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How many kids would you want/planning to have?

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talk to the hand

Member since 5/05

1436 total posts


How many kids would you want/planning to have?

and have you and your SO talk about this before marriage?

FH and I both agree we definitely want two kids, but we wouldn't mind having a 3rd one down the road.. however, 3 would be our absolute limit...

we aren't planning to have them for at least 1-2 yrs.. but with almost everyone around us being pregnant, it's hard not to be in a babyish mood Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 2:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

We've talked about this alot. I would like 3. DH wants 2.

Posted 3/13/06 2:06 PM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

we both wanted two. and we have two. so we are doneChat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 2:07 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

2 or 3

Posted 3/13/06 2:07 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

Before we got married we agreed that we weren't sure if we even wanted kids at all.

<<-----Then came our HM baby. Chat Icon

The week I got home from the I was lying in bed, still in pain from my c/s DH says "We HAVE to have another one". Chat Icon

I'm still on the fence but DH is pretty certain he wants one more. There's a good chance we'll have one more, just not for awhile.

Posted 3/13/06 2:11 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

Posted by hmpena

We've talked about this alot. I would like 3. DH wants 2.

same here

Posted 3/13/06 2:12 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

2 or 3

Posted 3/13/06 2:13 PM

I'm a mommy :)

Member since 1/06

7322 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

Anthony wants even numbers so 2 or 4 for him. I don't think we would be financially capable of ever having 4 so 2 is fine with me. Two kids is easier to put through college and give them a wedding.

Posted 3/13/06 2:16 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

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Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

I told DH, let me get through pregnancy #1 and then we'll talk! Chat Icon Chat Icon

We want to wait until next year to TTC, but neither one of us are spring chickens!

Posted 3/13/06 2:17 PM

talk to the hand

Member since 5/05

1436 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

Posted by BabyAvocado

<<-----Then came our HM baby. Chat Icon

I can't think of a better souvenir to bring home from your HM Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 2:18 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

Posted by PiyoPika566

Posted by BabyAvocado

<<-----Then came our HM baby. Chat Icon

I can't think of a better souvenir to bring home from your HM Chat Icon

Very true. Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 2:29 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

Yes, we discussed this at length before getting married. We both want two, however, I said let's wait and see how we feel after oneChat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 2:29 PM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Member since 5/05

1663 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

DH and I agree that we will have 1 more, in a perfect world we would love to have 2 more but it is way too expensive today and we want to be able to go on vacations and have the exta's that I never had when I grew up.

Posted 3/13/06 2:30 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

We have 1 girl who is 6. I don't want anymore kids & DH does. This is an issue for us now. He respects my wishes but I know he would love to have another baby. Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 2:33 PM

talk to the hand

Member since 5/05

1436 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

Posted by LadyLainez

We have 1 girl who is 6. I don't want anymore kids & DH does. This is an issue for us now. He respects my wishes but I know he would love to have another baby. Chat Icon

I personally feel one of the best gift you can give your child is a sibling. I can't imagine my life without my brother, I don't know how I made it through those 2 1/2 yrs before he was born
Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 2:38 PM


Member since 2/06

2984 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

We have talked about it at length and definitely want two kids. I want a third, he is on the fence. Of course, I may be too after the first 2 kids come, so we will see what happens. I'll take whatever God gives me though.

Posted 3/13/06 2:38 PM


Member since 5/05

3664 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

Both me and my wife agree. One child.

More than one means more financial responsibility. I would rather make sure we are financially set with one child... rather than hoping we can survive with two.

Posted 3/13/06 2:42 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

Two. No more than that, we couldn't afford it.

Posted 3/13/06 3:04 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

I personally feel one of the best gift you can give your child is a sibling. I can't imagine my life without my brother, I don't know how I made it through those 2 1/2 yrs before he was born
Chat Icon

I have spoken to a few poeple about being an "only child" and I have gotten both negative & postitve responses. This is a very touchy subject w/ DH & I. Marissa has never asked for a sibling, but she is still young.

Posted 3/13/06 3:10 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

we talked about it a lot before we got married. We both want (wanted) a large family, so we started trying right away. Now we are glad we did as we are facing infertility problems we didnt expect. We decided if we are blesssed to have a child, we will keep trying and take as many as god wants to give us...thinking that its not likely in the end we would end up with more then one or two since we need to have treatments in order to get PG.

Posted 3/13/06 3:12 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

Two, a girl first, then a boy 2 1/2 years later. That's "the plan" at least, we'll see what God says!

Posted 3/13/06 3:14 PM

My twins are one!!!

Member since 5/05

2540 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

We talked about two before we got married.. but now we aren't so sure, we think one might be if for us.

Posted 3/13/06 3:17 PM

talk to the hand

Member since 5/05

1436 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

Posted by LadyLainez

I personally feel one of the best gift you can give your child is a sibling. I can't imagine my life without my brother, I don't know how I made it through those 2 1/2 yrs before he was born
Chat Icon

I have spoken to a few poeple about being an "only child" and I have gotten both negative & postitve responses. This is a very touchy subject w/ DH & I. Marissa has never asked for a sibling, but she is still young.

it is a very personal decision.. one of my friend is an only child, and she never regret not having a sibling.
My cousin was an only child untill he was 17, then my aunt had my baby girl cousin, he is just in love with his little sister. Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 3:19 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

We both agreed that we want three.

Posted 3/13/06 3:21 PM

How did you get blue eyes?

Member since 11/05

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LC's Mommy

Re: How many kids would you want/planning to have?

We both want 2.

Posted 3/13/06 3:32 PM
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