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toddler moms - thoughts on preschool 5 days?

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My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


toddler moms - thoughts on preschool 5 days?

Talia had a REALLY hard time adjusting to school...finally about 4 weeks ago she decided she LOVES it. Every day she asks me if we are going to school today.

Right now she is going MWF - but I am thinking about putting her in 5 days starting in Jan.

I feel a little guilt since I am a SAHM but my husband is supportive of it and thinks that if she WANTS to go why stop her? Not to mention that I think school is GOOD for her. She is a very "spirited" (Bxgells word!!) child and the discipline and structure and ROUTINE is something she enjoys.

If I do put her in 5 days I can still take her out a day here and there to do my own thing with her (playdates or museums - whatever).

Am I being stupid for feeling guilty? is there any other reason NOT to put her in school 5 days???

Posted 12/10/07 1:06 PM
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Re: toddler moms - thoughts on preschool 5 days?

That's wonderful that she adjusted so well to it!
I take DD to a partial seperation class and guess who STILL hasn't been able to leave the room b/c their child has a FIT? Me. I wish more than anything that she would get used to it and enjoy class without me being there.
That being said, I think sending her 5 days a week is fine! Especially if you and your DH are okay with it and feel that she really thrives there. I find that at this age, it's sooo hard to entertain/teach them at home so if she really loves going to school, send her.
Good luck with whatever you decide! Sounds like she's doing great! Chat Icon

Posted 12/10/07 1:13 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: toddler moms - thoughts on preschool 5 days?

Nope, I totally see where you are coming from. My son started nursery school in Sept, M-W-F, from 9-12. We started him off slow, since it was his first time away from being with me and we didn't know how he was going to like it. Well, he loves it! We are definitely thinking of upping him to 5 days a week, or maybe even full days on the days he goes. I am also a SAHM, but I do have a younger DD. I think school is great for him and I have to wait and see as there is a waiting list on the days we want to continue him!

Posted 12/10/07 1:26 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: toddler moms - thoughts on preschool 5 days?

go for it I think it's a great idea. She is a smart little girl and she probably loves the stimulation! As a early childhood teacher I think it's wonderful.

Antonio is going full time in September I am so excited for him. What better than to be around chidren his age learning and playing!

Message edited 12/10/2007 1:30:40 PM.

Posted 12/10/07 1:30 PM


Member since 2/06

1827 total posts


Re: toddler moms - thoughts on preschool 5 days?

My DS goes to a toddler program for two full days a week (9-4:30). In the beginning, I felt guilty sending him because I'm a SAHM. But we had just moved out of state and I knew no one. In addition, I had baby#2 was extremely overwhelmed. Sending him has been the best decision I made. I feel that I have more patience with him and he listens better. He was in need of the routine and scheduling school provides. My son loves his program so much that I'm thinking about sending him for another day. He has learned so much since starting that I'm amazed more and more each day.

If she is enjoying it then you should send her for the extra two days. You can always cut back later if it becomes too much.

Posted 12/10/07 1:31 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: toddler moms - thoughts on preschool 5 days?

If she loves it, 5 days a week sounds good to me. My DD is 3 and goes 3 days. Next year I'll send her for 5 days. If they gave us the ability to switch her to 5 days in January, I'd do it bc she also loves it. You're right, you can easily keep her home if it's a snowy day and you want to have a pajama day or to go out somewhere. If the price difference isn't a factor for you, I say go for it.

Posted 12/10/07 10:59 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: toddler moms - thoughts on preschool 5 days?

I am SO glad to hear she loves it now! It really does take them quite a while to settle in.
I say go for it!

Posted 12/10/07 11:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: toddler moms - thoughts on preschool 5 days?

At Sarah's school the kids do the same things MWF and TuTH so the 1 kid who goes 5 days in the 2 year old class repeats everything, which seems like a huge waste of money to me.

The 3 year old class has a 5 day program in place.

Posted 12/10/07 11:04 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: toddler moms - thoughts on preschool 5 days?

Well, if she loves it, I think its a great idea. Why not try it for a few weeks and see how it goes.

Enjoy the you time while she is at school, it sounds like you need it.

Posted 12/11/07 3:56 AM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: toddler moms - thoughts on preschool 5 days?

we are going to do a test run next week - Thanks y'all - I feel better :)

Posted 12/11/07 7:17 AM

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