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jury duty question

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Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

jury duty question

i just received a questionaire in the mail, not the card that says i have to start calling. now i am a sahm to my kids, age 1 and 3. could i send in their birth certificate inorder to be excused for a couple of years?? anyone ever been in this situation?? tia.

Posted 5/3/06 3:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: jury duty question

I don't think you need to send in their birth certificates, but as long as you don't work, or work less than 20 hours a week you'd be excused.

Posted 5/3/06 3:19 PM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: jury duty question

no i dont work, ok. thanks. lets hope it works. i wouldnt mind serving jury duty, i have done it in the past, that was before being a mom. and everyone i know works, my mil is undergoing chemo and my mom is deceased. thanks again.

Posted 5/3/06 3:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: jury duty question

No one is exempt anymore. Even the lawyers said when I went that they got a letter and had to show up. Even a judge got picked!
You can ask for an extension and hope you don't get picked!

Posted 5/3/06 3:26 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: jury duty question

The questionaire means nothing. Just send it back in and answer the questions. Any additional information you put in there to try and get you out of service is ignored. It's just a basic qualifier.

IF and WHEN you get a summons THEN you can try and get a postponement.

Posted 5/3/06 3:49 PM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: jury duty question

I was summoned 2 days before I gave birth Chat Icon

Posted 5/3/06 3:54 PM

The man of my dreams...

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Re: jury duty question

Actually, they do need the BC. I'm a BF'ing SAHM and I was summoned so when I called they said to send in a brief letter w/ his BC and I'd be excused. And I wasChat Icon

Posted 5/3/06 5:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: jury duty question

I got one of these during the week didnt look very official to meChat Icon so I was just going to chuck in in the bin...Do I HAVE to return it?


Posted 5/3/06 5:09 PM

Big sister to be!

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Re: jury duty question

Posted by beachgirl

I got one of these during the week didnt look very official to meChat Icon so I was just going to chuck in in the bin...Do I HAVE to return it?


I'm lurking on this board, but should jump in here...DONT throw it out. I made that mistake 2X (the questionaire and the follow up questionaire) and ended up being suppeonaed to show up in court and explain why I didn't fill it out.
You can do it online - it's really easy!

Posted 5/3/06 5:16 PM

Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

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Re: jury duty question

When my youngest was about 5, I received a jury questionaire to fill out. I filled it out and informed them that I would be happy to serve, but, that, I would have to bring my daughter with me since I was a stay-at-home mom and did not have anyone who could take care of her. Didn't hear from them until she was in high school. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/3/06 6:19 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: jury duty question

Posted by Maathy317

When my youngest was about 5, I received a jury questionaire to fill out. I filled it out and informed them that I would be happy to serve, but, that, I would have to bring my daughter with me since I was a stay-at-home mom and did not have anyone who could take care of her. Didn't hear from them until she was in high school. Chat Icon Chat Icon

That is great!! I know now that they don't do that anymore. Everyone is eligible. You can postpone but you can't get out of it if you stay at home.

Posted 5/3/06 7:15 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: jury duty question

I just sent in their Birth certificates and said I was a SAHM and have nobody else to watch them...
I was excused..

Posted 5/3/06 7:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

13060 total posts


Re: jury duty question

Posted by IslandGrl

I just sent in their Birth certificates and said I was a SAHM and have nobody else to watch them...
I was excused..

That's great. They told me at Jury Duty that day that no one is excused anymore. You got lucky!!

Posted 5/3/06 7:35 PM


Member since 7/05

9662 total posts

Mrs. Honeybee

Re: jury duty question

Posted by hazeleyes33

No one is exempt anymore. Even the lawyers said when I went that they got a letter and had to show up. Even a judge got picked!
You can ask for an extension and hope you don't get picked!

if i get called, and they dont except the birth certificates of my children then i will literally have to bring them with me. i have noone else to watch them. thats just crazy. i guess i will have to submit paper work showing everyone in my family works, or has passed away. thats really great. i think i read the only exemption if for people over the age of 75.

Posted 5/3/06 7:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: jury duty question

Posted by twobabies

Posted by hazeleyes33

No one is exempt anymore. Even the lawyers said when I went that they got a letter and had to show up. Even a judge got picked!
You can ask for an extension and hope you don't get picked!

if i get called, and they dont except the birth certificates of my children then i will literally have to bring them with me. i have noone else to watch them. thats just crazy. i guess i will have to submit paper work showing everyone in my family works, or has passed away. thats really great. i think i read the only exemption if for people over the age of 75.

I just heard from the lawyers that day was that no one is exempt anymore. It does not mean you won't get picked (especially if you are a lawyer or judge) but they want you to show up. I saw a few people talking to the women at the counter and rescheduling so maybe they can do something if you have no place for your children. I don't know though.

Posted 5/3/06 8:42 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: jury duty question

Once again, the questionaire doesn't mean anything and any excuses you put on there will be ignored. After you return the questionaire you could be summoned next month or months from now or not at all. They are just qualifying you to be a juror.

Returning the questionaire does NOT raise your chances of getting summoned for actual jury service. NOT returning the questionaire will get you another, then another, then a subpoena to appear in court.

Save the excuses (and birth certificates) for THE JUROR SUMMONS if you ever get one. And you can postpone once for pretty much any reason at all. And if you are a SAHM with no one else to care for your child, you can provide a BC and your service may be postponed. Not exempt. Postponed.

TRUST ME on this. Chat Icon

Jury Service Info

Message edited 5/3/2006 8:59:17 PM.

Posted 5/3/06 8:55 PM


Member since 11/05

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does it matter

Re: jury duty question

I just got a jury summons and wrote a letter explaining why I could not serve along with copies of my 2 children's birth certificates

Posted 5/3/06 8:57 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: jury duty question

Posted by jcndd

Actually, they do need the BC. I'm a BF'ing SAHM and I was summoned so when I called they said to send in a brief letter w/ his BC and I'd be excused. And I wasChat Icon

That's because you got a SUMMONS not a questionaire. Chat Icon

Posted 5/3/06 9:02 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: jury duty question

It is true that no one is "exempt" anymore. However, you can get postponements. Postponements can last anywhere from a few months to a few years.

Posted 5/3/06 9:05 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: jury duty question

Sorry, I wasnt talking about a questionaire, I got summons to go to jury duty.. Thats what I was talking about

Posted 5/3/06 9:18 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: jury duty question

I guess I got lucky getting an exemption.. I would have no clue what I would of done.. I dont have anyone to leave them with..

I beleive on the back of the summons it did say that if you are the only caretaker of your children you are excused...
I cant remember how they word it

Posted 5/3/06 9:20 PM

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Member since 3/06

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Re: jury duty question

Posted by octoberbride

Posted by beachgirl

I got one of these during the week didnt look very official to meChat Icon so I was just going to chuck in in the bin...Do I HAVE to return it?


I'm lurking on this board, but should jump in here...DONT throw it out. I made that mistake 2X (the questionaire and the follow up questionaire) and ended up being suppeonaed to show up in court and explain why I didn't fill it out.
You can do it online - it's really easy!

Me too! But mine was because the same week I got a questionaire I also received a summons so I thought the questionaire was a mistake until I got supeonaded!!!!!!

For the summons I sent in DS's BC and a letter saying I was on maternity leave with a newborn and I was excused.

Posted 5/3/06 9:51 PM

Making big changes

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Re: jury duty question

Posted by BabyAvocado

The questionaire means nothing. Just send it back in and answer the questions. Any additional information you put in there to try and get you out of service is ignored. It's just a basic qualifier.

IF and WHEN you get a summons THEN you can try and get a postponement.

Exactly. Unfortunately, shortly after I filled out the questionnaire, I received my notice, so don't be too surprised if receive one soon. I got a postponement. I'm the only one who can watch Christopher during the day. DH and both sets of Grandparents work full-time during the day.

Posted 5/3/06 9:55 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: jury duty question

I got a summons for jury duty, and yes, if you send in a letter explaining you are the caregiver for your child along with why you can't serve in addition to their birth certificates, you will be granted a 2 year hiatus. That is what I did last summer.

Beware and save all copies of what you send. I sent in all my stuff and then 3 months later I got another summons to report to duty (not even call, to report because I was a delinquent juror the first time!). When I called they said they never got my paperwork, which was bull because I sent it certified mail, return receipt and I told them exactly who signed for it and when, so they said to send it in again and then they called and said they got it and I was good for 2 more years.

Posted 5/3/06 11:26 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

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Re: jury duty question

Once you get a summons you can postpone your service if you are a SAHM with children under a certain age.

Posted 5/4/06 11:05 AM
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