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Transition to sleeping in crib

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Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Transition to sleeping in crib

DD is 8 weeks old. She has been sleeping in her PNP in our room next to my side of the bed. I rush to sooth her numerous times throughout the night. She is pretty much down to waking once around 3 for a bottle and in the mornings when she gets fussy we bring her into bed for an hour or 2. (I know that needs to stop).

My goal is by 12 weeks to get her sleeping in her own room/crib. Tips and suggestions?

Also, how do you handle the child who fusses when the nuk falls out of their mouths? As of now, I am there to put it right back in. I do not feel like running across the hall in the middle of the night though.

Am I in for it? The first few nights are going to be hard aren't they? I am hoping I am starting early enough before too many bad habits are fully formed. Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/08 8:02 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 10/06

4563 total posts


Re: Transition to sleeping in crib

honestly- i just decided to put her in one night at 6 wks old-just did it like that and it was totally fine. she slept fine. i was surprised b/c i set myself up for this horrible transition and nothing happened! i slept better with her in her own space b/c i was too jittery with her in my room. i am glad i did it early b/c i think she was too young at the time to be fussy about where she slept.
now at 16 months getting her to sleep in a PNP is almost impossible! Chat Icon
oh as for the binky-that is tough i know. DD would mostly sleep w/o it once she was really asleep. there were nights i had to go in and put it back in. once she was older, like 5 months i stopped going in at all for that and she eventually learned to find it herself. we have 4 binkys in there now!

Posted 10/25/08 8:14 AM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: Transition to sleeping in crib

We put DS in his crib at 7 weeks and had no problems. We slept better and so did he. We both weren't waking each other up.

As for the pacifier thing, I have no idea. DS never took one.

Posted 10/25/08 8:26 AM

Love my Jules :)

Member since 1/07

2056 total posts


Re: Transition to sleeping in crib

I felt the same way and transitioned DD to the crib, but earlier at 2 or 3 weeks. I don't think she noticed the difference and she hated the bassinet (I think the mattress was awful).

As for the binky, ah that is my life!!! But I have to say the difference from 8-12 weeks was huge!! She now holds it in sooo much better. I am in there around 2-3 times, mostly at the beginning of the night and then once around 4 to put it back in.

I am glad to hear a previous poster say at that at 5 months they can put it back in themselves Chat Icon Chat Icon

Good luck!

Posted 10/25/08 9:15 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1247 total posts


Re: Transition to sleeping in crib

We put DS in the crib around 8 weeks, because he was just getting too big for the bassinet. When I knew we were going to start, a few days before, I would put him in the crib for a little while if I needed to do things in his room. Then I had him take a few naps in there. Basically, so he knew this was the new place you will be sleeping. The transition was fine.

Posted 10/25/08 9:22 AM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: Transition to sleeping in crib

OK, wellI hope it's as easy for us as it was for you guys. Thanks Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/08 3:23 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: Transition to sleeping in crib

DD is 7 weeks and I've started to nap her in her crib...some nights I will put her down in her crib, but then bring her in our room and put her in the bassinet.

I def want her to be in her crib by 12 weeks full time.

Posted 10/25/08 3:27 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

4313 total posts


Re: Transition to sleeping in crib

At about 6 or 7 weeks we knew we had to start transitioning DD to the crib because she was getting too big for the bassinette. So we started having her nap in the crib to get used to it. At 8 weeks we put her in for the night. I was up all night, but she was fine. As for th binky, I'm sorry I don't have any advice. I was the bad mommy who always got up and gave it back.

Good Luck!

Posted 10/25/08 3:49 PM

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