She'll do that for about 5 minutes. Then, she'll sit up, and start crying. Then, if no one comes to get her, she'll stand up, start shaking her crib railing, or pound her little fists on it, scream at the top of her lungs, and turn as bright red as a tomato. This will continue for 2-3 minutes, but usually she'll either find her paci at that point, or just drop down and fall asleep again.

Her new favorite is to call out "mooooooooommmmmmmmy" as she's shaking the railing. And, last night, in the throes of a temper tantrum, she knocked her little head against the crib, poor thing Chat Icon

Posted 4/17/07 4:57 PM

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